Read Books Novel

On the Rocks

On the Rocks (Mixology #2)(39)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“Hey everyone, I’m Colin and I’ve got a song to sing to someone special.”

Maddy set aside the tequilla she was holding and walked around the bar. “What? Colin’s going to sing?”

“You haven’t heard him sing before have you?”

“No. I thought he just wrote songs. He never sings them.”

“Then you’re in for a treat.” I leaned back against the back counter.

Colin started in on his newest song, Hard to Get. It was obviously all about Maddy. It had his signature mix of sweetness and humor, and I knew Maddy was going to love it.

“Oh my god.” Maddy wiped a few tears off her face.

“I didn’t know Colin could sing that well,” Macon whispered.

“Yeah, we’ve got some musical genes in the family.” I came around to sit next to him.

“Can you sing too?”

“Yeah, and I play piano. Kim plays both guitar and piano of course.”

“Wait. Don’t tell me. Did you guys have one of those sibling bands?”

“Really, Macon?”

“What?” He held up his hands in front of him in defense. “I could see it.”

I laughed, and turned back to watch Colin finish the song.

Colin set down his guitar and walked over to Maddy. “I have something really important to ask you.”

I leaned forward on my stool. Macon grabbed my hand. I noticed Brody standing off to the side with a smile.

“Yes?” Maddy asked tentatively.

“Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” He fell down to one knee and opened the box.

Of course the entire crowd started cheering and clapping. Max and Mary came over, and we all watched with anticipation.

Maddy teared up and nodded. “Yes.”

Colin slid the ring on her finger and pulled her into a hug.

“I’m pregnant.” She said the words loudly enough that the nearest members of the crowd could hear. There were quite a few gasps.

“You’re what?” Colin’s eyes widened, and I hoped with everything I had that he didn’t act like an idiot and screw everything up.

“I’m pregnant.” Maddy repeated herself, but this time she looked down.

He put a hand under her chin and made her look at him. “How pregnant?” He looked at her wide eyed. “Wait, you know what we can discuss that later. This is a good thing. We’re getting married and having a kid… life’s moving in the right direction.”

I squeezed Macon’s hand. “Wow, that was a nice save, and finally there’s no more secrets.”

“There’s still one.”

“No. Not tonight, Macon.”

“Yeah… I’m just going to get this over with so we can all get back to normal.”

“Nope. No way.” I cut Macon off before he could get to my brother. I hugged him. “Congratulations!”

“Thanks. It looks like you’re going to be an aunt, huh?”


“Why aren’t you more surprised?” Understanding crossed his face. “You knew. That’s why you pushed me to propose this week.”

“Wait, what?” Maddy asked. “Is that why you told me to wait before I told him?”

Macon slipped an arm around my shoulder. “Yes, to both of those questions. Carly was trying to make everything perfect for you.”

“I can’t believe you kept that from me.” Colin seemed to be talking to himself.

“I’m sleeping with Carly,” Macon blurted out.

My heart stopped. Had he seriously told my brother just like that?

“Well, she is your girlfriend now, isn’t she?” Colin smiled.

Macon and I both looked at Maddy. “You told him?”

She shook his head, and Colin smiled. “I had a hunch, and Brody confirmed my suspicion.”

“Where is Brody anyhow?” Maddy glanced around.

“He’s around here.” I knew exactly what he was getting ready. It went hand in hand with the roses Macon had set up.

“What’s going on?” Maddy glanced around.

“This way, babe.” Colin led her back inside. I followed with Macon right behind me.

The top of the bar was covered with red roses, and in the center was a large plate of chocolate covered strawberries. Colin said they were her favorite.

“This is the first spot I ever saw you. It’s also the spot where you finally said yes to going out on a date with me.”

Maddy smiled and started crying again. I’m sure she was on emotion overload. “You’re so sweet.”

“I’m so lucky to have you. I can’t believe how close I came to losing you last year—and I promise you are always going to come first. Our family will always come first.”

My heart was going to burst. I was so incredibly happy for them.

“Should we give them some privacy?” Macon whispered. That’s when I realized the whole main dining area and bar area was empty. Max had cleared it out.

“Sure. Let’s go.” I slipped my hand into Macon’s before taking one more glance over my shoulder at the happy newly engaged couple.

Chapter Twenty-Two


The moment of truth arrived all too quickly. After a quick test where I could tell Max was going easy on me (half of it involved simple shots), Max decided I was ready to run my own bar. I’d expected to spend more time working downstairs first, but he wanted me to be the first one to work the upstairs bar, and I wasn’t going to argue with him. I was lucky he was giving me the chance.

I dressed up my usual work attire with my favorite three inch red heels. Those shoes always made me feel sexy, and even if no one could see them with me behind the bar, they might help me mentally. Maddy had convinced me that her bartending confidence was all about attitude. She’d been right about everything else so far, so I decided to believe her.

I arrived at work over an hour before I had to just so I’d have time to get ready. I checked on the supplies and the kegs before I went through the most popular drinks in my head. I was determined that I wasn’t going to have to look anything up unless I was completely desperate. Still, to be safe I had my app ready to go. I also had Maddy’s number ready on speed dial. She was working outside that night, but she promised she’d listen for her phone. I was seriously getting the best sister-in-law.

I scanned the bottles lining the wall. I wanted to make sure I knew exactly where everything was.

“Hey, beautiful.” Macon wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.
