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On the Rocks

On the Rocks (Mixology #2)(44)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“I had glasses, but they made me look cute, not geeky.”

“So you say.”

“Just ask Maddy.”

“I had braces for five years.”

“Really? I can’t even picture that.”

“Yup. The first time I made out with a guy I cut his lip.”

I laughed. “Seriously? You were a dangerous kisser?”

“I guess so. Looks like you met me at a better time.”

“I think we met each other at the perfect time.”

“Me too.” She leaned into my arm, and I turned up the music. We didn’t have to worry about listening to too much Dan Croll.

Chapter Twenty-Four


As I stood on the shore preparing for my first dive, I was questioning my unwavering faith in Macon. Brody had come with us supposedly for moral support, but I think he was doing it to make sure I didn’t chicken out. In some things I was fearless, but scuba diving wasn’t one of those. I wasn’t afraid of the ocean and was a decent swimmer, but I didn’t like the idea of my breathing being completely dependent on a tank. What if something went wrong? Macon had reassured me he’d be with me every step of the way, but I was still nervous. I knew I could just say no, but I didn’t want to. Hiding from my fears wouldn’t make them go away. Besides, diving was Macon’s passion. If for no other reason, I needed to try for him.

“All right. This is a good spot.” Macon started handing me all sorts of gear. It was go time. No turning back. I took the advice Maddy had given me: deep breaths and a positive attitude. I wasn’t sure that advice applied specifically to scuba diving, but it would probably work in most situations.

“I’m going to be watching the whole time. I promise that even if you don’t trust Macon, I’m here.” Brody was of course joking, but he had to be one of the nicest guys I’d ever met. After a few months of living with him, I still couldn’t quite comprehend how he was single. Maybe it was by choice. I was dying to know what held him back, and I hoped to learn more, but right before diving into the ocean didn’t seem like the best time. I was already panicked enough. Three more deep breaths did nothing to calm me down. I shivered underneath my wet suit even though I was dry and the sun was out.

“Okay, you have to breathe, Carly.” Macon put his hands on both of my arms. “I already told you that’s the most important thing. Today we’re going to be in shallow water so it’s not a huge deal, but on a deeper dive it’s more important.”

“What he means is that on a deeper dive it could kill you.” Brody chuckled.

“Kill me?” I stepped back from Macon, ready to throw the mask and snorkel at both of them.

“Thanks, asshole.” Macon glared at Brody.

“Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Just kiss her Macon. That might speed up her heart, but it will probably get rid of her nerves.” Brody winked.

“No. That’s okay. No need to do that now.”

Macon grinned. “I think that’s a great idea.”

Two seconds later his lips were on mine, two minutes later I was underwater. Admittedly we were in fairly shallow water, but I was doing it. I was putting faith in Macon and the equipment. He was right, it was remarkably easy to breathe through the regulator when you stayed calm.

I didn’t see anything at first. The water was murky from the sand, but eventually I got used to the sensation and noticed a few fish. Wildlife aside, I was doing it. I was diving.

We didn’t stay under for long.

“I did it!” I wrapped my arms around Macon’s neck as soon as we surfaced.

He laughed. “Yes you did, babe.”

“Aren’t you proud of me?”

“Yes, very.” He rested his hands on my hips. “So proud I’m going to insist you get your certification so we can really start diving together.”

“You’re pushing it.”

“Am I?”

“At least let me revel in the excitement tonight.”

He laughed. “Okay.”

We celebrated my first taste of scuba diving by going out for ice cream. We walked down the beach eating overflowing waffle cones. Macon had insisted I get three scoops. I usually didn’t even finish the single. I preferred the cone to the ice cream anyway.

“I can’t believe it’s August.” I hated to even think about how fast the summer was going, but ignoring it wasn’t going to help either. It’s not that we’d ever really discussed what was going to happen at the end of the summer, but we all knew things were going to change.

“Tell me about it. This summer is flying by.” Brody polished off all but the last bits of his ice cream. He’d gone with mint chip.

“Can I just ask the question that no one’s asking?” I licked some of the chocolate chip cookie dough on my cone.

“You can ask anything, doesn’t mean I’ll answer.” Macon took a bite of my ice cream even though he had plenty of his chocolate left.

“Is there an eviction date or something? Do I get kicked out on a certain day?”

“You do realize you’re sleeping with the landlord, right?” Brody half laugh, half snorted. “I doubt you’re getting kicked to the curb anytime soon.”

“Why are you worrying about this now?” Macon slung an arm over my shoulder.

“Because I still don’t know where I’ll go.”

“And you honestly think I’m going to throw you out?” He gaped at me.

“No, of course not, but if you’re leaving…”

“Brody, can you give us a minute?” Macon gave him a knowing look.

“Sure. Meet you back at the car in a few.” Brody took off down the beach.

“I’m not disappearing on you. I’m not using you. I’m not getting bored. I have no idea what I’m going to be doing, but that doesn’t mean I don’t plan to still be with you.”

“Okay. That’s what I needed to hear.”

“Good. Now get back to work on that cone, it’s starting to melt and we’re not going home until you’re done.”

“I’m not finishing this whole thing.”

“Why not?”

I stared at the monstrous mound of ice cream. “Because it’s huge.”

“I thought you liked huge things.”

I pushed his side. “Don’t start, Macon.”

“What? I’m taking about how much you love big cars.”
