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Owned by the Dom: Part Two

“I’m fine, and I’ll call the moment I need you,” Violet said.

Cadeon turned to leave. She let the other woman inside then closed the door. “I’m sorry about that. Cadeon worries at the smallest of things.”

Violet smiled then rubbed her stomach.

“Do you want anything to drink?” Prue asked.

Two visits in one day.

“Hot chocolate if you have it.” Violet followed her through to the kitchen.

“You can sit down on the sofa if you want?” Prue made them both a hot chocolate before joining the other woman in the living room.

“I’m sorry for invading your space. James thinks it will be good if we both talk.” Violet’s subtle English accent came through as she spoke.

“Is this because of what happened with you and Dominic Green?” Prue asked. She saw the other woman didn’t even flinch at the mention of the man’s name.

Violet smiled. “Yes. I’m sorry to hear about you being taken. Cadeon grabbed me, and we left everything to the others. He hated leaving them in the middle of everything, but he feared for me. Ursula stayed with us as well.”

Prue smiled, unsure what to say or how to take the woman in front of her. “I really don’t know what to say to you.”

The other woman smiled. She couldn’t believe Violet was younger than she.

“I noticed you didn’t shudder or flinch when I said Dominic’s name,” Prue said. There was no reaction from Violet. In that instant Prue envied the other woman.

“I’m thankful that his name no longer scared me. There was a time, not long ago, when I couldn’t control myself when his name was mentioned.” She sipped her chocolate then placed the hot cup on the coaster. “My heart would race.” She pressed a hand against her chest. “And my palms would go all sweaty. I couldn’t think or get the right words out. He scared me so much. I think Dominic Green was my father.”

“What?” The words came out of her mouth before she even thought them.

“My mother worked for him as a prostitute. She ran away when she was pregnant with me, and for the longest time she kept me a secret. Dominic had a hold of all of the women he worked for. Any child born by his women would eventually work for him.”

Violet paused to let out a breath.

“You don’t have to tell me this,” Prue said, feeling the lump in her throat.

“You’re troubled. I see it in your eyes. This is not who I am. The girl who was hidden away and everything else, that was stuff that happened to me. The real person is the woman I’ve become. I’m Cadeon’s wife and soon to be the mother of his child.” She rubbed her stomach. “He’s taught me not to be ashamed of who I am. What I went through made me a strong person.”

Prue sipped the chocolate as the first tear started to fall.

“My mother, when she gave birth to me, knew I’d become Dominic’s property, and when I was at the right age, he’d start selling me for money. She did everything she could to protect me until she killed herself.”

“Your mother killed herself?” Prue asked, shocked. This woman had a horrid upbringing in comparison to her own.

“Yes, I ran away. I did everything I could to get away. Then I met Cadeon, and everything has fallen into place. I’m in love. I’m safe, and I’m happy. You saw the way he is.” Violet smiled.

“He’s possessive.” Prue agreed, smiling. She recalled the feel of James being just as possessive with her. There was a dominance with James that she loved. He needed to be in control.

Not the other day. He let you take control and do what you wanted.

“You spent most of your early years being hidden away?”

“Yes, when my mother had visitors she’d make sure I couldn’t hear anything or that no matter what I was hidden from sight. She protected me in her own way. No one hurt me.”

“How have you gotten over that?” she asked.

“Being hidden away?”

Prue nodded.

“For the most part, I let Dominic win because I refused to come out of the dark. I stayed hidden by changing my name and staying away from everything. I realised that all that was happening was he was winning. I didn’t have anything to look forward to in life. He won at everything.”

“What changed?”

Violet smiled, sipping her coffee. “When you wake up one day and wonder where the time has gone. I left England, and when I thought back over my life I realised I’d done nothing except hide. Dominic won because I couldn’t be myself.”

“Everything changed with Cadeon?” Prue asked.

“Yes, everything of importance in my life. He gave me a life by loving me.”

Prue smiled. She wished in her heart it could be that easy for her.

Violet talked with her for several more minutes before she phoned Cadeon to pick her up. Prue saw her out of the house and waved after them.

For the first time Prue was happy for the silence in her room. Closing her eyes, she moved through her house and went to her small garden in the back. The cold air kept the neighbours inside, which she liked. Having to force a conversation was incredibly difficult for her.

Prue inhaled the cold air hoping for the freezing temperatures to fix her mind of all of its problems.

“Come on, Prue. What is wrong with you?”

When no answers came she moved back inside. Locking the door she walked over to the table and threw the card that James had given her into the trash bin. She didn’t need to talk to a professional about her problems.

Picking up the phone she dialled the supermarket and arranged for an interview for the following day. She didn’t want to be controlled by her fears, and working in a public place where she needed to interact with others would be the perfect solution.


“I talked with her, James. I don’t know if I helped or hindered,” Violet said. “I did all I could. She seems fine if a little raw around the edges.”

James stared at the woman sat in Cadeon’s lap. He envied the love between them. They were an unstoppable force that couldn’t be broken.

“I’m grateful for everything you’ve done, Violet. I really appreciate it.” He tapped her knee then sipped the hot coffee. They were at Possession, which was open once again. Several men had returned with the opening, but many were still dubious about the press and other activities. Stephen sat with Ursula in his lap. Lucas and Sean were absent while Kevin and Tate sat with them but continued to stare at where Rebecca sat in the corner.
