Read Books Novel

On the Record

On the Record (Record #2)(60)
Author: K.A. Linde

“You left? But why?”

“I didn’t think he’d choose me over the campaign and I didn’t want him to. I believe in him and I wanted him to pursue his dreams, but after I saw him, he told me that he was as much of a wreck as I was after the split,” Liz said, her hands shaking as she finally spilled everything to her best friend.

“Oh my God, then go to him!”

“It’s complicated. He’s dating someone. I’m with Hayden. Brady closed that door, Vic. He told me that he didn’t even want to be a memory to me anymore. I hurt him past the point of recovery and I was too much of a coward to tell Hayden. And ever since I’ve just felt like complete and total shit.”

“Oh, Liz,” Victoria said with a sigh. “I really don’t know what to tell you. If you feel like you were in the wrong—which, trust me, I don’t think you were—then maybe you should tell Hayden.”

“You think?”

She couldn’t do it. It hurt too much. He would leave her. But maybe she deserved it. Maybe the truth would set her free. Maybe it would lift the weight off her chest.

“What’s the worst that could happen?” Victoria asked.

“He would leave me.”

“And considering you were making out with a politician a couple months ago, that might not be that bad.”

Chapter 20


Is that your politician?” Victoria asked, coming out of her bedroom dressed to the nines for the banquet tonight. Liz couldn’t believe the first month of her last semester had already passed so quickly.

Liz stared at the screen where Brady stood in front of a podium in a three-piece black suit. He looked gorgeous. “Yeah, that’s him.”

“He’s so smoking hot.”

“Mmm . . .”

“What’s he talking about?” Victoria asked after a minute.

“He’s running for reelection. It’s not a surprise,” Liz told her. “Everyone knew that he would. He’s into it for life.”

“You make it sound like a prison sentence.”

Sometimes Liz thought it was.

“Do you think he’ll win? Is he going to come to campus? Are you going to see him?” Victoria prodded.

Ever since Liz had told Victoria about Brady it had been this way. Liz wasn’t sure if Victoria was more excited that Liz had done something completely out of character or because it was something that maybe even topped her crazy stories. But as much of a relief as it was to finally have told someone about what had happened, it was wearing on Liz’s nerves having to talk about Brady every day. She had been trying not to think about him for over a year. This wasn’t helping.

“Yes, I think he’ll win. I have no idea if he will come to campus. And no,” Liz said in a sad, frustrated tone, “I won’t see him.”

Victoria shrugged. “Can’t hurt anything if you did.”

“Oh, yes, it could,” Liz murmured.

“Nothing besides your vagina.”

Liz rolled her eyes to the ceiling. “I’m not going to sleep with him.”

“Not with that attitude.”

“Boyfriend,” Liz reminded her.


“Pretty important details,” Liz said, standing up and running her hands back through the tresses she had expertly put curls into. She had completed her hair and makeup for the Morehead scholarship banquet thirty minutes ago, but she wasn’t ready to slip into her dress until right before they had to leave. “Especially considering that detail is about to walk through our front door.”

“Are you going to tell him?” Victoria asked.

“I haven’t decided,” Liz said, her stomach dipping uncomfortably. She hated hiding it from Hayden, but telling him about Brady made her even more anxious. “Just don’t say anything, okay?”

“I’m sworn to secrecy.”

“Good,” Liz said over her shoulder as she walked into her bedroom.

She stripped out of her lounge clothes and tugged the boutique dress off of the hanger. She stepped into the dress and pulled the zipper into place. Strapping on silver glitter high heels, she looked herself over in the mirror once. Her hand moved to her neck and she sighed.

She wasn’t looking forward to her decision tonight. Should she tell Hayden? Her hand reached for the jewelry box on her dresser, and she gingerly removed Brady’s necklace from within. She walked across the room and took a seat on her bed. God, too many questions, and not enough answers.

She was still wavering with indecision when she heard a knock on the front door. “Liz!” Victoria called. “Get your ass out here.”

Liz set the necklace on her nightstand before walking back down the hall. Liz stopped where she was standing when she saw the guy Victoria was currently attached to. Liz cleared her throat softly and Victoria broke the lip-lock.

“Oh! Daniel, this is my roommate, Liz,” Victoria said as introduction.

Liz raised her eyebrows at Victoria. She hadn’t mentioned that she was even still talking to Duke Fan, let alone that he was going to be coming to the banquet with them tonight.

“So nice to finally meet you,” Daniel said, walking forward and extending his hand.

“The illustrious Duke Fan,” Liz said, taking his hand in hers and shaking.

Daniel chuckled and nodded. “I’ve heard that’s what you call me.”

Liz saw the look that passed between Victoria and Daniel. It made Liz smile. Victoria was clearly very happy.

Another knock on the door made Liz turn around and then Hayden was walking through the door. He was in a black pinstripe suit with a crisp white shirt and red tie. He pulled his hand out from behind his back and produced a bouquet of red roses. He smiled that heart-stopping smile, and Liz felt the wave of guilt wash over her all over again.

“These are for you, gorgeous,” Hayden said in greeting. He walked up to her and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

“Wow,” Liz breathed. “Thank you.”

“Let me help you find a vase for those,” Victoria said immediately, ushering Liz out of the living room and leaving the guys alone without an introduction.

Their heels clattered against the kitchen tiles as they strode into the room. Victoria plucked the roses out of Liz’s hands and went in search of a vase in a cabinet.

“Stop whatever you’re thinking right now,” Victoria said. “These flowers are no reason to freak out.”

“I’m not freaked out,” Liz told her.
