Read Books Novel

Perilous Light

Perilous Light (The Afterglow Trilogy #2)(31)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

Chapter Seventeen


I could not believe the scene before me when I reached the top of the icy wall. Before I could get to her, Charlotte collapsed into the arms of a man I did not know. Racing across the icy bridge, I barely noticed where I stepped. Allowing my instincts to take over, I grabbed Charlotte and cradled her against my chest.

“Who are you to touch the Essence?” I barked, eyeing the man suspiciously.

“Calvin?” Charlotte whispered, and my heart took off. Hearing my name on her lips almost undid me. I would never get used to the sensation.

“Yes, I am here. I am so sorry not to have made it sooner.” I looked down at her, relieved to see color returning to her face.

“The better question is what you are doing here, Calvin,” James said.

“I am here to protect Charlotte, and to help. I know you have no reason to trust me, but you have no choice.” I tried to keep my voice calm. All that mattered was ensuring Charlotte’s wellbeing.

The stranger finally answered, “I am Lawson Ashwell, and before you ask, none of us hurt her. She expended too much energy breaking through this metal.”

Monty turned toward me. “If you want to help us, make this hole bigger.” Pushing aside my surprise at how casually Monty accepted my presence, I studied the handprint-shaped hole. Charlotte winced as I touched the burns on her palm. Regret filled me as I realized my late arrival had facilitated the injury.

So focused on Charlotte, I was surprised when a man with hair as white as snow stepped out of the shadows. “Who is that?”

“Talen. He’s an Arco. We’ll explain it all later,” Liam said without turning. He was trying unsuccessfully to bend the metal.

I needed to help, so I reluctantly handed semi-conscious Charlotte over to Lawson. As much as I wanted to hold her myself, I knew my strength was needed. After unsheathing my sword, I chipped away at the fractured metal. Eventually, I felt it give. Liam and Monty joined James and me and helped us pull it back. As soon as there was enough room, Monty stepped through the opening.

“Emma!” Monty’s scream was a mixture of elation and agony. Liam stepped through behind him, but not before looking over his shoulder at Charlotte. I followed his gaze; Charlotte was okay. I immediately took her unconscious form back from Lawson.

“Wake up, Emma!” Monty yelled. Still holding Charlotte, I peered into the room. It was small and completely empty aside from a small bed where Emma lay chained. She appeared to be sleeping with only the faintest evidence of breathing. Carrying Charlotte, I walked us over to the bedside.

“Come on, Mrs. C.” It took me a moment to realize that Liam was addressing Emma.

Monty struggled to cut the chains. “James, try your sword. Mine will not cut through them.”

James threw down his sword in frustration. “It is no use; the chains must be imbued with magic. Only Charlotte can break them. Calvin, you need to wake up Charlotte. She is the only one who can free Emma.”

“Charlotte, my love, you need to fight the exhaustion.” I studied her face, relieved when her eyelids twitched slightly. “Can you hear me, Charlotte? I know you are tired, but you need to free your mother.” The chains jingled as the others fought to break them.

Knowing that contact increased the strength of an Essence and Gerard, I kissed Charlotte gently.

She stirred and opened her eyes. “Calvin.” There it was again. How one word could sound so good I would never understand.

Satisfied that she would not immediately fall back to sleep, I carried her through the opening in the wall of metal.

“But I am so tired.” Her voice was weak; I hated forcing her to do anything.

“I know, but you have to fight it.” I kissed her again, more urgently. We had an audience that included her uncle, but privacy was not a luxury we could afford.

The second kiss seemed to be what she needed. I felt her body shift so I knelt by the bed.

Charlotte placed her hands on the chain and closed her eyes. I could feel the energy flowing through her. I thought I heard her mumble, “I can’t,” so I held her tighter and whispered encouragement. Finally, I had the chance to be her Gerard.

After several moments, the chain turned bright red, and steam began to emanate from the metal. Seconds later, the chain broke apart.

With no hesitation, Monty swept past and picked up Emma.

“We have company,” Talen called from the bridge.

“Let’s move!” Monty yelled, climbing back outside.

We crossed the bridge behind Lawson, and were steps away from the far side, when I heard Liam shout. I turned around and saw him slip to the edge of the bridge. He held onto the ice with only his hands while his body hung off the side. He would not be able to hold on long.

“Take her and get her down.” For the second time, I handed Charlotte to Lawson. I retraced my steps, reached for Liam’s hand, and pulled him back onto the bridge.

“Thank you,” Liam said breathlessly, eyes wide with surprise.

We hurried across toward the wall, reaching it just as Lawson threw Charlotte over his shoulder and started climbing down.

I heard a commotion and peered down below. Lawson and a still unconscious Charlotte were cornered against the wall by William and Bravado soldiers. I hurried down the spikes until the halfway point, but it was taking too long. Without thinking, I jumped to the ground. Thankfully, I landed on my feet. My contact with Charlotte had already made me stronger.

William pulled Charlotte from Lawson, tossing her carelessly. She landed hard on the frozen ground at the feet of the Bravado.

“How dare you?” I shouted, unable to control the anger churning inside me. It was unfathomable that my closest and most trusted friend could treat Charlotte that way. I quickly snatched William’s sword and slammed him to the ground. In my peripheral vision, I noticed the rest of the Bravado backing up warily as the wolves circled them.

“Calvin, calm down. It is not as it seems.” William squirmed in my grip.

“Not as it seems! You, the man I trusted with Charlotte, the most important person in all of the worlds to me, toss her like garbage!” I slammed my fist into his face.

William spit out some blood. “Calvin, will you only listen?”

“Pray, tell me. How is it?” I asked, shaking with rage.

“Blake thought you were out of your mind and too lovesick to realize your duty. I knew you would come to your senses eventually, I was simply helping you along.”

“Utter nonsense. It is impossible for a Gerard to be too in love with his Essence. My job is to love my Essence.”
