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Perilous Light

Perilous Light (The Afterglow Trilogy #2)(43)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“Absolutely. Go right ahead.” He kissed the top of my head. Mom took my hand, and we walked further into the caves.


“The Bravado is moving in. We need to relocate to the watchtower.” The lookout alerted us to their approach. Calvin placed a hand on my shoulder.

I immediately responded, “Then it’s time we head up.” Strangely calm, I let Calvin lead me through the maze of caves to a small staircase built into the wall. James brushed past us without a word.

We walked out to the open area that jutted out of the side of the cave. An overhang of trees provided some camouflage, but still left us in a vulnerable position. I knew Calvin wanted me to stay more protected inside, but he accepted that I would be more useful there.

Mom was waiting for us. “Are you ready, Charlotte?”

“Yes, I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.”

“Okay, relax as best you can.” Mom placed a comforting hand on my arm. “They will be here in minutes.”

I listened to Calvin give directions to Liam, James, and a group of the Resistance soldiers. “We should move into formation around Charlotte and Emma. If the lookout is breached, we get them down at all costs.”

We stood there for several moments before the sound of horses and men’s war cries were heard in the distance. I looked up at the sky, blood-red for as far as I could see. Branches of trees beyond the grotto looked like pens dipped in ink as they touched the redness. My stomach tightened as I worried the sky was a prediction of things to come. The Resistance spilled out of the caves to meet the Bravado, leaving all the children and most of the women inside.

“There are too many men!” Calvin exclaimed as endless rows of soldiers appeared and stretched across the entire horizon. “Blake could not possibly have this many!”

“They are not men.” A soldier handed Calvin a pair of binoculars. The soldier’s hand shook, and his eyes were glazed with terror.

“How is this possible?” Calvin mumbled.

I ran forward, tugging the binoculars from Calvin’s hands. I momentarily questioned my eyesight as I watched rows of corpses move forward. With hollow eyes and loose skin, the zombies were a sickening sight. Worse was the thought that Blake could control the dead. I silently handed the binoculars to James, trying to keep from hyperventilating. I heard everyone discussing the revelation, but I had to get ready.

Mom returned to her position behind me. “All right, Charlotte, you remember what to do.” We had briefly discussed strategy, but decided I should go with my gut when the time came.

Closing my eyes, I reached out and pulled in the energy from the surrounding jungle. I had a sudden inspiration and pictured the thick vines of the fern grotto growing longer, moving toward the Bravado, and encircling their legs. I kept my concentration, trying to block out the screams from below.

Although the vines knocked down several lines of men, they were not enough.

“More. Keep concentrating,” Mom instructed.

I kept my eyes closed, even though they started to burn. I heard my mother say, “More.” I had a sudden image of the world shifting and the Resistance finding protection on higher ground. As I pulled energy from around me, the ground shook, and even with my eyes closed, I knew I had caused the land beneath the caves to rise.

While I held that visualization, I felt another pull. I pictured large billowing storm clouds and the wind picking up as huge balls of hail assaulted the Bravado. Though intently focused, I could still feel the steep temperature drop. I struggled to maintain enough energy to focus on both images. The exhaustion nearly overwhelmed me, and a sensation of fire surged through every inch of my body, but it still felt incredible. Using my abilities thrilled me; I never wanted the sensation to stop.

In the mist of the euphoria, there was a tug of something else—something foreign. I knew instantly that it was bad. The new sensation was the opposite of how I felt when I connected with the Source. I tried to push against it, but my efforts just made the sensation worse. The discomfort quickly became pain, and I weakened.

“Charlotte? Charlotte, open your eyes. Something is wrong!” my mother cried.

I tried to pull to the surface, but couldn’t. The sensation had a color—black—and it engulfed me completely.

“Open your eyes.” My mother’s hands were cool on my face as she tried to pry open my eyes. “Calvin, something is wrong. You have to pull her out.”

Calvin. I heard his name and wanted him closer. I got my wish as I sensed his approach. I had never been so connected to Calvin while using my powers, and the effect of his hand on me was indescribable. Slowly, the black faded, and I opened my eyes.

“Are you all right?” Calvin asked.

I let Calvin steady me as I stood up from where I lay on the ground. I leaned into him as we walked to the edge of the lookout. Below, the Bravado were successfully climbing the hill.

“I have to try again,” I said.

“No! It is too dangerous, Charlotte. You cannot sacrifice yourself. I think that Blake must have found a way into your head.” I knew instantly that Mom was right. The blackness had been Blake.

“How is Blake stronger than Charlotte? She is the Essence.” Calvin looked down at the fight with alarm.

“He must be more powerful than we thought. We are lucky he did not kill her.” Mom’s voice sounded strained.

“We have to stop them!” I screamed. My Guardians needed to get down to the fight. “You’re all free to go!” I didn’t want any of them getting hurt, but we couldn’t lose the battle. If Blake had his way, the Resistance would be destroyed.

“We won’t leave you unprotected!” Liam shot me down immediately, his eyes full of worry.

“Then I’m going down, and you can all join me.” I headed toward the stairs, but before I took two steps, Calvin put his arm around my waist.

“What good do you think you are going to be down there?” His voice was kind, but I could hear his tension.

“Maybe I’ll have a chance if Blake doesn’t know where I am.” I didn’t actually believe it, but I needed to help in any way possible.

“He is not finding you by sight. He will find you anywhere,” Mom said.

“Can I at least try to reach out for Kevin? Maybe if they’re coming, we’ll be okay.”

Mom paused for a moment. I sensed her hesitation, but she eventually gave in and said, “You have one minute.”

I didn’t wait for her to change her mind. I recognized that I didn’t actually have to listen to her, but she was my mom, and some habits take a while to break. The sensation of the fighting hit me as soon as I closed my eyes. I pushed out a little further and sighed with relief. Kevin was coming, and he wasn’t alone. I wished that my abilities included telepathy because I wanted to tell him to hurry, but unfortunately, I didn’t have that talent. I tried to reach out to him, but quickly hit a barrier.
