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Pale Demon

Pale Demon (The Hollows #9)(39)
Author: Kim Harrison

Ivy opened the driver’s-side door. "I’ll drive, you work the amulet," she said, and I just looked at her, my heart pounding and adrenaline surging through me like a sugar high.

Her eyes dilated at the fear I was giving off, and smiling wryly, she tugged the keys out of her pocket and dangled them for me. "Okay, you drive," she said. "I’ll sit with my head hanging out the window like a golden retriever."

"Thanks," I said, shaky as I came around to her side, got in, and adjusted everything. Ivy slipped into the front passenger seat as I cranked the engine over, tossing her overnight bag with her dirty clothes in it over the seat at Trent. He barely got his hands up in time, having been trying to arrange Vivian in a somewhat upright position.

"You want to wait a minute so I can move some of this to the trunk?" he said, dropping the ice bag on the bump just now starting to rise on Vivian’s forehead.

"No." Everyone’s arms and legs were inside the vehicle, and I put the car in reverse, hitting the gas hard.

Ivy already had her hand on the dash, but Trent went flying as the car jerked backward. Teeth clenched, I hit the brakes hard, and he was flung into the backseat where he belonged. His door, which had been open, bounced shut from the quick stop, and I jammed the gearshift into drive while ignoring Trent yelling at me.

"You think you like speed?" Ivy said as I spun the tires and we left a cloud of dust, bouncing wildly until we found the road. "You’ve never seen Rachel drive with purpose."

Yeah, purpose. If purpose meant scared to death and to hell with everyone else, then I’d be driving with purpose.

The ride smoothed out, and my eyes flicked to the rearview mirror, not to see the restaurant grow smaller in the distance, but to see Jenks’s absence.

I had a chance to find him. A chance. And if he wasn’t okay, I was going to do some serious damage to my already wafer-thin credibility as a good witch, even if I was a black one.

Chapter Ten

My grip on the wheel tightened until my knuckles hurt. I was trying to keep my worry from turning into anger, but it was hard. Especially now that Trent was awake. "I don’t care how far we’ve not gotten," I said tightly, glaring at Trent by way of the rearview mirror. "If we only make three hundred miles today, then we’ll deal with it. They have to stop sometime."

"I understand you’re concerned about your partner," he said in that same persuasive voice that was starting to sound patronizing, "but I doubt they’re planning on sacrificing him to their local god. You have a locator amulet. You’ll find him. Slow down. Let them land. They’re running because they know you’re chasing them."

It was a nice thought, but they weren’t running because of us. They were running to somewhere, their path arrow straight and their pace unflagging. I wasn’t about to slow down, and Ivy didn’t look up from her map, a long white finger touching where our paths might cross again.

Vivian kicked the back of my seat as she tried to find a more comfortable spot. On the other side of the backseat, Trent frowned out the window. Okay, so maybe I was going a little fast, but I’d been driving a huge, frustrating zigzag for the last four hours. I had raced down I-40, then gone south on 602 to get in front of them, as Ivy had suggested. We had, only to see them rise up right over the car and swear at us. We spent another hour on 61, watching them go a rather speedy forty miles an hour, paralleling us until we roared ahead to where 191 crossed their theoretical path. They simply flew higher, shooting arrows at us when I demanded they stop.

From there, we’d taken 191 north in an effort to get back to the interstate. We didn’t know the next time we’d find gas, and Ms. Worries-a-lot in the front seat next to me was getting fidgety. By now, Ivy had enough data points to predict where they’d cross the road next. I was hoping that if we could get far enough ahead of them in time, I could hide behind a rock and simply catch them in a big bubble. Every time they saw the car, they raced out of my reach.

Right now, they were somewhere behind us, me going about eighty and the pixies hitting a steady forty miles an hour. It was their top speed-which meant Trent was wrong and that this was a planned snag-and-drag; pixies couldn’t go that fast for that long. They were switching off and carrying Jenks. Carrying Jenks who knew where.

It was about two in the afternoon and hot. I was frazzled and ready to snap. Ivy wasn’t much better, leaning over the seat to shake Vivian awake every half hour in case she had a concussion-which was totally pissing off the coven woman. Trent had been up for only a few minutes, but he already looked bored, staring out the window and clearly irate that the time he’d made was being wasted. It was all I could do not to reach over the seat and slap him.

As I fidgeted, Ivy rolled her window down to let in a warm blast of air, overpowering the hefty air-conditioning my mom’s car had. Her eyes had gotten dark and her posture was tense. She wasn’t hot, she was randy, and I rolled my window down a bit as well.

"I think they stopped," she said, eying the amulet. "Somewhere by 180. See?"

She held out the map with her notations and calculations. I didn’t look, teeth clenched as I blew past a van with a wizard painted on the side.


"Just tell me what road to take," I muttered.

She pulled a strand of her blowing hair out of her mouth. "The next exit," she said, putting on a pair of dark glasses to hide her eyes. "You’re going to have to go north for a few miles before it loops around and goes under the interstate."

"More backtracking?" Trent said, hardly audible.

"Shut up! Just shut up!" I yelled, then exhaled, trying to relax. "I mean, I understand your concern," I said softly. "I’ll get you to the West Coast in time if I have to buy a trip for you from Newt." If only Al would’ve jumped me there, but he wanted me to fail. "But if you don’t shut up, I’m going to pull this car over and shove you in the trunk!"

Trent sighed and shifted his knees, and Ivy looked up from the map, eyebrows raised.

"I’m trying," I said softly to her. "He’s got about as much empathy as a demon. It’s always me, me, me. What if it had been Quen who was kidnapped? I bet he’d be all over that like pixies on elf trash."

Trent cleared his throat, and I huffed. Point made.

"You want me to drive for a while?" Ivy said. "You need a break."

"No, I’ve got this," I said quickly, then added, "If I don’t do something, I’ll snap."

I waited for Jenks’s comment that I had already snapped, but of course it never came. Checking the speedometer, I pressed the accelerator. We had to stay in front of them, and there was a whole lot of distance left.
