Read Books Novel

Once She Dreamed

I stared without losing control. Did he seriously just say what I think he said as if it were understood? I had never given Ben encouragement. Finally I let out a sigh. “Ben, I don’t know what you’re thinking or why you’d say something like that. You’ve been my friend since we were ten. And that’s all you’ll ever be. I don’t want to go to a barn dance with any guy from Moulton or near it. My future isn’t here.”

I didn’t wait for him to say anything more. I turned and came face to face, with Jamie standing like a statue, she looking at me like she was ready to cry and throw herself in attack. This wasn’t easy on her. She wanted Ben. But she loved me all the same. She was worried and confused, who isn’t. Being young is figuring it out. And it’s hard to know what to do.

“Y’all go on and swim. I’m gonna walk home. I need the fresh air and some alone time.” I walked away leaving them there. I could feel their eyes on my back and it seemed as if the place had gone silent. I was their drama for the week I guess. Gave them something to talk about.

I should have just gone home after work.

Chapter Six

For the next two days I didn’t hear from Jamie or Ben. I worked then went home and we finished the peas and planted the tomatoes as planned. My regular summer routine, repeated year after year, nothing special and still no hope in sight of escaping this town or state. Milly went on another date with Richard. I might be here forever.

Today was chocolate day. There were chocolate covered strawberries and raspberry cupcakes also stuffed with chocolate. Momma did a chocolate day every week and other than strawberry cupcakes this was my second favorite day. I loved the smell filling the bakery. Those strawberries weren’t cheap so I couldn’t sneak one, but I sure did swoon and let my mouth water thinking about the sweet tangy juice, the milk chocolate momma made from scratch. She said Marilyn had requested them on her own wedding cake. That would be the tastiest wedding cake on earth ever consumed. I looked forward to that wedding (can’t believe I just said that) because I could have my pick of the strawberries. Maybe stuff two or three in my purse.

“I need you to run down to the fruit stand and get some more strawberries from George. Three long cartons should do it. Then swing by the grocery and get some cream cheese. I want to try a recipe I just birthed in my brain with these apples I got left over.”

Momma called from the back and I jumped. Her voice wasn’t there, then it was. “Yes ma’am,” I replied and took the cash envelop from under the register counter. It was meant for purchasing baking needs that momma might need in a rush. I got out a twenty and spread the bill flat and wished that love ran our world. Hoped that it might some day.

“You coming to work the front?” Couldn’t abandon my post without knowing momma was coming.

“Yeah! Let me stick these cakes in the oven. You go on. I need them strawberries.”

I needed the fresh air away from the chocolate. How was I supposed to control myself? Heading for the door I stalled. A face appeared on the other side. Mr. Expensive had returned to the bakery. This, I hadn’t expected. He seemed even more attractive than the image of him I’d saved in my prior memory. Was I distracted by him holding a cupcake? They were also beautiful. Either way he was nice to look at.

“Hello again,” I said, feeling butterflies in my stomach as he entered.

“Hello,” he replied, his tone polished and deep. I liked that. What girl wouldn’t?

“Did you enjoy your cupcake?” I asked.

He grinned. “Yes, did you enjoy yours? I hope you ate them both.”

I nodded. “It was delicious. I gave the other to Henry, he’s my little brother. Now he asks me for his daily cupcake.”

The man’s smile was really something else. I wanted him to smile some more. “We have chocolate covered strawberries today. They’re a really big hit and oh, we have chocolate raspberry cupcakes. You’d enjoy either or both.” I assured him and he seemed convinced.

He tilted his head. “Have you tried those?”

My face flushed and I wanted to lie. But I wasn’t a liar so I shook my head. “No, but I smell them and I can promise you this, they are flat yummy and scrumptious.”

“Can I help you?” Momma’s voice interrupted and I inwardly winced, saying “I gotta go get some strawberries, cream cheese and something else…” Quickly I brushed right past him, hurrying through the door. I wasn’t about to face momma.

She would take his order and send him on his way. I’d pay for flirting later. She didn’t trust men like that. Though Henry’s daddy hadn’t been anything similar, I really think she’s suspicious of men. And I completely understand why.

I headed down the sidewalk towards the grocery to get the cream cheese first. It was the farthest away. I was almost there when I saw Jamie step from the cross-street cleaners to my side. She stopped when she saw me, ducked her had, and hurried down the street. Jamie was obviously avoiding me and we’d never avoided each other. We’d argued before, but never this, Jamie walking in the opposite direction.

I got the cream cheese while worrying about Jamie, wishing I had time to find her, to talk and see what was wrong. It would have to wait until after work because Momma expected me back. I was hoping Mr. Expensive hadn’t been asking questions. If he had momma was sure to lecture until I dropped.

George had me several cartons of strawberries already picked and sorted. He must have known it was a strawberry day. We’d sold several dozen already. I figured we’d sell at least eight more before the day was over.
