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On the Record

On the Record (Record #2)(43)
Author: K.A. Linde

His lips touched her most sensitive skin, and he chuckled at her sharp intake of breath. He brought his fingers up and ran them gently across her folds. She shuddered as he eased her open before quickly retreating.

“Now who’s the tease?” she managed to get out.

He smiled up at her and gave her another kiss before standing. “That would be me. Now go get dressed.”

Liz stuck her bottom lip out. “Really? Now that I’m all riled up?”

Hayden pulled her close again and melded their lips together. His tongue ran along her lip, entering her mouth when she moaned, and met hers. “I promise to make up for it when we get back.”

“The anticipation is going to kill me.”

“It will be worth it.”

Liz sighed through her sexual frustration and turned to change. It wasn’t as if she and Hayden hadn’t had sex the night before . . . or the night before that, but a part of her just wanted him to grab her, throw her over the bed, and take her. Not that she needed that by any means. They had amazing sex. It was just different, emotional rather than primal.

She slid into a hot-pink bathing suit and threw an oversize white eyelet tank on top, and then followed Hayden out of their hotel room. They took the elevator to the bottom floor and veered through the lobby to the back entrance. They trekked through the sand to a small white catamaran docked near the resort. Six or seven other people were already on deck, beers in hand, music playing through the speakers.

“Oh my God,” Liz whispered into the breeze.

“Do you like it?”

“It’s a great surprise!”

“This is only part of it,” he said, taking her hand and helping her onto the boat. “Wait until you see what else I have in store.”

Liz’s eyes lit up as she stared at the man before her. Damn, did he love her. And she could see reflected back in his eyes that the only thing he wanted in this moment was for her to be happy. He made her happy.

Once Hayden hopped on board, they were promptly greeted by the catamaran tour captain. All food and beverages were included and they were strictly ordered to enjoy themselves.

With drinks in hand, they found an open spot at the front of the catamaran just as they set sail. Their guide sailed them around the North Shore, which, unlike Honolulu, was mostly gorgeous natural habitat and known for bigger waves and isolated alcoves that had been featured in Hollywood films such as Blue Crush and the television show Lost. Liz stripped her tank off and let the rays sink into her skin. Hayden stretched out next to her and they spent the majority of the afternoon enjoying each other’s company and the beautiful natural seascape before them.

“And this is where we’re going to be stopping for a couple hours,” the captain announced.

He turned the boat into a small private lagoon obscured from the rest of the island by cliffs on one side. The water was crystal clear blue, and a white sandy beach was visible on the coast.

“This area is only for tour participants, so you shouldn’t be bothered by a constant stream of tourists. If you got the snorkeling package, see me after we dock and I’ll explain everything you need to know.”

The captain docked the boat and helped the passengers out, where they were immediately greeted by Hawaiian women in traditional grass skirts, bra tops, and multicolored leis. Liz moved to follow the rest of the partiers, but Hayden stopped her.

“I got us snorkeling gear. I wasn’t sure if you would be into it, but I read about some amazing caverns and even a small waterfall in the area. I’d love to check it out with you,” he said.

“I love snorkeling. You think there’s an actual waterfall nearby?” she asked excitedly.

“In fact, there is,” the captain said when he walked up to them. “I can give you two directions to get there. Just off of one of these cliffs. Beautiful sight. Just let me get you through the safety guidelines and you’ll be free to go.”

The captain instructed them on how to use the equipment, which was pretty self-explanatory, all things considered, and then explained where they could and couldn’t go.

“Have a good time,” he said with a wave as he walked back over to his seat. “I have to pick up the next tour. I’ll be back to get you all in a few hours!”

They grabbed their snorkeling equipment and exited the catamaran right before it set sail. After they found a place to leave their stuff, they headed back out into the warm water with their flippers and masks in place. Liz simply couldn’t get over how clear the water was and how much marine life was in the little lagoon. She had a mini panic attack thinking that she might see sharks, but Hayden just laughed at her and told her that he would protect her. Luckily, they didn’t see any.

Hayden gestured for Liz to follow him as they swam in the direction that the captain had instructed to see the waterfall. They rounded a corner into a small closed cavern. After overcoming a momentary panic from closed-in spaces, Liz followed Hayden at an easy pace through the cavern until it opened up to an even smaller lagoon with a waterfall. It was surrounded on three sides by the cliff and then one side had a flat area, which it looked like people over the years had used to rest.

They swam over there and Hayden helped Liz out of the water. She pulled off her flippers, tossed her mask to the side, and lay back in the most stunning natural environment she had ever encountered.

“Now, this is a surprise,” she murmured.

Her eyes drifted from the waterfall to her boyfriend standing shirtless over her. He ran his hand back through his wet hair. His biceps were defined as he held his arms over his head, and she could make out each line in his abdomen as the water ran down his body. His little tease from earlier came back to her in full force, and she felt her body warming just from looking at him.

“I thought you would like it,” Hayden said, sinking into the space next to her.

Liz nuzzled into his chest and slid her hand down the slick surface. “About you making it up to me,” she whispered huskily.

Hayden laughed deep in his throat. “Is that where your mind is?” His hand trailed the length of her body.

“Is that not where your mind is?”

“Oh, it is,” he said, rolling over on top of her and pinning her back against the ground.

As he pressed his body down against her, she felt him stiffen through the thin material of his swim trunks. His mouth crashed down on top of hers with none of the hesitancy that he usually exhibited. They were alone in their own world out here, and the exhilaration of being out in the open like this fueled their passion.
