Read Books Novel

Owned by the Dom: Part Two

They walked straight through to the main bar where Abigail was doing a big number. Stephen, Ursula, and the guys were waiting for them around a large table. The moment Ursula spotted her, Prue was whisked away to another room.

“I don’t think James likes you very much,” Prue said, closing the door behind her.

“They’re men. They’ll get over it when they get that ring on our finger.” Ursula handed a catalogue to her. “This is going to be the quickest thrown together wedding in the history of weddings. I don’t need a bridal shower, and I certainly don’t want a bachelorette party. What about you?”

Prue shook her head. “None of those things interest me.”

“Okay, I’ve narrowed down our lists. We need to organise a church and a minister. I’ve got one lined up, and I’ll talk to him about doing us together. The cake, bridesmaids, dresses for bridesmaids and brides, and a party place. Am I missing anything?” Ursula asked.

“Photographer? Why don’t we organise a wedding planner? I’m no good at this stuff, and I’d be relieved to leave this stuff to that person while we concentrate on the dress and other bits.”

Ursula turned to her and stared. “You’ve just become my favourite person.”

Prue finished going through some of the wedding dress designs with Ursula before they made their way back to the group of men. James reached for her as Stephen did for his woman. Prue sat in her man’s lap while she listened to the conversation going on around them.

For the first time in months, Prue felt like she could relax. She watched the woman on stage as her voice carried throughout the room. Men stopped to listen to the woman while others continued on in their conversation. She held James wishing she didn’t have to move. His arms surrounded her, and his fingers teased her stomach. She smiled as he played with her exposed flesh.

“What are you thinking?” he asked.

“I’m not thinking anything.”

He kissed her temple. “Come on, it’s time for us to leave.”

They bid their goodbyes and then walked out into the warm summer night. Arthur stood with some of the other workers waiting.

“I don’t want to go home yet. Can we walk around the grounds?” she asked, wanting their moment to last. Real life, work, and all the other crap could wait for another few hours. James took her hand, and together they walked around the back of the house to the main garden, which was alight.

“How was your time with Ursula?” James asked.

“Fine. We’re getting a wedding planner to organise the event. Neither of us are ready to take on the responsibility of preparing our own wedding.”

He stopped. “If you want our wedding to be on a different day let me know. I’m more than happy to oblige you.”

“I know. I like the idea of marrying you at the same time as Ursula marries her man. It will be fun.”

James pulled her close wrapping his arms around her. His hand splayed on her back, and he started moving her against him.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“We’re dancing.” He leaned down brushing her lips with his.

Closing her eyes, Prue moaned as his tongue ran over her lips in a slow, loving caress. “I can’t think when you do that,” she said.

“You’re not supposed to think. You’re supposed to feel. Open for me, baby.”

She opened her lips accepting his deep kiss. There was nothing else to do than feel what he did to her. Her body was his to play with, use, and desire all he wanted. She trusted him absolutely. There was no doubt in her mind how much James loved her.

“Thank you,” she said.

He broke the kiss cupping her cheek. “What for?”

“For giving me time.”

James smiled. “You better have enjoyed that time, Prudence. You’re not getting another second away from me.”


Returning back to her life was scary. Italy had been idyllic and she’d never wanted to come away from their space there. Life, however, demanded their presence. She quit her job on James’s orders and went to work for him at Ravage. She got to know Gabe, and she agreed with James that he wasn’t a bad guy. He was a wicked Dom but a caring one. When James was busy in Ravage after the nightclub closed, she watched Gabe training a sub while she waited for James. Her man had found the perfect replacement for him. She couldn’t fault Gabe at anything he did. The subs seemed to love him on the spot. He kept them at a distance and made each woman aware he wasn’t for keeps.

When he finished with a session Gabe would sit with her if James hadn’t returned. He brought her over a glass of water as he helped himself to a beer. All the men knew not to come near her. James had stated his ownership of her. The cross she wore was on display at all times, but she wanted the silver chained collar he bought for her around her neck. The collar held more significance to the room than the cross did.

“You’re thinking really hard this evening,” Gabe said, swigging beer.

“I’m thinking about James. I hate leaving him up there.” If she was up there with James then he didn’t do all of his work, and she was left feeling guilty when he got behind. She did as much as he allowed her to do.

“You’d be more a distraction to him in the room. He struggles to concentrate when you’re with him in the office and when you’re helping me serve drinks.”

“See, I curse him no matter what I do. He won’t let me get another job, and I’d never be the kind of woman who sits around all day twiddling her thumbs and waiting for the next fashion to come out.”

Gabe chuckled. “That’s why he loves you. You’re a good woman, Prudence Star. You’ll do James proud as the woman by his side and his sub.”

She basked in the compliment. “Come on then, what’s your story?”

“I don’t have a story,” he said.

“Everyone has a story.”

Gabe swallowed down more beer. “You really want to know about me?” he asked.


“Am I interrupting something?” James asked.

Prue smiled up at her man. He glared at Gabe. If they were alone in his office she’d hit him for the glare. When they were in the Dungeon of Ravage she had to be a good little sub.

“Maybe you can tell me another time,” Prue said.

In the next instant Gabe was gone and replaced by James at her side.

“You weren’t interrupting anything,” she said, pissed at him for thinking there could be.
