Read Books Novel

Owned By The Dom: Part One

“Our plan does not change. Things are going to get ugly. Dominic was just the beginning. He’ll come, and then you’ll both be sorry.” At mentioning him they both winced. He hated to see the pain on their faces. They were two young women who’d suffered a great deal. He wanted them to live their lives without fear. “What are you going to do when they find out the truth? Isabella? Rebecca?”

“I’m sorry, Dane. We can’t run. Too much is at stake,” Rebecca said.

“Sean and Lucas won’t let me run. I’m thankful for your help, but I can’t finish it. This is my home.”

“I can’t protect you here. You’re too vulnerable.” Dane wanted to hurt something. All of his planning was for nothing.

“We know you want to save her, Dane. We’re going to help any way we can to get her back.”

He closed his eyes as he was once again swamped by the pain.

“Nothing is going to help if you two are still around when the shit hits the fan. They’re coming, and they’re going to collect.”

At his words silence descended on the room.

“James and Stephen have no idea how far back this thing goes, do they?”

Dane didn’t say a word. From what he’d read, neither did their fathers or their fathers before them. Whatever happened between Possession and Ravage was about to get a whole lot worse.

“I better go before someone notices I’ve gone.” Dane held both women’s shoulders trying to comfort them. “Please, get out of here before it is too late. You will be nothing but pawns in this war among men.”

He left them going straight to the bathroom when he saw Sean walking up the stairs. Dane locked the door staring at his reflection. He needed more time and more money.

Another part of him didn’t want James and Stephen to be hurt.

Dane closed his eyes shutting off the painful memories. He needed to get Isabella and Rebecca to safety. That was the one promise he was going to keep. The other, he’d die in her place if he had to.


“Do you really think they’ll be coming for us?” Isabella asked. Rebecca stared at the younger woman wishing she could give her something to help her feel safe.

“If Dane says he’s coming then he’ll be coming, and if we’re here, we’re as good as dead.” Rebecca thought of Tate and Kevin. They were in love with her. She’d seen the possessive glint in their eyes whenever they looked at her. They wanted to keep her safe, and she hated the fact that they were in love with an illusion. The Rebecca they’d fallen in love with wasn’t the real person she was.

She blinked away the tears filling her eyes. Lloyd Black had destroyed every part of her that was good. Now, she did everything she could to survive.

“Why don’t we run?” Isabella asked.

“I think you should run. I can’t. I owe Cadeon and Stephen so much. They protected me from Lloyd when it got too bad. Then there are Tate and Kevin.” She cut off her thoughts.

“They will love you no matter what,” Isabella said.

She shook her head. “They won’t. Not when they learn the truth. Who could love someone like me?”

Isabella held her close. She took the small amount of comfort that she could in the younger woman’s arms. They both owed Dane so much. Rebecca knew he was putting his life on the line to help them and the men who’d helped to free him.

“I can’t leave Lucas to this. He’s all I’ve got.”

“Then it looks like we’re staying until the end.” They held each other for several minutes. It was the only comfort they could afford themselves in this perilous time. Rebecca knew it was only a matter of time before Possession and Ravage were a distant memory. She hoped and prayed they were all strong enough to deal with the danger that was lurking all around them.

Chapter Seven

Another meaningless day at work and her feet were tired from all the walking she’d done. She needed to find better fitting shoes. The heels she wore were not doing the job she wanted. Prue loved the way the heels made her legs and ass look, but they were a nightmare on her feet.

She leaned back on her sofa, clicking on the television when her phone began to ring. She ignored the shrill tone intent on disrupting her quiet time. The phone went ignored for the next few minutes until the phone lay silent in its cradle.

Her thoughts turned to James as the television showed a romantic comedy. It was too early for any decent movie to be playing. It had been four days since she’d seen James. Monday seemed like an eternity away. Anya and Becky went to Ravage every night after work. They were addicted to the club. She’d declined to go, preferring to stay at home with a tub of chocolate ice cream to keep her company.

Prue flicked through the channels trying to find something to capture her attention when the phone began ringing once again.

She growled before getting out of her chair and answering the call. “Hello,” she said.

There was no sound on the other line. She put the phone down, and it immediately began ringing again. Frowning, she picked the phone up, waiting for the person to respond. Goosebumps erupted on her arms as she heard heavy breathing on the other end. The sound filled her with terror. She’d seen plenty of movies with heavy breathers down the line.

“Who is this?” she asked.

No sound other than the heavy breathing. She put the phone down then turned to sit on the sofa.

The phone began ringing.

Prue picked the phone up and placed it against her ear. The heavy breather was back. She slammed the phone down and disconnected the phone from the wall. Prue stared at the phone and screamed when someone banged on her front door.

She put a hand to her brow, feeling the sweat on her forehead. The neighbourhood she lived in was a good one. She walked to the door surprised to see who was on her doorstep. James stood waiting for her. Prue would recognise that frown anywhere. She soaked him in through the little keyhole.

“Open the door, Prudence. I know you’re standing there.” She stuck her tongue out and pulled a face before putting on a bland expression and opened the door.

“James, I’m surprised to see you here. Veronica doesn’t live here.” Her heart was racing partly from the phone call and mostly because having your wet dream on your doorstep would cause any body to have a meltdown.

“I’m not here to see Veronica. I’m here to see you.” He brushed past her without giving her chance to invite him in.

“You could have waited for an invitation.”
