Read Books Novel

On the Rocks

On the Rocks (Mixology #2)(32)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“Are you sure we can’t stay here all day?” He nuzzled his chin against the top of my head.

“I don’t know about you, but I’m hungry.”

“Hungry? Who needs food when there’s sex?”

I pushed his arm. “There’s no more sex without food.”

“Want to go out for lunch? Maybe we can head over to Breakfast and Burgers.”

“Sure… I guess it would be our first official date.”

“A little backwards, but it works.” He stretched, letting the sheet fall off him. The movement gave me an eyeful.

“If you keep looking at me that way we’re not going anywhere.”

“Is that so?” I stood up, forcing the self-conscious feelings away as I searched for my clothes.

His hands were around me cupping my breasts before I could grab my underwear. “Are you sure I can’t have you one more time first?”

My stomach growled.

“I guess I got my answer.” He kissed my neck and released me.

I looked at my pile of wet clothes and decided I wasn’t bothering with them. “I need something to wear.”

“On your long journey down the hall.”

“Brody might be home. Do you really want him to see me naked?”

“Of course not.” He pulled a t-shirt and sweats out. “Wear this.”

I laughed. “I mention Brody and you offer me sweats? Are you really that worried?”

“I’m the only one who gets the pleasure of seeing that body of yours now.”

“As compared to yesterday? I could have pranced around naked then?”

“Who’s prancing around naked?” Brody called from outside the door.

I pulled on Macon’s t-shirt and pushed open the door. “Could you hear everything we said through the door?”

“I heard some of it…” Brody grinned.

“Great.” I left the door open.

“Tell me about it. I’m going to have to start sleeping with ear plugs if you guys keep this up.” He winked at me.

“Wait. You’re making that up. You didn’t hear us until just now.”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. Did I?”

“Give it a rest,” Macon yelled from his room.

“What are you two up to?”

“Nothing you’re invited to join us in.” Macon made a quick attempt at making his bed.

“I wasn’t asking to have a three-some, Macon. I’m not into you.”

“I meant our lunch date.”

“Lunch date?” Brody peeked into Macon’s room. “Aren’t you two fancy?”

I laughed. “I’m going to take a quick shower.”

“Wait. What?” Macon walked into the hall in just his boxers. “You were too hungry for sex yet you have the energy to shower?”

“Not listening to this.” Brody covered his ears and walked down the hall to his room. His music started blaring a minute later.

“You think I’m going on my first date with you this sweaty?”

“Sweating because you’ve been in bed with me isn’t a bad thing.” He took my hand.

“See you in ten minutes, Macon.”

He reluctantly dropped my hand. “Are you sure I can’t join you?”

“No. I wasn’t kidding about being hungry.”

“If you insist.” He walked back into his room.

I stopped by my room to grab fresh clothes before heading into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and stripped off Macon’s shirt. The hot water felt amazing. When I heard the door open I knew exactly who it would be. “Macon.”

“Yes, babe.” He opened the glass door and stepped in completely naked, he nudged me out of the way and moved under the spray. “Were you about to say something?”

My words were lost as I stared at him. Macon always looked good, wet or dry, but under the spray of the water he looked even hotter. He was also still completely aroused.

“I’m going to assume you changed your mind.” He stepped out of the spray toward me.

“Yeah… I changed it.” I picked up the soap. If he insisted on showering with me, we were both going to be clean.


I was famished by the time we reached the restaurant. Seven rounds with a guy like Macon can do that to a girl. We were seated at a table by the window, and I happily ordered a burger. Macon did the same.

“I love that you eat.”

“Uh, thanks, I think.”

“It’s just nice not to worry about it. I seem to usually date girls who diet all the time and stuff.”

“In other words you go for super skinny girls.” I wasn’t one of them. I wasn’t fat, but I definitely wasn’t a size two.

“No. Just health conscious ones.”

“You don’t think I’m health conscious?” Add that in with my lack of running, and I was the lazy bum of the group.

“That’s not what I meant.”

“Then what did you mean?” I sipped my water. My one lemon wasn’t enough so I grabbed the one hanging on Macon’s glass.

Macon didn’t blink. It wasn’t the first time I’d done that to him. It may have been our first date, but it wasn’t our first time out to eat together. That should have made things more natural, but in a weird way it made it stranger. It’s like we’d flipped a switch that was supposed to change everything, but it hadn’t actually worked. Dating a friend came with some complications.

“You’re beautiful.” He gazed at me intently.

“Thanks, but that doesn’t get you out of your previous comment.”

“You’re incredibly beautiful, and smart, and sweet, and fantastic, and amazing in bed.”

Of course the waitress had to come over with our orders right as he said the last part.

She cough-laughed before leaving our food.


“Anytime.” He reached over and grabbed a fry from my plate even though he had a whole plate himself.

“So are we doing our next class tonight when I get off work?”

“Sure. How about I pick you up tonight? I have a night dive, so I think we can time it up well.”

“I probably should learn to dive eventually.”

“Wait. You’ve never been scuba diving?” He poured some ketchup onto his burger.

“I told you that.”

He shook his head. “No you didn’t.”

“I’m sure I mentioned it.”
