Read Books Novel

On the Rocks

On the Rocks (Mixology #2)(2)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

I made myself at home on one of Colin’s couches. “Oh yeah. Brody’s a chef, right?” Brody was one of Maddy’s two roommates. I’d only met him once but he’d seemed cool.

Maddy sat down next to me. “Yeah. He’s amazing. He’s also a good baker, but it’s not his specialty.”

I stretched, I’d spent entirely too long in my car. “Not only do you live with attractive guys, but one can cook. You’re a lucky girl.”

Colin scowled. “And you wonder why I’m frustrated she hasn’t fully moved in yet?”

Maddy gasped. “You told Carly that!”

“Yes. She agreed with me that after months of living together in Paris, this shouldn’t be a big deal.”

“I did not agree.” I turned to Maddy. “Ignore him. What are we baking?”

“Oatmeal raisin cookies.”

“Can’t you make them chocolate at least?” Colin whined but his grin made it clear he wouldn’t have cared if she’d suggested baking liver and onions. He loved having Maddy in his home. I wondered if she realized how much her moving in meant to him.

“I found a great recipe, but I need to run to the store.”

“Oh, can I come?” I might have just spent five hours in the car, but that didn’t mean I wouldn’t tag along.

Colin put a hand on her shoulder. “What do you need to get?”

Maddy smiled. “Raisins, oatmeal.”

Colin laughed. “All right, why don’t we all go? But we’ll have to take your car, Carly. Maddy’s is at her place, and mine only seats two.”

“Or we could take your BMW. You can stay home.”

Colin shook his head. “Nope. It’s a lease.”

“Fine, but I’m not driving.” I tossed him my keys.

He caught them. “All right, do you have enough of a list, babe?”

Maddy stood up. “Yeah. I’m all set.”

“I’m surrounded by crazy girls.” Colin put an arm around each of us, and we headed out the door.

“Yes, but loveable crazy girls.” Maddy kissed him on the cheek.

“Most of the time.” He moved away in time to avoid her hand making contact with his arm.

Maddy refused to let me sit in the backseat, so I reluctantly took the front. There was no reason to argue over something like that. Colin drove down the one major road in town and pulled up in front of a small general store type place. There was a large grocery store in town, but apparently Maddy preferred this family owned market even though it took longer to get to.

Colin met Maddy on her side of the car and took her hand. I probably had a goofy grin on my face. I loved seeing my brother so happy, and it was because of a great girl. At least I could have a normal relationship with one of my siblings.

The surprisingly spacious store was nearly empty. Only an older couple perused the shelves. I didn’t even see anyone at the register. Hopefully they’d get back by the time we finished.

I followed Maddy around as she filled a basket with ingredients.


I jumped back, turning around and coming face to face with a set of drop-dead gorgeous blue eyes. The owner of the eyes ran a hand through his dark brown hair.

I recovered from the surprise, but not from his closeness. “Umm, what the hell was that?”

“Macon!” Maddy groaned. “You scared Carly half to death.”

“Carly wasn’t scared, were you?” Macon, Maddy’s roommate, took a step back and grinned.

Colin responded before I could. “Don’t mess with my sister.” He emphasized sister more than he probably needed to.

“Funny. I almost forgot you two were related. You don’t look anything alike.” Macon let his eyes roam over me. “And that’s a very good thing.”

I looked down at my violet sundress self-consciously. I could count the number of times a guy had undressed me in his head like that before. He hadn’t done that to me the last time we met. I wondered what had changed.

“Macon, quit perving on Carly.” She shook her head before turning to me. “I guess meeting Macon for the second time means he’s going to show you his true colors. Also known as his annoying side.”

Macon laughed. “Don’t listen to a word she says. She loves me.”

“Not as much as you love yourself.”

It was my turn to laugh. Macon was a riot—and sexier than sin. I completely understood why Colin didn’t want Maddy living with him.

“Ok, this love fest is great and all, but if we want to make cookies we should go. Now.” Colin put a gentle hand on Maddy’s arm. He was always really careful with her, like if he wasn’t, she’d break. I didn’t see Maddy that way. She was one of the strongest girls I knew.

“Cookies?” Macon looked in Maddy’s basket. “Wait. No. Oatmeal raisin? For real?”

“That was my response.” Colin laughed. “Why not chocolate chip?”

“Exactly.” Macon looped his thumb in the front pocket of his jeans. The action brought my eyes down in that direction. I quickly glanced back up, but not before he caught me looking.

“Are there going to be enough cookies for four?” Macon asked Maddy.

“I thought you didn’t like oatmeal raisin cookies?” She raised an eyebrow.

“I do, just not as much as chocolate chip. Besides, I can give you a ride home.”

“I’m staying at Colin’s tonight?” She turned to my brother.

“Uh, why wouldn’t you stay over? It’s not because of me, is it?” That would be my one way boot from Colin’s house. I sure hoped she didn’t insist on staying at home.

“I just didn’t know if you guys wanted brother—sister time or something.”

I jumped in quickly. “Nope. I’d rather hang out with you too.”

“Ok. Then I don’t need a ride, and if you really want cookies I can bring them by tomorrow.”

Macon shrugged. “Suit yourself. I should probably head home anyway. I have a six a.m. dive tomorrow.” Then he turned his attention to me. “And nice seeing you again, Carly.”

“You too.” I tried to keep the disappointment out of my voice. Colin would have jumped all over it.


Waking up to waffles cooking always put me in a good mood. As much as Colin pretended he didn’t want me around, he sure had a funny way of showing it. Making me my favorite breakfast on my first morning wasn’t going to make me want to leave. I’d struggled to pull myself from the soft sheets. I’d upgraded to nicer sheets my senior year, but they weren’t like these. I stepped into the in-suite bathroom before heading to the kitchen. I was positive the shower in my room would have a whole lot more water pressure than the one at school.
