Read Books Novel

On One Condition

“Even though you wish you had someone to buy you things today?”

“I don’t. But when everywhere you turn, you see happy smiling couples shoved in your face, the day kind of sucks.”

“I see. So, since you hate today, you went out drinking to celebrate hating it. The night before the actual day.”

“Yeah. We had to be here tonight, for the auction.” She shrugged. “I had a bunch of drinks, got a little sloppy, and in came…you.”

Thank god, the waiter. Johanna was saved—or so she thought. Damon’s grin widened, and he held up a finger to hold the waiter at bay.

“What happened when I came in?”

“I think you remember,” she snapped. She gestured to the waiter. “Shouldn’t we order? He looks like he might cry. Or spit in our food. Neither one sounds appealing.”

“I’m more interested in learning about you,” Damon answered. He met the server’s eyes across the room, inclining his head. “But if you insist.” When the waiter reached their table, Damon said, “We’ll both take the filet mignon and potatoes. Salad with house dressing is fine.”

The waiter bustled off and Johanna leveled a look on Damon. “I’m a vegetarian.”

“Oh. I’ll call him back.” Damon began to rise.

Johanna laughed. “I was teasing.”

“Hm.” He sipped his wine, his eyes not leaving hers.

“So…I came in.”

“Huh?” Sara was trying to mouth something across the room to Johanna, but she couldn’t make out a damn thing.

She never could figure out how people did the “read my lips”

crap. “What’s that?”

“We were discussing last night. We left off where I came into the pub.”

“It’s not a pub. It’s a club. Big difference.”

Damon shrugged, biting his lower lip. “If you say so.”

“I do.” She toyed with her napkin. “You came in, I was drunk, and I did stuff I wouldn’t normally do. End of story.”

“I was drunk, too. But I’d still like to get to know you better.”

He reached out and clasped her shoulder. His warm fingers on her bare skin sent shivers down her spine and made her breaths quicken. She might not recall much of last night, but her body definitely remembered his touch.

“Is that so horrible?” he asked.

“I don’t know if I can,” she said. “I’m ashamed of my behavior last night. I’m not sure I can look you in the eye.

I know a lot of people meet up in bars and have sex, but I don’t. It’s not me.”

“Me neither. So, we go back to the beginning. Get to know each other. Slowly.” He caressed her shoulder one last time before he leaned back. “What do you think?”

She thought she’d like to kiss him. Maybe the taste of him would help her remember last night. “I’ll think about the possibility, my lord.”

He sighed. “Just call me Damon. When you say ‘my lord,’ you bring back memories of last night.”

“Damon, then. If we’re gonna start over, no more talking about last night.” She fought back a smile. “Ever.”

Groaning, Damon sank back in his chair. “That’s tough.

I happen to have very fond memories from last night. You expect me to forget them?”

Johanna rolled her eyes. “Do it.”

“I’ll agree not to mention it. But I won’t forget. It’s not possible.” His gaze drifted over her, caressing her with an intimacy that left her mouth dry. “So, tell me about yourself.”

What the hell was she supposed to say to someone like him? “Well, I’m twenty-six. Never been married. No kids.

Work in an elementary school as a kindergarten teacher.”

“Sounds fascinating.” Oddly enough, he sounded sincere.

“How long have you been a teacher?”

“Three years now.”

“So you’ve been doing this charity event for three years?”

She blushed. “Yeah. We do the event for the kids. If you’re married, you get out of it. But otherwise…”

His eyes darkened. “Married? You get to avoid this if you’re married?”

“Um, yes.”

“I see. Interesting.” His eyes held a far off look, as if he wasn’t really paying attention to her. When he simply stared off into the distance for a good minute or so, she craned her neck to see if he saw something she did not.

Following the line of his gaze, she discovered he stared at…the wall. Okay, nothing exciting there. Confused, she cleared her throat and waved a hand in front of his eyes.

“Hello, earth to Damon.” His gaze finally returned to her, and she drew back at the determination and intensity in his eyes. Tugging on her uneven dress, she asked, “Uh, are you okay?”

He nodded briskly, rising to his feet. “I have something to ask you. Don’t freak out.”


Never dropping his gaze from hers, he lowered himself to one knee. “Johanna, will you marry me?”

Chapter Three

The world stopped. So did everyone around them, and Johanna felt every eye burning into her. She stared at Damon, trembling.

“Stop it,” she hissed, and grabbed his elbow. He remained firmly planted on one knee. Her blush crept down, burning her neck, and she bent low. “I’m serious. You may think you’re funny, but I don’t.”

“I’m not kidding. Marry me.” His hand rested over his heart.

“Oh, for the love of…” She snatched up her coat and purse and stalked away without a backward glance. How dare he embarrass her like that?

She despised being the center of attention—and in the midst of a fake proposal, no less.

Footsteps thudded behind her, heavy and fast. She knew, without turning, that it was him. She quickened her stride, only to stumble in her damn heels.

“Johanna, wait!” he called out. His voice grew louder as his longer legs overtook her. “You have to listen to me.”

She pushed through the doors leading outside. “I don’t have to do anything,” she managed to gasp out between gulps of air.

“Please,” he said. “Give me a chance to explain.”

Her hands trembled when she wiped them on her coat.

“Are you telling me this isn’t some sick joke? You’re actually serious?”

