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Perfect Partners

Perfect Partners(40)
Author: Carly Phillips

Chelsie hung onto her composure by a slender thread. “I’m sure you didn’t come to exchange pleasantries.” She tried to swallow, but her mouth was too dry. She walked to the window, away from her ex-husband. “How did you find me?”

He smiled and lowered himself onto her couch, stretching his long legs in front of him. “How about a drink for an ex-husband?”

“How about an answer?”

“Finding you was easy. I followed you after your meeting with my present wife. Amanda never knew I tailed her from our home. Her meeting with you was a definite surprise—although you never did know when to mind your own business.” He flicked a spot of lint off his dark suit.

Chelsie wasn’t fooled by his bland tone and seeming lack of interest. “She hired my firm. That makes it my business.”

He shook his head in a patronizing manner that indicated he thought she was sadly mistaken. “Maybe after we’re through talking, you won’t be so quick to step into other people’s lives.”

“Is that a threat?”

His casual smile didn’t fool her. “I don’t threaten, you know that.”

No, he lashed out.

“I just want to talk, Chels.”

“We have nothing left to say.”

Jeff shook his head. “Actually that’s not true. Someone’s been digging into our affairs, and it’s become a damned nuisance.”

She narrowed her gaze. “What do you mean?”

“I let you go without a fight because you promised no one would ever know. I gave you that divorce as a parting gift, but did you really think I could risk not covering myself? I have a career that means everything to me. If someone found out you were careless enough to fall down the stairs and I let it happen…”

“You mean if someone found out you pushed me.”

With no warning, he sprang up from the couch. She’d pushed him too far. Chelsie bit her lower lip and gauged the distance to the door. Jeff blocked any escape.

He walked towards her, his stride deceptively lazy. “I have a friend in hospital records, and someone’s been snooping.” Griff, Chelsie wondered? Had he hired someone to dig for information for Amanda? If so, what did he know?

Jeff grabbed her arm, yanking her back to face him. “Make sure it doesn’t happen again. Have your boyfriend back off and tell my wife to come home.”

She wouldn’t allow him to see how badly he rattled her, and she inhaled deep. His cologne hadn’t changed either. The sweet smell almost made her gag. She stepped backwards and her heel hit the wall. She’d trapped herself, and the feeling of déjà vu wasn’t particularly comforting.

He lifted one hand and ran a finger down the length of her cheek. The feel of his hands on her skin repulsed her. She jerked her head back and came into hard contact with the wall. She closed her eyes against the dizziness, then opened them again. Her skull ached from the blow. “Get out,” she said through clenched teeth.

She lifted her right leg, bringing her foot down on his. Unfortunately, sneakers didn’t cause much pain. His larger physical size gave him an advantage, one she had hoped to overcome.

He slid his large hand around the back of her neck until his fingers tangled in her hair. “Be nice to me, Chelsie,” he whispered, his head bent close to hers. With his free hand, he ran his thumb over her lower lip. He watched her closely as he brought that same finger to his mouth.

She shuddered despite her resolve.

“Let’s just call this a settlement meeting about Amanda’s case,” he said.

“There’s nothing to settle. Your wife wants out.”

He tightened his grip and his fingers dug into her scalp. “I won’t let her go as easily as I let you.”

Though Chelsie forced a laugh, her voice rose in direct proportion to her growing sense of panic. “You didn’t let me do anything. It was a quick divorce or jail. You knew that. This time, there are no options. You’ll get both.”

He shook his head and leaned closer. “This time I have a son,” he said in a loud, clear voice. His forceful tone left no doubt that he intended to get his way, regardless of the means. To make his point, he pulled back on her hair.

Though she suppressed a groan, Chelsie no longer cared about the physical pain. Lashing out at the person she had allowed to ruin her life overrode all sense of caution. “You had one last time, too,” she spat at him.

His eyes darkened in fury. As he yanked her backwards, her head hit the wall again. Tears sprang to her eyes. She bit her lip but refused to utter a sound. Her helplessness rose like bile in her throat. The past five years closed in on her, suffocating her worse than Jeff’s proximity.

Suddenly, Chelsie couldn’t take any more. She wanted to live again. She wanted to be free.


Griff stepped out of the elevator. Voices carried down the corridor leading to Chelsie’s apartment. City living was much different than suburban life, he mused, thinking of his quiet home.

When he reached her partially open door, he realized one of the voices belonged to Chelsie. The words stopped him cold and he couldn’t help but overhear.

“This time I have a son.”

“You had one last time, too.” Silence punctuated her statement. “You killed my baby.” Her voice raised in near hysteria. “I’ll be damned if I’ll let you do it to Amanda.” She was sobbing now, and the heartwrenching sounds made Griff move. He burst into the apartment.

Her back was pressed against the wall. Tears streamed down her cheeks. The man Griff assumed was Jeffrey Sutton stood beside her. He raised one hand and Griff realized the other held Chelsie against her will. He cursed the time he’d spent outside her apartment.

“Chelsie.” She jerked her head towards the sound of his voice, wincing as she did so. Her ex-husband turned to see who had interrupted. Griff took one step forward, but Chelsie moved faster. Taking advantage of the opportunity, she smashed her hand against the back of the other man’s head. He staggered away from her with a loud moan.

She looked down at her hand in stunned silence. Griff watched as one of her crystal treasures fell from her fingers. She followed, sliding to the floor in relief.

Griff grabbed the man by the back of his suit collar, thrusting him up against the same wall where he’d cornered Chelsie. Rage filled him. This man had laid his hands on Chelsie again. Blood rushed to his head and pounded in his veins. So easy, he thought. He could kill Jeffrey Sutton without a second thought.
