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Pawn (The Blackcoat Rebellion #1)(13)
Author: Aimee Carter

“What?” Using every ounce of willpower I had, I finally managed to lift my head from the pillow. “Listen, if it’s all the same to you, I’d rather not die.”

“You will not murder her,” said Celia fiercely. “You did this, and now you’re going to have to live with the consequences.”

“What consequences?” I said. “What did he do to me?

Why can’t I move?”

She jerked her head to the side, and Daxton slouched toward the corner and dropped onto one of the white couches. Celia began searching the drawers. “Your name’s Kitty?”

“Yeah,” I said, watching her closely.

“It’s not short for anything,” said Daxton, but Celia gave him a look so poisonous that he fell silent.

“How old are you, Kitty?” She gave up her search and leaned in toward me. Her cool fingers brushed the back of my neck, and she must have seen the VII, because she pressed her lips together and straightened.

“Seventeen.” My voice cracked. “My birthday was yesterday.”

“Two weeks ago,” said Daxton. “Enough time for the swelling to go down.”

I’d lost two weeks? “What— But you said Lila died a week ago.”

Celia rounded on him. “You planned this?”

Daxton shrugged and held up his hands innocently.

“An unfortunate coincidence, I assure you. Mother is the one who came up with the idea. I’m merely following instructions.”

“Of course Mother’s behind it,” she said. “You’re too weak to think of anything like this yourself.”

“Would someone please explain what’s going on?”

I said.

“Daxton, give me your camera,” she demanded, holding out her hand. He grudgingly fished it out of his pocket and tossed it across the room as if it were nothing. Celia caught it and fumbled with the pieces.

“He’s already shown me the back of my neck,” I said.

“He promised me a VII for going with him.”

“Did he?” she said. “Well, you certainly have your VII now, don’t you?” She steadied the camera in front of my face with one hand, and with the other she held up the screen for me to see.

At first I didn’t understand. They were my eyes staring back at me, as clear and blue as ever, but nothing else was the same. My skin was paler and freckle-free. My hair had gone from dirty blond to the same wheat-blond I’d seen earlier. My cheekbones were higher, my eyebrows thinner, my nose smaller, and my lips fuller—even the shape of my face had gone from a square to an oval. And somehow my forehead, which had always been a little too small, was now perfect.

I gazed at the image for several seconds before it dawned on me. This wasn’t just a gorgeous face where mine was supposed to be.

I stared into the camera, and Lila Hart stared back.

Chapter 4

I couldn’t breathe. The room spun around me, and the edges of my vision faded until all I could see was Lila’s face where mine should have been. No matter how many times I blinked, it didn’t change back. I was her. She was me.

Daxton had turned me into Lila Hart.

“What did you do to me?” I cried.

“You were Masked. A simple procedure,” said Daxton from across the room. “Nothing more than a few alterations.”

“Masked?” I said, choking on the word. What had they done, removed Lila’s face and put it on mine? “I don’t even look like me anymore.”

Celia turned the camera off, her brow furrowed with anger. “There’s nothing simple about it. Being Masked is rare and supposed to be done with the entire family’s permission.” She took a slow breath, like she was trying to keep calm. “It’s more than a few alterations. Typically we use it for a body double, but in your case, my dear mother and brother always intended on you taking over my daughter’s life, no matter how innocent Daxton pretends to be.”

The pair of them exchanged venomous looks, and my mouth went dry. Taking over Lila’s life? “You mean I’m—you expect me to be—”

“It means that your VII has a few strings attached,” said Daxton. “You can fight it and suffer the consequences, or you can accept it and all of the perks that come along with being one of us. It is, of course, your choice, but I’ve honestly no idea what in your past life is worth holding on to. You’d be a fool to refuse us.”

A dead fool at that. I was nothing but collateral damage to Daxton. The only thing keeping me alive was my face. But Daxton was wrong; Benjy was the one thing in my life worth holding on to.

Daxton smoothed the front of his unwrinkled shirt.

“It won’t be so bad,” he added, his voice a mockery of comfort. “You’ll be waited on hand and foot, and you’ll never want for anything again in your life. You, my dear, will be the most powerful girl in the country. You’ll be one of us, and what more could you ask for?”

I closed my eyes as my mind raced. If I refused, I was dead. But if I said yes—then what? I would be Lila Hart.

For the rest of my life, I would have someone else’s face, answer to someone else’s name, live someone else’s life.

But at least I would be alive. I breathed in slowly, forcing myself not to panic. I was still me, wasn’t I? I still felt like me. I still thought like me. They couldn’t take that away no matter what they did to my body. I might have looked like Lila Hart, but I was still Kitty Doe.

Then why did it feel like Kitty Doe was lying alongside Tabs in a ditch somewhere?

“Besides,” added Daxton, “it won’t last forever.”

I opened my eyes, the only part of me that was still me. “What d’you mean, it won’t last forever?”

“It would be silly of us to expect you to give up your whole life, now, wouldn’t it?”

That was exactly what they wanted me to do, though.

“Can you—undo it?” I said.

“We can’t give you your old face, but if you pretend to be Lila for as long as we need you to be, we can give you a new one,” he said. “Do what we ask, and you can even keep your VII once it’s over.”

I glanced at Celia for reassurance, and she refused to look at me.

So Daxton was lying. I would be Lila for the rest of my life, and the only choice I had would be how long it lasted. I could call him on it, or I could pretend to be the fool he thought I was and play along. Only one option meant staying alive and in his good graces.
