Read Books Novel

Owned by the Dom: Part Two

“I’ve not shared this villa with anyone. When my parents passed I changed the whole décor of the house. The playroom was my own personal touch.”

The heat of the sun bore down on them. He went to edge of the sea and waited while Prudence removed her shoes. James did the same, then held her hands as they walked together.

“Violet had a little girl,” he said, starting up a conversation. They hadn’t discussed their friends in so long, and he wanted her to be part of his life in all areas.

“She did? I bet Cadeon’s terrified.” Her hand tightened around his.

“I think he’s happy to have his woman safe by his side. There were a few points throughout the pregnancy when it looked like Violet wouldn’t make it.”

“Then I’m glad she’s okay.” Prudence stopped talking. He watched her staring out at the ocean. “How’s Ursula doing?” she asked.

He laughed. “She’s driving Stephen crazy.”

“How come?”

“He’s doing everything he can to force her to marry him while she keeps putting up resistance. I think she’s still pissed about being sent away.” James smiled recalling the last argument the couple had. Even though Ursula and Stephen argued the love between them was clear to see.

“She’ll certainly keep him on his toes. How is everyone else?” she asked.

Relief swept through him at her question. She’d not asked about his friends, and he was concerned she wouldn’t want to be part of that world. “Sean is dealing with having Isabella in his life. There is a lot of history around them. Lucas recovered from his leg wound. He’s been working on it to make him strong again.”

“I can’t imagine Lucas not being strong. That guy is like a rock,” she said.

“Tate, Kevin, and Rebecca, I think, are working through their problems. I’m not completely sure about them.”

She nodded then bent down to pick up a stone. Prudence threw it across the ocean. He watched the ripples of the stone grazing the water. “What about Dane?” she asked.

“We’ve not seen him for several months. Josiah and Hubert say he’s working for them, and they need to keep him safe.”

“I imagine there are a lot of people who’ll want him dead.”

“Dane didn’t exactly keep a low profile.”

Prudence let out a sigh. “I hope he’s all right.”

“I’m sure he will be.”

James threw a stone out at the water watching the ripples glide across the surface. He took her hand, and they continued down the beach front.

“How are Ravage and Possession going? Are they working again or open?” she asked.

“They’re doing great. Most of the old members have returned. Gabe has replaced me as head Dom in the Dungeon.”

Prudence turned to him. “You can’t do that.” She took his hand, kissing his knuckles.

“I can’t be the head Dom. I refuse to train other subs, and I didn’t have a sub to call my own.” He stroked her cheek.

“You’ve got me.”

“But you’re not my sub, not completely,” he said.

She stared past his shoulder. He wondered what she was thinking. There was a lot going on behind those eyes. “What are you thinking?” he asked.

“I want to be your sub completely. I’ll do anything you want. You’re a good Dom, James, and Ravage is your club. I don’t think you should hand over the reins to anyone.”

“Gabe is a good man. I trust him.”

“It’s your club. Don’t you think you should be the head Dom and then patch all other subs with the right Master?” she asked.

James stared at her, wondering what he was missing. “For a woman who has only dabbled in the lifestyle, you seem to know a lot about it,” he said.

Prudence smiled. “I’ve done plenty of research. I know what I’m talking about.”

“I’ll think about it. I don’t want to waste our time talking about business. This is our time, Prudence.” He took her hand and started leading her toward the edge of town. There was an ice cream parlour on the corner. They’d grab an ice cream before heading back to the house.

He walked into the shop and grabbed two chocolate ice creams with cones.

“I love this,” she said, licking the icy cream from the top. They walked hand in hand back to the villa. James stared out at the ocean feeling at peace. He was with his woman, and everything was safe in the world.

James escorted her into the house. “I’m going to get dinner started if you want to have a bath or read a little.”

She gripped the back of his head pulling him down for a kiss. “Thank you for today. It was so perfect.”

He stroked her cheek then went toward the kitchen.


Their days were much the same. James would take her into the playroom, and then they’d go for a walk along the beach or they went to the local town to shop and take in the sights. Prue loved everything about Italy. She loved the food, the scenery, and the people. Her favourite time of the day was the moments she spent alone with James in the playroom. He knew how best to bring her to the brink of orgasm but to also keep her riding the fine line so she never catapulted over the edge with release.

She lay over the spanking bench a week into their stay at the villa. James stood behind her, naked, as she lay on the bench. She stared at his reflection in the mirror. His gaze landed between her spread thighs. He’d brought her to orgasm twice that morning, once with his tongue and the other with his fingers.

“I think you need to be taught some restraint,” he said. “I’ve got a special kind of punishment for you.”

He moved out of her line of sight. She waited, tense, for him to return. He came back carrying a harness and a tube of lube.

When they were in this room Prue felt a freedom she’d not experienced before. With the other men she’d dated she needed to stay in control as she’d never trusted them with her body. James she trusted with every part of her being. He would never hurt her in any way. The fact he’d removed all of the canes from the playroom was a testament to how he felt about her.

“How are you feeling, pet?” he asked.

“I’m good, Sir,” she said, addressing him by his title. There were moments when they were together in the playroom where she wanted to call him by his given name. She held back. His name was reserved for them away from the playroom. Prue loved the two different styles of their life. This was one aspect where James was in control, and everything they did was down to his decisions. Then there was the life outside of the playroom where they were equals.
