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On the Record

On the Record (Record #2)(70)
Author: K.A. Linde

It actually took thirty minutes for Victoria and Duke Fan to get ready to go out. They started at their usual spot, which was packed with people, since it was Valentine’s Day weekend. Heavy dance beats filtered through the speakers, and groups mingled together near the bar. The bar had specialty drinks for the occasion and a giant red-and-pink heart-shaped piñata.

Liz leaned over the bar, her br**sts nearly spilling out of her top as she flagged the hot bartender down.

“What’ll ya have?” he asked, eyeing her chest appreciatively.

At least someone was enjoying the view.

“Whiskey sour,” Liz told him.

“Sure thing.”

He filled a glass almost entirely with whiskey. She normally would have cringed, but tonight she didn’t care.

“What kind of candy is in the piñata?” she asked him as he added the sour.

“No candy. Condoms, suck and blows, lube, and other fun treats,” he said with a wink as he passed her drink across the bar. She went to hand him her cash and he winked at her again. “On the house.”

Liz bit her lip coyly and dropped the money into the tip jar. She must look good tonight to warrant free drinks from the bartender. “Thanks.”

“Come back and see me.”

Liz nodded and went to find Victoria.

“There you are!” Victoria cried. “Did you order? Kyle is working at the other end of the bar. I could have gotten it for free.”

“I got mine for free,” Liz said, taking a sip of the liquor.

“Look at you! You look totally f**kable tonight.”

“Are you encouraging her?” Daniel asked.

“Butt out,” Victoria snapped. “Or I’ll send you straight home.”

“You’re not my mother!”

“We can role-play later, baby,” she said, slapping him gently across the face twice.

Daniel rolled his eyes and sipped on his drink. Score one for Victoria.

“So . . . you know what they say . . . the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else,” Victoria said.

Liz tilted her head and laughed. “I don’t think that’s the expression.”

“It should be.”

“I think it’s ‘find someone else.’”

“It amounts to the same thing. And all I’m saying is that you look f**kable and you’ve never had a one-night stand. Tonight is the perfect night for a threesome!”

“Victoria!” Liz said, shaking her head. “That doesn’t even make sense.”

“Which part?”

“All of it!”

“Why not make the night memorable?” Victoria asked. “You’re trying to ruin all of my fun.”

“I just want to get wasted drunk and black out in the safety of my own house.”

Victoria shook her head and turned to survey the room. “Hmmm. No. No. Maybe. He probably has back hair though . . . so, no. No. We’ll find you one,” Victoria said. “This is the perfect night for this. It’s like a breeding ground for singles who want to get f**ked, because they didn’t have a date for Valentine’s Day.”

“You are the most insensitive person I’ve met in my entire life,” Liz said, tipping her glass back and trying to quell the urge to throw it at her best friend.

“What?” Victoria asked as if she didn’t know. “Oh, Lane? I don’t consider him a human being anymore.”

Liz laughed. Sometimes Victoria was a bitch, but at least Liz wasn’t on her bad side. She couldn’t imagine what that would be like.

“Oh, oh, oh!” Victoria cried, clapping her hands. “Found him. That one walking into the bar.”

Liz’s eyes followed Victoria’s finger as she pointed out the guy across the bar. She froze in place. No f**king way. How the hell had Clay found her? There weren’t a trivial number of bars in downtown Chapel Hill. It would have taken him longer than this to search her out unless he had just gotten f**king lucky. But still she hadn’t expected him to actually come find her.

“Yep,” Liz said to Victoria. “That one.”

“Really?” Victoria shrieked.


Their eyes met across the bar. Shit! He was too f**king gorgeous. How did everyone in his family have such good genes? He was in a black suit with a white button-down underneath it undone at the neck so he looked more relaxed than stuffy. His dark blond hair was styled and as his mouth rose into a smile, she could see the dimples that she knew were there.

Liz strode deliberately across the room, dropping her drink off as she passed the bar. She didn’t stop until she was directly in front of him and she could see the blue eyes gazing mischievously back at her.

“Found you,” Clay said.

Liz shrugged. “How are you, Clay?”

“Probably better than you.” His dimples showed as his eyes crawled her body.

“Probably.” She found it hard to argue that point.

“So, this whole time you were f**king my brother,” Clay said with a shake of his head as if he should have known all along.

Liz bit back a snide retort and breathed out slowly. “Could we maybe talk about this somewhere else?” she asked, realizing just how public they were.

Clay nodded. “Yeah, let’s get out of here.”

Liz followed him out of the bar and out onto the sidewalk. He latched on to her arm and smiled at her. “You wouldn’t let me take you home before. Come with me now.”

Liz pulled her arm away from his. “I’m not like your girlfriend; you can’t just yank me around.”

Clay smirked. “No, you’re nothing like Andrea.”

“How long before you’re married anyway?” Liz asked, deflecting that statement.

“As long as I can postpone it,” he told her, walking up to the valet and handing over his ticket.

“How did you find me?” Liz could feel the alcohol from that last drink clouding her mind. “There are too many places I could have been.”

“I asked Savannah where she would go,” he said with a shrug.

Liz’s eyes widened. “Did you tell her you were coming to see me?”

“Um . . . no. Why would she care?”

She opened her mouth and then closed it. She wasn’t sure that she wanted to disclose the information about how close she and Savannah were, but it seemed too late now. “We’re friends. We work on the paper together.”

“You seem to be affiliated with everyone in my family somehow.”
