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Owned By The Dom: Part One

The barman nodded once again.

“Do you have a name?” she asked.

“Jermaine, miss. I’ll get you some water.”

Prue knew it was useless to even try to argue with the man. She spun round on her seat and watched the dancing couples. The heat radiating around the club was becoming uncomfortable. She stood up and removed her full length coat. Sitting back down in her chair, she watched Jermaine approach.  He looked her over and stopped. Her face might be young like she thought before, her body however, was all woman in all the right places. She wasn’t model thin or massively overweight. At least to herself she wasn’t overweight. Her body shape had always been on the bigger side. Her h*ps were always larger, and her br**sts were the same. She did have a small waist, compared to the rest of her. Her thighs were large as well. Veronica had been the thin girl in the family with the golden hair and kind eyes, while she’d been on the chunkier side. When she stood next to her slimmer older sister she thought she looked like an elephant. It was when she was around her family when she felt she didn’t like herself. She loved her body and had learned to accept her curves, with the help of a professor while she was at college. She would never tell anyone about that part of her life. Jermaine handed her over her drink. She thanked him then continued to stare at the sea of bodies.

“Are you really Veronica’s little sister?” Jermaine asked.

“Did you know my sister?”

“Yes, she was a heck of a good barmaid and one hell of a waitress when she needed to be. Leo has only been with us a year. James makes sure everyone knows you’re not allowed inside. It was one of his rules when Veronica left.”

That was Veronica all over. Her elder sister would excel at everything.

“Yeah, I’m her younger sister.”

Someone whistled from the bar to gain his attention. Prue watched him walk away. She picked up her water and sipped out of the straw he’d given her.

Running her fingers through her hair, she stared at the dance floor. She kept playing with her hair. She’d gotten it coloured the other day, and she didn’t know if she liked it. While she’d been at the stylist, she’d asked them to dye her hair black and red. They’d dyed the top part black, and then underneath there were flashes of red.

“Have you been let out to play with the grown-ups?” Anya asked, taking a seat next to her.

“You could have waited for me,” she said.

“Where would the fun have been? That guy on the door looked hot, Prue. You have to admit he was worth a bit of your time,” Becky said, sitting on her other side. Prue kept looking at the dancing couples. She so wanted to be with them.

“I’ve been told to stay here until he gets my clearance or something. I think Veronica put some sort of protection order against me at this place.”

Becky snorted. “Miss goody-too-shoes is always spoiling your fun.”

“She means well by it. Veronica doesn’t want to see me get hurt.”

“Or have a life. She is a control freak, Prue.  She’ll try to stop you having your fun, so that she can have her own fun. I don’t like it, and neither should you,” Anya said.

“Please, don’t talk about her. She’s still my sister. Why don’t you guys go and have some fun? I’m going to wait to be given permission.”

Prue looked at the dance floor longing to be in with the crowd.

“Is your jailer here to stop you?” Becky asked.

She looked behind her to see Leo hadn’t returned, and Jermaine being flirted with by a brunette at the other side of the bar. Prue glanced from the dance floor to the barman and back again.

Screw it.

She wanted to have some fun, and if breaking the rules was the only way she was going to get it, then that is exactly what she was going to do.

In a quick move, she left her jacket and water at the bar then ran to the dance floor getting lost in the crowd of bodies. Becky and Anya laughed along with her. The music thumped against the walls and inside her body. The tune took her over. She raised her hands above her head and began swaying her h*ps to the beat. In no time at all a couple of guys had surrounded them. Prue resisted the urge to push them away. Her friends were looking for some action while she was only hoping to gain James’s attention and give him that letter. She wondered what her sister had to say to James that was so important she couldn’t wait to see him herself.

Pushing all thoughts of her sister and James out of her mind, she stopped the wandering hands on her hips, closed her eyes, and danced.


James Castleden stared at the man inside his office, Dane. He was supposed to be at Possession, but Stephen didn’t want him at the club. The convicted criminal made a lot of the clients uneasy. Getting this man back from the United Kingdom and in their custody had been a bloody headache. Dane had killed some people in the short time that he had served Dominic Green.

“Where were you this afternoon?” James asked.


“You’re not supposed to go f**king out! Not without someone with you. If the cops find out about you just wandering the streets then it falls down on our head.”

“I agreed to this shit to be in Possession. I’m not into this spanking shit or tying people up. I’ve seen enough to last me a life time. I want to go back to Possession or the deal is off,” Dane said.

“Do you think it is that easy? Do you have any idea what Stephen, Cadeon, and I went through to get you out of jail? You’re a murderer and a pimp—”

Dane slammed his fist down on the table. He stood up leaning over the desk, and his huge body made the large desk seem small in comparison.

“I may be here because of you, and don’t try to insult me. I was never a pimp. Don’t even put that f**king tag on my card. Yes, I killed people. I was doing my job to stay alive. Now, either send me back to Possession or back to the UK because I don’t have to deal with your American shit if I don’t want to.”

James wasn’t scared. Dane may have killed people, but there was a skill in his own body. At forty-six he still continued to train. Being a wealthy businessman and a Dom didn’t mean he could sit on his ass all day twiddling his thumbs. He ran his club and his businesses with both hands. There was no slowing down in his life, and that is exactly what he wanted.

“I can’t let you go back yet. Stephen doesn’t like you scaring the clients.”

“Then he better pick stronger clients. I agreed to be at Possession, nothing else.”
