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On the Rocks

On the Rocks (Mixology #2)(47)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“Not yet.”

She moved back around and settled into the crook of my arm. We sipped our wine and watched the rain start from small drops to a steady downpour. Silence had never felt so natural before.

Chapter Twenty-Six


I was in love with Macon. The realization hit me like a freight train as I curled up with him watching the storm. Every part of me felt whole with him. He got me. He didn’t judge or over glorify the good parts, but he also didn’t focus on the bad. We joked about being perfect, but the reality was neither of us wanted that. I didn’t want perfect, I wanted real and strong. He’d finally opened up to me. It had taken nearly the whole summer, but it had happened.

“What are you thinking about?” His lips tickled my neck. He kept the swing moving. My legs were curled up under me.

“You and me.”

“Anything I don’t already know?”

I gazed up at him in the hazy light from the single bulb porch fixture. “Nope. You already know all of it.”

“I have no clue what we’re going to do at the end of the summer, but I’m not giving you up.”

“Considering I have no plans of giving you up, you’re good.”

“You’re going to stay with me? Follow me to the ends of the earth?”

I crawled into his lap. “Yes.”

“Good.” He brushed his lips against mine in that way of his. He did it all the time, and at first I thought he just did it because he knew it sent a thrill through me. Later I figured out it was his way of testing the waters.

I reached up and ran my hands through his hair. “I may even have an idea.”

“Oh?” His lidded eyes gazed into mine, and I knew it wasn’t the time to share my plan yet.

“But I don’t want to talk about that.”

“What do you want to talk about, Carly?”

“I don’t want to talk.”

He grinned. “I was hoping you’d say that.” His lips crushed into mine, moving against mine until he lightly bit my bottom lip and pushed his way into my mouth. I gladly let him in. He slipped a hand under my t-shirt and bra, fondling my breast while his mouth continued to explore mine.

He broke the kiss long enough to discard my shirt and bra before returning his lips to mine. I used the break to pull off his t-shirt. I wanted his bare skin against mine. We were outside, but there was no one else for miles. There was something so thrilling about being intimate while the rain poured down inches from us.

His lips moved down to my neck, and I leaned my head back to give him better access. His lips continued their descent, stopping on my breasts. I fumbled with his belt, unbuckling it before moving on to the button of his cargo shorts. I slipped my hand inside while he lifted me off his lap enough to unbutton my jeans. I stood up, and he slowly slid my dark jeans down my legs. While his eyes took me in, I got rid of his shorts and boxers in one movement. He slid off my underwear before he sat back on the swing taking me with him.

I gently stroked him while he slipped two fingers inside of me. I gasped at the sensation, but he didn’t take long before removing them. I was about to protest when he thrust inside of me. The movement rocked the swing, getting it moving again. I gasped again as he moved the entire length of him inside me, back and forth.

He pulled out the hair tie from my hair, letting it spill down my back. I always felt sexier that way. I pressed my lips into his neck, trying to control the urge to scream.

“I love you, Carly.” The words came out in short bursts as he moved.

“I love you, Macon.” I didn’t plan to tell him in the heat of passion, but sometimes that’s when we’re most honest.

“I’ve never heard a three word combination I liked more.”

I kissed him. I needed my lips against his. He kissed me back, continuing to move inside me. Right before he pushed me over the edge his lips moved to my ear. “Do you love me enough to stop holding back how you feel?”

“Of course.” I closed my eyes, letting myself enjoy the pleasure of our bodies joining, and when the time came I let out the scream I’d have normally fought down. That did something to him, and he reached his own release moments later just as a bright streak of lightning lit up the sky.

“I love you so much, babe. So freaking much.” He held me to him, his hands grasping me like he thought I’d disappear if he ever let go.


“Twelve. It’s definitely twelve.” Macon counted the small red dots on my body. We’d moved inside.

“I’ve had twenty bug bites before, this is nothing.”

“I don’t have any.”

“I guess my blood is sweet.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised. Every part of you is sweet.”

I laughed, loving how comfortable I was lying naked in front of him. Macon wouldn’t have it any other way. He liked to look at me, and although at first I was embarrassed about it, I loved to look at him.

I held up our entwined hands, squinting to see them in the near darkness of the room. “That was worth it though.”

“I hope so… it was incredible for me.”

“For me too.”

“Just in case you didn’t get the full effect since I had you distracted, I love you.”

I smiled. “It was actually an even stronger effect, but I don’t mind you repeating yourself.” I leaned up on an elbow. “And, I love you, Macon.”

“See, I was right. There is no better word combination then hearing that from your lips.”

I laughed. “I’ll try not to overuse it and ruin the effect then.”

“You could never over use it.”

“Good.” I kissed his shoulder.

“All right, I think this calls for ice cream.” He hopped out of bed and headed out of the room.

“Aren’t you going to get dressed first?” I didn’t bother to get up. He’d bring the ice cream to me.

“Nope, but we do have a problem.”

“What kind of problem?” I asked, squinting to see him in the dark.

“The power’s out.”

“I guess that means we’ll have to eat a lot of ice cream.” I laughed.

“It’s incredibly awesome that you just said that. Do you realize how many girls would be freaking out?”

“Stuck in a cabin without power with a hot guy? Uh, most girls wouldn’t care.”

“When you put it that way…” He laughed. “I know I have a flashlight somewhere.”
