Read Books Novel

Owned by the Dom: Part Two

“Stephen warned me that there might be press waiting,” Ursula said.

Moaning, Prue tensed, waiting as the church came into view. There, outside the church were the camera crews.

The limo rolled outside the door. Lucas, Sean, and Cadeon were there to help them outside.

“Is James okay?” Prue asked.

“He’s waiting at the altar,” Cadeon said. “We’re here to help you inside. We saw the press and knew they wouldn’t be a welcoming sight at your wedding.”

Nodding, Prue took their hands grateful for the peace that came the moment they were inside.

The next few minutes went by quickly. Prue’s father came out of the main room of the church. He stopped to look at her. Prue stared down the length of her dress. “Hey, Dad,” she said.

“I’m annoyed I didn’t get to meet him, Prudence. I expect to meet him as soon as the ceremony is over, and I’m going to trust your judgement that he’s a good man.”

Unable to say anything else, Prue linked her arm with her father’s, and then the music started playing. Ursula’s dad shook her dad’s hand, and once all the introductions were made, they started the slow walk.

The bridesmaids walked down the aisle first.

Prue’s palms were sweaty. They walked into the main room, and her gaze found James. He stood in a tuxedo looking calm and in control. Everything and everyone else fell away from the room. The only two people who mattered to her were herself and James. This was their moment together.

“I love you,” he said, mouthing the words to her.

She mouthed the words back to him. Her father cleared his throat, and then they were slowly walking. Prue didn’t turn her gaze away from James’s. He helped her to focus on him and not anyone else. Nothing else held meaning in those moments with him. Cameras flashed, and people sighed as they passed.

When they got to their men, Ursula’s and Prue’s fathers each removed their veils and kissed their cheeks. Stephen and James came to take them.

The instant their hands touched Prue felt everything fall in to place. There was nothing else in the world but them.

He smiled at her, and the grip on her fingers kept her nerves in check.

The priest continued on with the wedding. Their vows were spoken, and when he pronounced them man and wife, Prue couldn’t have been happier.

James pulled her in close, wrapping his arms around her. She succumbed to his kiss, which was nothing more than a tease of the senses. He took control, plunging his tongue inside her mouth, stroking her with the promise of more.

“You’re my woman now,” he said, breaking the kiss.

“I’ve always been your woman.” She lifted his hand where the wedding band lay that she placed on his finger. Prue pressed a kiss to the gold. “Forever and for always.”

He cupped the back of her neck then smashed his lips against hers. She moaned, and the room went up in whistles from their audience.

Prue broke the kiss this time then looked over her shoulder to see Ursula with her man doing exactly the same.

Chapter Thirty

James stared at his bride while she danced with Ursula on the floor. The black and blue of her hair looked startling against the white dress she wore. He sipped the beer in his hand as his thoughts returned to the night to come.

When he got her home he intended to make love to every square inch of her body. There would be no part of her left unturned when he got to her. He’d spoken with her parents, and her father didn’t like the fact he wasn’t introduced before the wedding. From what James had learned, Prudence and Veronica kept a lot of secrets from their parents. Both of the women loved their parents, but it looked like they kept them in the dark about a great many things.

Kevin and Tate came to stand next to him. They each held a glass of the finest brandy in their hands.

“Great wedding, James,” Tate said.

He smiled at both men. Rebecca sat at the table alone. She sipped from a bottle of water and watched the proceedings. The other woman had always been the woman to stay away from such events. Ursula didn’t like it and made sure Rebecca got involved.

“When do you think one of you will be walking down the aisle?” James asked.

“We’re not going to. Rebecca doesn’t want us,” Kevin said, draining his glass.

“You’re going to give up?” James looked between the two men.

“There’s a difference between giving up and knowing where you’re not wanted. I’m going to get another drink,” Kevin said, walking away.

“He’s having a hard time. We’ve both decided to call it a day together,” Tate said.

“What do you mean?” James focussed his attention on the man before him.

“We both agreed to love Rebecca. Our feelings have never changed. We can’t go on like this. We both don’t want to give Rebecca up, but there is only so much rejection a man can take.”

Tate slapped him on the back then walked away.

Prudence was still dancing with Ursula. Sipping more of his beer, James went over to where Rebecca sat alone staring down at the table.

“Is this seat taken?” he asked, pointing to the one beside her.

“No, have a seat. This is a beautiful wedding, James. Prudence adores you.” Rebecca looked at his woman with a soft smile on her face.

“I adore her. How are you coping?”

When her husband beat the shit out of her, each one of the Owners took care of her in their own way. No man hurts a woman. Lloyd had put Rebecca in the hospital twice, and she deserved some happiness now that the man who’d used her was gone.

“I’m doing great. It’s nice being around people again.” Her hands shook as they tucked some hair behind her ear.

“Tate and Kevin are in love with you. Why do you keep rejecting them?” he asked, tired of beating around the bush.

“I’m not rejecting them,” she said.

“They’re doing everything in their power to show you how much you mean to them, and you’re not giving them any clues if you even want their attention.”

James took her hand in his. She was so much smaller than he.

“I’m going to give you some advice. Let them in, Rebecca. Tate and Kevin will never hurt you, I guarantee it. They’re good men.”

Tears shone in her eyes with each word he spoke. “Lloyd was supposed to be a good man.”

“He wasn’t vetted by me. There was some shit with my father, but he was trying to get Lloyd out of the club. I promise you, Tate and Kevin would only ever cherish you. Please, open your heart to them and at least give them a chance. That’s all I’m asking for, to give them one chance.”
