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On the Rocks

On the Rocks (Mixology #2)(30)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“You’re such an ass.” I splashed Macon.

“Admit it. You’re glad I did it.”

“Why? Why would I be glad?”

“Because you secretly wanted to go for a night swim but were too chicken.”

“I am not chicken to do anything.” Maybe I didn’t want to get wet, but it didn’t mean I was afraid.

“Is that so?”

“Yes.” I floated on my back, watching the full moon above us.

“Kiss me while you’re sober.”

His words had me submerging as much of myself as possible in the water. “What?”

“You said you’re not too afraid to do anything, so kiss me. No alcohol to make excuses this time.”

“You think I’m afraid to kiss you?” I stood up.

“No.” He came closer. “I know you are.”

“I’m not afraid.”

“Then do it.” His hand circled my wrist.

“Why? Why do you want me to?”

“Because I need to know how you feel, Carly. I need to know what you want.”

I shivered, half from the cold and half from his words. “I know what I want.”

“Then show me.”

“What if it’s not the same thing you want?”

“Worry about that later.”

I leaned toward him, letting my lips brush against his.

“Really kiss me, Carly.”

I pressed my lips against his, still not sure which way was up. Why was he pushing me? Why couldn’t he make the move? His lips started moving against mine, and I stopped hesitating. I wrapped my arms around his neck and let my lips do the talking.

He deepened the kiss, and I pressed my body against his. I wasn’t wearing a bra under my white t-shirt, and my nipples rubbed against his bare chest.

He broke the kiss momentarily. “I feel exactly the same way, babe.” His lips returned to mine, and I pressed against him again.

He groaned, cupping a breast through my t-shirt. The sensation of his hand through the wet fabric had me about ready to lose control. His other hand started to tug down on my pajama bottoms. I stilled him. “Not out here.”

“If I take you to my bed again, it’s not going to be to cuddle.” His expression left nothing to the imagination.

“Take me to your bed then.”

“There’s no turning back this time. You need to know that.”

“There’s been no turning back since the last time you threw me in the ocean.”

“You’re right about that.” His lips attacked my neck as his hand found its way underneath my wet top.

I moaned as he squeezed my breast, and I didn’t resist when he pushed my shirt up so his lips could settle on my other breast. I braced my hand on his chest, letting my fingertips explore his muscular planes.

His lips left my breast. “I want you so bad. I don’t know how much longer I can wait.” He breathed the words in barely a whisper.

“That’s why you’re supposed to be taking me home.”

“Let’s go.” He tugged on my hand and pulled me out of the water.

The cold wind stung, but I was so numb from excitement that I barely felt it as we made our way back to the condo.

Chapter Eighteen


I wanted her. No, I needed her. The weeks of resisting her had broken down my restraint. As easy as it would have been to take her right there on the beach, I knew I couldn’t. I practically towed her back toward the condo, and up the stairs. Once inside, I kicked the door closed, only pausing to lock the door before picking her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist. Her lips found mine, but I had to break the kiss to keep myself moving forward.

Thankfully the walk to my room wasn’t long. I set her down right in front of my bed and wasted no time pulling off the wet top that had been in my way. Several trails of water streamed down her chest. I licked them away, using the excuse to give my mouth the opportunity to explore her breasts more. Her nipples were so hard and responsive, I needed more. She moaned for me, and I could tell she was struggling to stay standing. I was about to make it even harder on her. Without moving my mouth, I untied her pants and let them fall to the floor. I pushed away the satin fabric of her panties and slipped one finger inside her. Her moan became more of a groan. As I expected she stumbled back, and I caught her, easing her down on my bed. I pulled her panties down and tossed them in the pile with the rest of her wet clothes. A moment later my boxers joined them.

I looked at her. I looked at every naked part of her body, determined to memorize every inch of her.

She looked up at me with the sexiest damn expression ever. “Are you going to join me?”

“Hell yes.” I ran my eyes over her again. She was so damn beautiful I couldn’t really believe she was giving herself to me. I’d been with plenty of girls, but Carly was different inside and out.

I lay down next to her, letting my hands trail down her body. Her eyes were locked on my obvious arousal.

Things were hot and heavy—they were perfect really, but something was missing. I wasn’t making her laugh. “Aren’t you going to thank me for taking my pants off?”

She pushed my chest. “No, I think you’re supposed to thank me first.”

“But I took your pants off for you.”


“Yes, babe?” I trailed tiny kissed from her neck down.

“I already told you that I want you.”

“Yeah?” I let my fingers move between her legs again, watching as her eyes widened. “What was that you were saying?”

She moaned before closing her eyes and letting her hands settle at her sides. “Macon.” My name came out of her as half a moan, and I could barely hold myself together.

“I want you, Macon.”

“You’re going to get me.” I kissed her, loving that I was able to surprise her because her eyes were still clenched closed.

She reached out for me, gently stroking me. I groaned. Her touch was so careful. I’d have never imagined that was the touch that would set me completely on fire, but I could barely hold it together.

I reluctantly got up to grab a condom from the night stand. When I returned she was looking at me with those big sexy eyes again. “I’ve never wanted someone this bad before.”

“That makes two of us.” I moved above her, locking my eyes on her as I positioned myself between her legs. I hesitated for a moment, wanting to watch the excitement on her face before entering her for the first time. Damn, she felt incredible. Wet, hot, and ready for me. I moved in further, as her breathing sped up. I tried to go slow, wanting to make sure I didn’t rush things, didn’t hurt her, but when her nails dug into my back I realized that’s not what she wanted. I sped things up, driving into her harder and faster. She opened up to me more and wrapped her legs around me. I moved my lips to her breast, as I continued to move inside her.
