Read Books Novel

On the Rocks

On the Rocks (Mixology #2)(14)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“I hope so. They make a great couple.”

“I think so too.”

“What about you?” She crossed her legs.


“Are you one half of a great couple too?”

“Not at all.” I hadn’t had a boyfriend in way too long.

“Are you scoping out your new roommates then? I just heard you’re taking over Maddy’s lease. They’re both pretty adorable, aren’t they?”

“I’ve obviously noticed they’re attractive, but I’m going to be living with them, not sleeping with them.” Of course the thought of sleeping with Macon got me excited, but I wasn’t sharing that with anyone.

She gave me a knowing look. “I’ve seen the way Macon looks at you. I’m not so sure he feels the same way about you just being a roommate.”

“I wouldn’t read into it.”

“If you say so.” She smiled. “Okay, I’ve got to get ready for the dinner crowd. Good luck tonight!” She waved before heading off. Five minutes later the first diners began arriving.

The first few groups were easy enough to seat. They were mostly families with little kids looking to get dinner in before the kids went crazy for the night. I’d babysat enough to know that taking kids out anywhere late at night was hard. I was careful to give the same color and number of crayons to each kid in a family. The last thing the parents needed was a meltdown because one got red and the other didn’t.

Miraculously I made it until eight o’clock without too much of a problem. I seated too many people in one waitress’s section once, but aside from that slip up I was doing fine.

“Hey, how are you holding up?” Maddy stopped by the station with two bottles of water. She handed one to me and opened one for herself.

“I’m doing all right.” I opened the top and took a long sip. I hadn’t realized how thirsty I was. “Thanks.”

“Not a problem. I figured if you were anything like me you’d need one.”

I smiled. “Then I guess we’re alike.”

“It’s getting later, so just know the clientele is going to change, and it’s going to get wilder.”

“Wilder as in…?”

“As in this is when you may want the large shirt.” She patted my shoulder before heading over to the bar. She’d been working the outdoor bar a lot lately, but I had a feeling she’d particularly requested the inside one so she could stay close by. I appreciated it, but I wasn’t going to call her out on it either. If she wasn’t making a big deal, neither would I.

Chapter Eight


I usually didn’t pay much attention to the hostess when I walked into the Grille. I just waved at whoever was working before making my way over to the inside bar first to look for Maddy. I nearly did a double take when I saw Carly standing there with her brown hair cascading down the back of that oh-so-tight black t-shirt.

“Hey.” I didn’t have the brain power to come up with a more clever opening line. I was using every ounce of it to force myself to look at her eyes. There was no sure fire way to piss off a girl more than to get caught staring at her chest.

“Hi, you made it.” Her voice was playful, and I took it as a good sign that her evening was going well.

“It looks that way. Max got you working already?”

“Yeah, he hired me on the spot. I’m special, huh?” She ran her teeth over her lower lip. It was a sexy action that had me thinking inappropriate thoughts again.

“Oh, you’re special all right.” I laughed. Teasing Carly wasn’t the same as teasing Maddy; we didn’t have the same sort of history, but I liked it for different reasons.

“I’m guessing you’re just going over to see Maddy at the bar and don’t need me to seat you.”

“Yeah, but I’ll miss out on your mad escorting skills.” Damn. That came out all wrong. “And by that you know I mean escorting me to a seat.”

She blushed a little. It was cute on her freckled cheeks. “You mean you weren’t referring to my call-girl skills?” She said it completely dead pan.

“You never know what they’re teaching in college these days.”

“How long ago did you graduate? Two years?”

“Two years is a long time.” I put a hand on the hostess stand. “Good luck, and keep those escorting skills clean for me tonight. You’re going to be my roommate you know, you need to stay on the up and up.”

“Yeah, yeah. I’ll try.” She laughed, and I made my way over to the bar. Maddy was busy making some frozen drinks so she didn’t come over for a few minutes. I watched Carly talking to a few people while I waited. Finally she walked over.

“How’s she doing?” Maddy didn’t bother with a normal greeting. I didn’t mind at all. I knew her enough to expect it. She was really protective of the people she cared about. She was protective of me when I let her be.

“She seems to be doing fine.” I glanced in Carly’s general direction, but my view was blocked by a large group of guys. I tried to ignore my annoyance at that.

“What? Why are you making that face?” Maddy watched me warily before placing a beer down in front of me. She was eerily good at knowing what I was in the mood for.

“It’s just a group of losers by the hostess stand.”

Two guys walked over to the bar.

“Can you check on her?” Maddy was already turning toward the customers. “I would, but I can’t.”

“Sure.” I was looking for an excuse anyway. I headed back to the front.

“You sure you can’t sit with us?” One of the assholes with a Carolina Panthers t-shirt asked. They weren’t much older than me, but they shouldn’t have been harassing her. I hadn’t noticed them earlier, so I figured they must have been on their way in.

“No. Sorry.” She seemed calm on the surface, but her face was tight. They were stressing her out.

“Maybe later then,” the same guy suggested before winking at her and walking away. The rest of the guys laughed and headed straight out the back door.

“Can I help you?” Carly crossed her arms, making the tight fabric of her t-shirt even tighter. My body reacted in a way I didn’t want it to.

“Just saying hello.”

“So you weren’t checking on me?”

I feigned innocence. “Me? Check on you? Why would I do such a thing?”
