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Owned By The Dom: Part One

She walked up the stairs and ran herself a bath.


James hung up looking around his club. He’d typed her number into his phone so he knew it was her the moment she called him. He made a few calls, organising a booth in the restaurant he preferred for comfort. The owner of the place assured him his seat would be available.

Leo walked over to him. “I’ll be out for the rest of the night. Please, make sure to keep a tight lock on things.”

“Sure thing, Boss. Have a nice night with the lady,” Leo said.

James nodded his head then left the club to go and dress. He spent most of his time at the club now. His own home was looked after by a variety of staff during his absence. After the press had accosted him outside his home, he’d not wanted to go back.

He changed his clothes before calling for a taxi. Outside the club he saw the queue of people trying to get inside. Leo was on the door once again, carding everyone. Leo had come to him for a job just after the press descended like a pack of walls. Hiring Leo had been a good decision.

The taxi pulled up several minutes later, and he climbed inside and gave the driver Prudence’s address.

She stood at her door. He watched her lock her door then walk to the taxi. She climbed in beside him. The coat she wore obscured her body from his view. Together, they rode to the restaurant in silence. James wanted to reach across and reassure her he wasn’t some kind of animal. Instead, he stared out his window trying to distract his mind and body from the tempting morsel at his side. It was a hard temptation to resist. He was determined to do so.

He helped her out of the car the moment they pulled up against the restaurant. There were no press, which he liked. This was where the wealthy could eat without the flashing cameras.

James took her hand, leading her inside the dark room. The maître d’ showed them to their table. He liked a secluded booth away from all the prying eyes. Being a wealthy man he hated being interrupted during his meal.

Prudence sat down, and he helped her into her place at the table. Her coat, as well as his, was taken by the maître d’. The waiter presented their menus and left them in silence.

“You look beautiful,” he said.

“And yourself.”

He chuckled when she went bright red and gazed down at her menu. “This is very expensive, James. I wanted to pay for my own meal,” she said. Her honesty was refreshing. The money meant little to him. Other women would have fawned over the prices while she looked nervous about the cost.

“I’ve forced you into this position, Prudence. I think it is only fair that I pay for your meal as well.”

She nodded her head then went back to reading the menu in front of her. “Thank you for agreeing to see me, James.”

“It was nice to be asked.”

Prudence glanced up at him. “I never thought about how awful it must be for you. To have your whole life opened up for the world to see.”

“It has been difficult.  I was never ashamed of who I am. Unlike some people,” he said.

“What are you trying to say?” she asked.

He closed the menu knowing what he was going to order the moment he’d entered the restaurant. James wanted to put her at ease in a new place. From the moment she’d phoned him, he’d wanted to take her to a place she’d remember. She looked absolutely stunning in the black knee length dress she wore. Her hair fell around her shoulders, and he saw the deep red peeking through the tips.

“I was talking about your relationship with the professor. Michael shouldn’t be taking advantage of his students.”

“I can assure you, he wasn’t. I’m not ashamed of my relationship with him, James. Michael and I had a thing, and over time it fizzled out. There was nothing to it other than two people sharing some fun together.”

The waiter came back. James ordered Beef Wellington with potatoes and vegetables. She ordered a chicken and spinach pasta with plenty of sauce.

“Michael shouldn’t have done anything with you in the first place,” James said. He couldn’t get past her relationship with the other man. The pain in his chest at the thought of Michael touching her, hurt.

She reached over the table and took his hand.

“I’ve not seen him in over three years. I don’t want to talk about our past lovers.”

James knew she wanted to talk about Ravage and Possession.

“What exactly do you know?” he asked, taking a sip of his water.

“Nothing. Only the crap I’ve heard in the news.”

“Some of that crap is true but not all of it.” He replaced his glass on the table. Prudence made to pull away from him; he kept a firm grip on her hand. James wanted to touch her as he talked to her.

“Then tell me what is true.”

He took a deep breath. Cadeon and Stephen had each gone through this stage with their women. What if she handled it badly? Being owned by a man is not the most modern way of seducing a woman.

You’re seducing her now?

“The part about Possession and Ravage being exclusive clubs is true. Stephen Knox is the owner of Possession while I own Ravage.”

She didn’t pull away from his hand. He glanced around the restaurant seeing a few familiar faces among the people dining. There were more possessive men out there than people realised.

“I don’t know how to discuss it, Prudence. I’ve learned to accept what is.”

“Start with your own club. I want to know more about you and how you’re linked.”

The waiter came over with their meal. James let her hand go so she would be able to eat unhindered by his touch. When the waiter disappeared he began explaining himself.

“Ravage was already part of my family. My father had built the club to be a gentlemen’s club very much like Possession. When I came to own the club I changed it so the main part of the club was open to everyone while the basement, or the dungeon, could be used for more exclusive purposes. It made money and kept a tight lid on clients’ identity. If they wished they could go through the club without questions.” He stopped to eat a piece of beef.

“So is Ravage your only business?”

“No. Castleden has many stocks and shares with businesses worldwide. I deal with them in my spare time. My father placed a board who oversee that side of the investment. I’m called in when things get difficult.” He lived a good life. His father had made sure he’d want for nothing. James preferred to be in his club. Ravage was his life. It was who he was and defined the man he’d turned into.
