Read Books Novel

Owned By The Dom: Part One

Her friends shook their heads in denial. She understood him not finding her attractive,  she thought they were friends at the very least. They’d gotten on really well when he was dating her sister.

“He was hot for you, Prue. Make no mistake. The moment we came off the dance floor he was eating you up. For an old man he’s really cute.”

Prue frowned at her. James may be older than she, but that didn’t mean he was some kind of ancient being.

“Are you coming to dance?” Anya asked.

She shook her head. “No, you go on ahead. I’m going to stay here.” And drown my sorrows in alcohol.

They gave her a sympathetic hug then walked onto the dance floor. For a few minutes she watched them before turning back to her drink.

She stirred the contents with a straw and watched as the ice began to melt.

Someone took the seat next to her ordering a beer. The British accent soothed her. Prue looked up to see a large man. He had dark black hair with the darkest green eyes she’d ever seen. The man beside her was tall, taller than any other man she’d seen. He had to be close to six foot six. Probably not that tall. Her maths were awful.

Realising she was staring, she felt the blush fill her cheeks.

“You can look all you want,” the man said, taking a seat next to her.

“Sorry, you’re so tall,” she said.

Jermaine brought the guy’s beer over and glared at him before placing it in front of him. “Cheers, mate.”

She listened to the accent, loving the way the smooth tones of his voice helped to relax her. Her thoughts turned to James, and she squashed them. He saw her as nothing more than a little girl.

“I’m Prudence Star.” She offered the guy her hand. “Most people call me Prue.”

“Dane.”  He shook her hand then pulled away.


“Last name not necessary.”

Prue smiled. Jermaine stood near where they sat.

“So, a sexy lady like yourself shouldn’t be alone at a club like this,” he said.

“I’m not. My girlfriends are on the dance floor.”

“And you’re not there with them?”

She stared at him. “You’re asking a lot of questions for a stranger.”

“I’m a curious guy. I’m a friend of James.” He stared at her.

Prue took a moment to really look at him. His eyes may be the darkest shade of green she’d ever seen, but there was coldness to them. This man was not everything he was cracked up to be.

“You see who I am now, Prue.”

“Looks can be deceiving,” she said, taking a sip of her drink. Her hand shook.

“I’m not going to hurt you.”

“Get the f**k out of my bar, now!” James said. Prue turned toward him, shocked to hear the anger in his voice. She stared from Dane to James. The anger on his face was pure.

“James, what is going on?” she asked.

Instead of answering her, he caught her arm in a vise-like grip and gave her to Leo, who happened to be walking past.

“Go and put her in my room, Leo. Make sure to lock the f**king thing so she doesn’t get out.” James gave out the orders.

“Hey, let go of me,” she said, pulling on the arm that held her. Prue fought with all of her might to be out of his grip. The man held her tightly, and she didn’t like it.

“Do as you’re told,” James said. She stared into his eyes not comprehending the sudden change in him. Where had he come from? And what was wrong with the guy she’d been talking to?

She wanted to argue with him. The pleading look in his eye stopped her. There was arguing, and then there was plain stupidity.

“You better explain.”

He nodded his head. Leo escorted her out of the bar. She saw her two friends rushed to where James was. He must have given them a warning because they only stared after her.

“Could you please loosen your hold? I’m going to have a bruise otherwise, and I don’t want to have to explain that to my bosses.” Her bosses wouldn’t care about her bruises providing her work was done. Working in a sit down office job was boring.

Why was she thinking all of this stuff now? She should be panicking.

He walked her down the hall to a set of doors. She watched him open the first door, close it, then turn to the left to open another door. He was leading her down some sort of maze. She closed her eyes feeling her anger begin to rise. Veronica was going to get hell for this.

“Give James this letter for me. It is important. You’ll be fine. He liked you and will remember you.”

She was going to f**king kill her sister. Go to a club known for BDSM. Check. End up feeling like shit because of the guy in charge. Check. Get locked in a room. Leo put her inside a bedroom.

“Please, stay put until James comes to get you.”

He closed the door, and she heard the unmistakable sound of the lock flicking into place.

Again, get locked inside a room. Check.

Chapter Four

James waited for her to leave before turning back to Dane. The moment he’d seen the killer near Prudence, he’d completely lost it. No way in hell would he put her in danger, not for him or Possession.

Her friend approached.

“I suggest you grab your belongings and get out. If you cause a fuss I will have you permanently removed from Ravage,” he said without even looking at them.

Neither of the women said a word. He saw them take their belongings and hesitate over Prudence’s coat.

“I’ll sort it out.”

They were gone several moments later.

“You’re causing a scene in your club.”

“My club. My rules.” James folded his arms over his chest. The anger threatened to consume him. He wanted to tear this man apart. Dane had done nothing to him. James merely hated everything the guy stood for. He didn’t give a shit what he had to offer, the information trapped inside his murderous brain. All that James cared about was getting the son-of-a-bitch out of his life and away from Prudence.

“Do you really want to do this now?” Dane asked, flexing his arms.

James saw the threat and recognised it.

“You do not come into my club and talk to her.” James was ready to do some damage. This was not going to be settled like men. He was done talking with this guy.

“Out back. Now.”

His actions were immature.  He needed somewhere to vent this aggression. He was tired of feeling out of control. The past year had been out of his control. With Dominic Green, Lloyd Black, the human trafficking ring, and the threat to his and Stephen’s clubs, he was done with it all. Ravage was his baby, and he wasn’t going to take shit for another second. Dane represented everything they’d all lost in the last few months.
