Read Books Novel

Owned by the Dom: Part Two

Within moments of his touch her body was aflame begging for more of his magical caresses.

“What do you do to me?” she asked.

“I could ask you the same question.”

Prue stared at his crotch. The evidence of his arousal was plain to see as his c**k pressed against the front of his pants.

“Nothing has ever changed for me, Prudence. I want you badly.”

“How can you stand to be around me after what I did?” she asked, thinking about the way she begged him last time.

James stood cupping her cheek with his huge palm. “None of that matters to me, baby. You’re not ready for me. I see that, and I respect you enough to give you all the time you need.” He pressed his lips against hers. “Make no mistake, Prudence. I’ve never stopped wanting you, and I’ve never stopped loving you.” He placed her palm against his heart. “That is one thing I can guarantee you is never going to change.”

She licked her lips, unable to say anything more. Words failed her. Prue wanted to say something that would show him her feelings, but they got lost. They stayed locked away in her mind.

“Your milk will spoil if you don’t use it.”

Spinning away from him, she took the milk off the heat. She chopped the chocolate then finished making the drinks before turning back to him. Her hands no longer shook as she gave him his cup.

“Thank you.”

They walked into the sitting room. She placed her cup on the coaster amongst the piles of presents.

“Did you get all your shopping done?” he asked.

She laughed. “Can you tell? I’ve never been great at shopping for people. I like to make food gifts. This year I thought shopping for presents would make them enjoy the food I give them more. That’s the idea, but I doubt it will work.”

Prue spent the next few hours talking him through what she’d bought. She was surprised when he knelt at the table beside her and started wrapping. In no time at all the tension between them faded. She laughed at the jokes he told and the strange way he wrapped gifts.

“You’re supposed to be wrapping a teddy bear, and that does not look anything like a cuddly teddy,” she said, laughing as James shook his head. He’d wrapped tape around his hand, attaching himself to the gift.

“At least the girl or woman getting this gift will not have any clue to what you’ve bought,” he said. “Help me out of this.”

She removed the tape. “This is fun.”

“The best kind of wrapping in the world,” he said.

Prue didn’t want the moment to end. She knew any moment he’d get up and walk out of her house.

She cleared her throat reaching for a book she’d bought Veronica. “So … erm … Ravage is back open?” she asked, changing the subject.

“Yes. The investigation ended after they got the security footage. Tate and Kevin had installed security cameras that showed the whole thing. We were all cleared, and the club was cleaned up.”

“I’m glad,” she said. Ravage was part of James. She knew it must have hurt him to see them close it for any length of time.

“Ravage keeps me busy.”

The lump returned to her throat.

“I know this isn’t my place to ask, but do you have a sub? Have you moved on with that lifestyle?” she asked, hating herself as she spoke the words.


His shoulders slumped. They’d been having a lot of fun until that question was asked. James was thankful Ravage was back open. The past few weeks had been a blessing as he’d concentrated on getting his club back up to standard. The moments where his thoughts were plagued by Prue were lessening even though he yearned for her with a passion that startled him.

Before he’d knocked on her door he’d circled the street for the past hour debating whether he should go to her or not.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked that.” Prue grabbed their cups then walked away into the kitchen.

James frowned. He was getting tired of her constantly walking away from him.

Following her into the kitchen he saw her making more chocolate milk.

“Is this where you say you’re leaving?” Prue asked without turning around to face him.

He cursed. The word sounded harsh and unfair, but he couldn’t stop it. “Fuck!”

She flinched.

James didn’t care. Closing the distance between them, he grabbed her arms and spun her around. He caught her chin in his hand forcing her to look at him.

“What part of ‘you’re mine and I’ve never stopped wanting or loving you’, don’t you understand?” he asked.

“You don’t need to stop any of those things to take a sub, James. I know that.”

He stared into her eyes seeing the fear of being replaced in her depths. James shook his head. What had happened to them?

Stroking her hair, James surrounded her with his arms. He wanted to protect her and push all of her negative thoughts away.

“There is no one in my life, Prudence. No sub or other woman. I wasn’t lying when I said I only wanted you.” He kissed the top of her head.

“You won’t take a sub?”

“No. You’re my sub, Prudence. Always and I hope you never forget it.”

He held her as she calmed down. Her fears were unjustified. Taking another sub was out of the question from the moment she walked into Ravage.

“What are you doing for Christmas?” he asked.

“I’m going to Veronica’s for the day. What are you doing?”

James closed his eyes. He’d come tonight not to just give her a gift but to also invite her to Stephen’s for dinner. He wouldn’t make her choose between him and her sister.

“I’ve got an arrangement with Stephen and the gang. Come on, let’s make this chocolate and finish wrapping.”

Prudence nodded. He helped her make their drinks, then followed her into the living room. James couldn’t help but admire the curve of her ass. He loved her ass as much as he loved the woman.

Patience was not one of his qualities, but he’d do everything he needed to do to win her trust. The rest of the night passed without any problems. He got her to laugh before he left her alone for the night.

She stood at the door looking out. The snow lay thick on the ground. He looked forward to summer. This winter felt like it had lasted a lifetime.

“I hope you have a wonderful Christmas,” he said, brushing her lips with his.

“I wish the same to you.” She held him close then let him go.
