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On the Rocks

On the Rocks (Mixology #2)(12)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“Why would it wear off?” He stopped pacing long enough to look at me. “It’s just as present now.”

Maddy laughed. “Macon and Brody are good guys. At least she’ll be well protected.”

“Fine, but how are you going to pay rent? Want me to get you something temporary at the office?”

Work at his real estate firm? No thanks. “Actually Brody is going to talk to Max for me.”

“You want to work at the Grille?” Colin asked incredulously.

“Hey, watch it, Mister.” Maddy scowled.

“What? I’m not saying it’s a bad place to work, I’m just surprised Carly would want to work there.”

“And you think I’d rather work at your office instead? At least I’d get to work with cool people at the Grille.” I resisted the urge to stick my tongue out at him. That wouldn’t exactly help my whole ‘I’m not a little kid anymore’ argument.

Colin sighed. “What kind of job are you applying for exactly? You don’t have any waitressing experience.”

I hadn’t thought that far through the plan. Thankfully Maddy saved me. “I know Max needs more hostesses. Carly would do great at that. She’s friendly.”

Colin seemed to relax. “Hostess? Ok. I guess I can see that.”

“Why don’t you come in with me tonight and talk to Max?” Maddy suggested. “Unless you want to wait a while.”

“Nope. I’d like to get the ball rolling.” The sooner I got a job, the sooner I’d have money and could move in with the guys. I refused to be dependent on my brother for too long.

“I have an out of town meeting today, but I’ll stop in to see you guys when I get back.” He shot me a look, and I figured out exactly what the meeting was. He was going to see Maddy’s parents. I hoped for his sake and mine that it went well. Clearly it was a bigger deal for him, but I really wanted Maddy as a sister-in-law.

“Okay.” Maddy kissed him on the cheek. “I’m going to get ready for a run. Want to join me, Carly?”

I laughed. “Yeah… running, not exactly my thing.”

“I run slow.” She smiled, and I could tell she was really hoping for the company.

“How slow is slow?”

Colin chuckled. “I’m sure you’ll survive, Carly. See you girls later.” Colin picked up his black briefcase and headed to the door.

“So, are you in?” She started up the stairs.

“Sure. Let me get changed.” It’s not like I was completely out of shape, but I was more of an elliptical kind of girl. It had been awhile since I’d actually run any real distance. I figured it couldn’t hurt to go with her. I could always turn around and walk home. I didn’t want her to think I was completely lazy or anything.

I dug out some gym clothes and my tennis shoes.

Fifteen minutes later Maddy and I jogged down the back steps and out toward the beach. The sun was out, and the heat beating down on us was enough to make me reconsider my decision. “Remember that you promised to go slow.”

Maddy smiled and kept to the jog. “Let me know if I get too fast for you.”

“Don’t worry, you’ll notice when I fall back.”

She glanced at me. “You don’t look out of shape.”

“I’m not exactly, but I don’t do this often.”

“Are you more a gym person then?” She picked up her pace slightly. I could tell she was trying to talk to me so I didn’t notice.


“You should see if Macon will take you to his. He gets lots of buddy passes. I haven’t bugged him to use one in a while.”

“Oh, cool.” If I was going to spend my time in a beach town I was probably going to have to make sure I kept working out. I didn’t spend my life worrying about how I looked, but I think most girls have doubts when they put on a bikini.

A mile in I decided I was done for the time being. I could just picture Maddy calling Colin to visit me in the hospital for heat stroke. “I’ll meet you back at the house.”

“Ok, I’ll see you in a little bit.” She waved before continuing down the beach. If she minded that I was turning back, she didn’t show it.

I sighed with relief and walked down to the water. The waves were gentle that morning, creating a slow and steady rhythm as they made contact with the sand. I closed my eyes, taking in the relaxing sound.

“Doing some morning meditation?” A very familiar and sexy voice asked.

My eyes flew open. “Hey, Macon.”

“So? Were you meditating?” He stared at me with an intensity that unsettled me.

“Nope, just relaxing.” I wasn’t relaxed at the moment. He was shirtless and wearing only a pair of shorts and running shoes. I’d seen him in less when we were in the ocean, but it was hard to turn away.

“Cool. I’m just out for a run. Care to join me?”

“You too? What is it with you people and running?”

He laughed. “Uh, am I supposed to answer that?”

I shook my head. “No. I just went on a mini run with Maddy when she insisted. I’m just not the runner type.”

He looked me up and down. “Whatever exercise routine you do is working.”

I could feel the blood rushing to my face. “Thanks.”

“So any news on the moving front?”

“I think it’s a go. Maddy seems on board.”

“Awesome. Let me know when you’re ready. I can help you move your stuff if you want.”

I redid my pony tail so my hair was further off my neck. “How much stuff do you think I have to move? I’ve only been at Colin’s a few days.”

He shrugged. “I had to offer.”

“I’m going by the Grille tonight with Maddy to see if I can get a job.” I’m not sure why I decided to tell Macon, maybe because it was his idea to start with.

“Good luck with that.” He turned to leave. “Maybe I’ll catch you there.”

“Oh. Cool. Enjoy your run.”

“Enjoy your meditating—or that’s right, relaxing.” He waved before running off.

“Thanks,” I mumbled knowing he couldn’t hear me. I watched his retreating figure. I needed to snap out of it. I wasn’t allowed to crush on a roommate. He had made his feelings clear, and the last thing I needed was more drama in my life.


I double checked my outfit choice one more time. I figured you could never go wrong with a simple black skirt and blouse, but I didn’t want to emphasize just how inexperienced I was when it came to job interviews. My resume was sadly short. One summer working at The Gap and tons of babysitting rounded it out. Unfortunately, work experience wasn’t something I had a lot of.
