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Pale Demon

Pale Demon (The Hollows #9)(57)
Author: Kim Harrison

"He’s uptight about his timetable," Ivy said, almost sighing the words.

"And you’re not?"

Trent’s expression froze when she turned to him, smiling to show her little fangs. "Excuse me," she said as she got to her feet in one languorous move that made Pierce shiver. ‘Course it could be the cold pop he’d just slammed down.

No one said a word as Ivy sat on the back edge of the fake boat and swung her feet over. Moving with liquid grace, she made a beeline for the vampire she’d had her eye on. People were getting out of her way, and the vamp in question was smiling, waiting for her.

"What is she doing?" Trent asked, but Vivian knew, her eyes cast down as she shifted on the bench to make more room for the rest of us. Hell, even our waitress knew what Ivy was doing.

I took a sip of my soda, watching Ivy drape her arms around the man and whisper something in his ear. "Keeping the rest of us safe," I said, trying not to worry about her. She’d be okay. And if Vegas had a freethinking master vampire, then this was probably the only spot between home and the coast that she’d be able to take the edge off.

Jenks frowned, clearly not happy, but as willing as I was to let her take care of her own needs. I didn’t know if I should feel upset or not. I wasn’t her keeper-but I was her friend.

Pierce was ignoring everyone, and Trent didn’t seem to care apart from Ivy’s tryst possibly slowing us down. Vivian, though, pushed her glass around, clearly screwing up her courage, and I wasn’t surprised when she asked, "She and you-"

"No," I said before Jenks could offer his opinion. "We’re not sharing blood." I felt Trent’s eyes on me, but Pierce didn’t look up from his drink. "We tried," I said, talking to the entire table though my gaze was on Vivian. "Well, we tried it enough to know that for it to happen, one of us would have to change too much. If I bend, she’d lose what she loved in me, and if she bends, I lose what I love about her." I shrugged, flaming red in embarrassment, but that was my problem.

Jenks clattered his wings, rising up and down as if testing his strength. "I’ll keep an eye on her," he said, then frowned when Pierce made a rude noise. "To be sure she stays safe!" he added sharply. "I’m not going to watch. Tink’s a Disney whore, I’m not a Peeping Tom."

Jenks gave me a meaningful head toss to Trent and flew away, taking a high path between the ceiling and the fake fishing nets.

"We don’t have time for this," Trent said suddenly, and I wondered if Ivy’s and my relationship bothered him. Curious.

"You’re the one who wanted to eat," I said.

"I meant the rest of us could grab a decent meal while you showered, not a five-hour sightseeing excursion ending up in a sideshow restaurant."

That was just rude, not to mention an insult to Jimmy Buffett fans everywhere. "We’ve been trapped in that car for two days," I said. "We need a break." And I need to talk to you, stupid elf.

Trent ran a hand over his hair, leaving it attractively mussed. His eyes showed his mood, dark and irate, as he looked over the vacationing people who had nowhere to go for the rest of the night. His frustration peaked. "I need to be-"

"In Seattle by Sunday," I said, interrupting him. "Yeah, I got that part." I took a sip of my drink, which infuriated him for some reason. "Will you relax? Have a margarita or something. I told you I’d get you there, and I will. Trust me." That last jab had been sarcastically bitter, but I was ticked. I mean, why ask me to protect him on his way out to the West Coast, then free a demon to do it?

Vivian was watching me, her intelligent eyes squinting in question. She knew something was up, just not what.

"Trust you." Trent shifted in disapproval. "Seattle is fifteen thousand miles from here. Just getting to San Francisco will take us eight hours, even if we take 95."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Vivian said loudly, and the couple in the next boat over looked at us. "Are you crazy? No one takes 95!"

"Which means we can go as fast as we want," Trent said, his eyebrows bunching.

"We are not taking 95," Vivian said fervently, and I tuned them out, watching Ivy and her blood buddy slip out the back. Jenks gave me a color flash of green, and I turned back to the table. "If you get on 95, you don’t stop!" Vivian finished intently.

Trent took a swig of his beer, looking normal. "I don’t plan on stopping."

Vivian tossed a hand up in the air and pushed herself back into the cushions. "I’m coven, not one of God’s angels. It’s too dangerous."

Maybe he’s relying on his demon friend, I thought bitterly. I didn’t think any big, bad uglies on 95 would be a problem, even if we had to stop. Hell, we’d already evaded elven assassins and one severely disturbed demon. A soul eater. Crap on toast, I had to talk to Trent. He’d better not have any idea of what he had unleashed, because if he did, and he’d done it intentionally, I might be pissed enough to just walk away from this completely.

Trent leaned toward Vivian. "I don’t see any other way of getting to Seattle in time other than taking 95," he said softly, his anger just in check.

"I said I’d get you there," I said, watching Pierce eye two women in shorts, his ears turning red. "Have some faith in the people you ask to protect you."

Feeling a hint from my last words, Trent leaned back, giving Pierce a good view of the female vamps making out in the corner.

His back against the cushions, Trent unrolled his silverware and arranged it perfectly with stiff motions. "I’ve seen how you protect people. Telling me to have faith isn’t inspiring."

Oh, but summoning day-walking, soul-eating demons is?

Pierce pulled his eyes from the vamps long enough to snort his agreement, and my face flamed. "Have I ever not come through?"

Trent fingered his knife. "No, but your collateral damage is generally more than I want to pay-Morgan."

This from the man I had to save by going into a partnership with a demon? I frowned; Pierce looked happy for the first time since he’d gotten here. "And what’s on your mind, demon bait?" I snapped at him. "Enjoying the show?"

Immediately Pierce’s smile shifted to a frown. "I could have killed Al if not for you," he said, and Vivian started.

"You almost killed a demon?" she asked, eyebrows going high in interest. Her attention flicked from the two women to me and back to him. "Her demon?"

"Aye," he said, glancing at me darkly. "She stopped me."

"Who’s going to protect me in the ever-after if not Al!" I said, fumbling my words as suddenly everyone at the table was looking at me like I’d killed Bambi’s mother. "Al is the only thing between me and Newt, or worse! You look at me and think I’ve got this all under control, and I don’t!"
