Read Books Novel

On the Rocks

On the Rocks (Mixology #2)(51)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“It’s not all luck.”

She squeezed my hand. “I know.”

I yawned.

“All right, I’ll let you get some sleep. You have a big day tomorrow.”

I smiled, and it wasn’t forced. “I do, and I’m in even more of a hurry than usual to get home.”

“Do you share a room with him every night?”

“Yes.” There was no reason to pretend.

“My little sister, shacking up with a beach boy.”

“He’s more than a beach boy.”

“I know.” She patted my hand. “I love you, Carly. I know I haven’t done a good job of showing you that, but I do.”

“I love you too.”

We walked out to our cars, and I felt like a weight had been taken off me. One late night chat couldn’t erase the pain she’d caused me, but it was a step in the right direction. Maybe one day our relationship would be normal again—or as close to normal as it had ever been.

Macon was already asleep by the time I got home that night. Sometimes our opposite schedules were frustrating, but there was always something nice about slipping in next to him. He mumbled something incoherently before he cuddled me against him.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


Carly spent the first half of the night tossing and turning. I tried to calm her down, but I knew how much the business meant to her. I’d even considered talking to my parents for an investment, but I knew they wouldn’t be keen on putting that kind of money on the line. Carly seemed convinced Colin would want a share and would co-sign on any loans, but I was worried she was overestimating what he was worth. He wasn’t that much older than us.

By three a.m. I was done letting her suffer in silence. I pulled her into my arms, kissing her gently on her lips. “You need to relax, babe.”

“You tell me that a lot.”

“Because it’s true.” I slipped a hand under the tank top part of her PJs.

“What if he says no?”

“Then we come up with another idea. Ocean Quest Gourmet will work, but it might need a different location or something, and more time to come up with the money.”

“But I want it here. I want it now.” She pouted.

I laughed. “You do know what you sound like, don’t you?”

“Yeah, I know. I’ve just never been so excited about something before.”

“And I’m excited too. You know that.” I moved my hand up further, stopping just below her breast.

“Yeah, you are excited.” She stroked me through my boxers. “How can you be that turned on talking about business?”

“Because I’m discussing it with you—in bed.”

“Well, since there’s a chance I won’t get the business here and right now, can I get something else?” She continued the stroking motion.

“That depends.”

“Depends on?”

“Whether I like your proposal.”

“You want a proposal?” She leaned up on an elbow.

“Yeah, why not?”

The room was mostly dark, but I’d left the shades open and moonlight streaked in. She sat up and pulled off her tank top, tossing it on the floor. I missed her hand on me, but it was made up for when she stood up and pulled off her PJ bottoms and panties.

“How’s this for a proposal?”

“I accept.” I was standing in seconds, discarding my boxers so nothing stood in my way.

“I’m so glad you said that.”

“Me too.” I kissed her, devouring her lips as my hands explored the body I’d never get tired of touching.

She pushed my chest, letting me know she wanted me to lie down. I did as she asked, eagerly waiting as she crawled up my body. She adjusted us, slowly easing me inside her. She closed her eyes and arched her back. I held her hips as she continued to move up and down on me.

“Macon.” She moaned my name, and I cupped her breasts, needing to touch her, needing anything she could give. She moaned my name again while moving us faster. She took in the full length of me over and over until we both reached our release.

We lay there afterward panting and sweaty, I held her on top of me, unwilling to let go.

She kissed me lightly. “Well I’m not any sleepier, but I’m not nervous anymore.”

“Glad I could be of service.”

“Just so you know, I’m going to be requesting that service a lot.”

I grabbed her ass. “Not as much as me.”


I tried to stop picturing Carly’s naked body when she strode up to where she had her iPhone projector aimed at the wall in Colin’s living room. “Welcome everyone.”

She was being so formal, but I couldn’t help thinking about how silly she’d been just hours earlier, and just how many times we’d had sex from three a.m. on.

I forced those thoughts away and focused on the business dress attired Carly. Who knew she could look so hot in slacks and a blouse?

“Thank you for taking the time to meet with us.”

The audience consisted of Maddy, Colin, Brody, and Kim. As much as Carly had issues with her sister, I was glad Kim had taken the effort to come down and try to clear the air. I was also glad she’d have the opportunity to see how passionate Carly was about the project.

“What do you think of when you think of vacation scuba diving?” Carly pressed a button on her laptop. A picture of the ocean with slow rising bubbles stared back at us.

“I think of Macon.” Maddy smiled at me.

“Okay, you think about quality instructors.” Carly bit back a smile.

“Anyone else?” She zeroed in on Colin.

“I think about boats?” He looked to me for some kind of clue.

“Here’s what I think about.” She clicked another button on her computer. A picture of a sea turtle appeared, she clicked again and there was an underwater scene featuring fish and a ray gliding through the water. “These are great images, are they not?”

“Beautiful.” Kim watched intently.

“But what happens after those images? What happens after you see these? If you take a standard dive you can expect something like this.” She clicked again and a photo of a mushed peanut butter and jelly sandwich filled the screen. “And this.” A bag of cheap crackers with a juice box beside it took the sandwich’s place.

“But what if diving could be different? What if you could go from this,” we were back at the ocean scene, “to this?” The next image was of kabobs and shrimp cocktail. “And even this.” Her next click revealed two cocktail glasses.
