Read Books Novel

Permanent Bliss

Permanent Bliss (Bliss #3.5)(12)
Author: B.J. Harvey

I put the glass back down and take a deep breath. When I’m confident that the imminent threat of a Mac nuclear meltdown has passed, I plaster a sickly sweet smile on my face to lull him into a false sense of security before moving toward him.

He’s standing straight, waiting for the expected onslaught by the time I cross the room. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I move forward until my body is flush with his. He visibly relaxes, his previously squared defensive shoulders loosening underneath my touch. Our eyes never leave each other and as I gaze up into his beautiful, yet clearly mistaken orbs, my smile beams even brighter.

“It’s okay, Danny Boy,” I murmur as I glide my fingers into his hair at the back of his head, further deepening the illusion that everything is perfectly fine. Because let’s be honest, it’s a woman’s prerogative to twist a situation around to suit herself, especially if it means we get to keep the men folk on their toes. This is something Kate and I have learned very well over the past few years. “But since Nikki is now coming to the wedding, our guest list is a bit uneven. Lucky for us, I have a perfect solution for that …”

“Mmm?” His hands glide up and down either side of my body, running from my upper back all the way down to my ass as I feel him harden against my front. Daniel’s hair is his kryptonite, whisper soft or early baldness-inducing hard, my hands and fingers running through his hair get him going every single time. “What’s that?” His voice trails off and I can tell he’s totally distracted by my unapologetic and shameless use of my charms. Seriously, girls, you’ve gotta use what your mama gave you and now I know I’ve got him right where I want him.

I lean forward and gently brush my lips against his, slowly deepening the kiss as he opens his mouth and his delicious (and very talented) tongue joins the party. Soon it’s turned ravenous as his hands start wandering, and I know I’ve got him. I pull back and look at him before giving him one last peck then loosening my grip and stepping back, shrugging my shoulders.

“It just means that Sean can come now. I’ll call him tomorrow.” And with that, I spin on my heels and stride back to the kitchen, grabbing my wine glass and my Kindle and striding down the corridor toward our bedroom and the master bath, where there is a steaming hot, scented bubble bath with my name on it.

The responding growl I hear coming from behind me is almost payback enough.

Mac 1, Devious Dan 0.

Chapter 7: “This Is How We Roll”


After a quick run through of the ceremony at the church with the wedding party and the parents this afternoon, Mac, Riley, Jared and I are now standing on the sidewalk outside the restaurant.

Mac and I chose Spinelli’s for the rehearsal dinner for two reasons. It was where we had our third date, the date that ‘sealed the deal,’ and it still remains our favorite Italian restaurant in Chicago. The fact that Kate and Mac get to have their favorite dessert is just an added bonus.

With Jared on my hip, I open the door for my girls and usher them inside, not surprised when we see Dad waiting for us just inside the entrance. He steps forward and kisses Mac on the cheek before cupping Riley’s cheek. I never really believed it until I saw it with my own eyes, but the transformation I witness in my parents whenever they’re around the twins is nothing short of amazing. They turn into gushing, over the top kidnappers. I watch my dad’s eyes soften as my daughter latches onto his shirt and leans almost horizontal away from Mac into his arms. He chuckles and grabs hold of her, which gets Jared’s attention. All of a sudden he mimics his sister and makes a random dive toward Grandpa.

“Whoa, little man. Let’s go find Grandma, shall we?”

Jared claps enthusiastically and mumbles something inaudible.

“You guys ready for this?” Dad asks as I reach for Mac’s hand and entwine our fingers. Taking the opportunity to check her out once more, I try to focus my thoughts on the dinner ahead, not what I’d rather be doing to my fiancée right now.

I’ve had a hard time taking my eyes off her since she walked out of the bedroom at home. She’s wearing a bright-blue tailored dress that clings to her curves and accentuates all of my favorite parts. If it weren’t for the fact that we were running late and the kids were awake, that dress would have been on our bedroom floor quicker than she could say Superman.

“Good, you’re here,” I hear my mom say. I turn toward her voice and again have to counteract Jared’s fearless dive move. “Hello, baby boy. Who’s my big boy now!” she exclaims as she takes him off my hands.

“I’ve been a big boy for a while, Mom,” I comment dryly, earning a snort from Mac. Mom narrows her eyes at me.

“You’re taking your life in your hands, boy,” Dad adds with a grin. “She’s strung tight and won’t uncoil until Sunday if your sisters’ weddings are anything to go by.”

“William.” There’s no mistaking the scolding tone which just makes Mac giggle. When I look over and see the total look of peace on my future wife’s face, I can’t help but smile.

All my fears surrounding Mac in the lead up to our wedding have been unfounded. At every turn, every fork in the road, she has amazed me with her strength and resilience. At first I thought the Nikki and Noah situation would do it, but I was wrong. Then I thought the last minute wedding bouquet change where the color flowers Mac wanted weren’t delivered on time would be the clincher, but I was wrong again.

Then yesterday, I thought for sure the gig was going to be up when Riley found Mac’s hot pink nail polish and tried to paint Mommy’s wedding shoes. But no, nothing has thrown my gorgeous girl into a freakout. And as each day has passed and our wedding day has gotten closer and closer, my own nerves have relaxed and now, with less than twenty-four hours to go until I can officially call Makenna Lewis my wife, nothing is going to stop this wedding.

“Earth to Daniel,” Mac whispers loudly, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I turn to face her, my parents having left us in the entranceway before we’re announced to our friends and family gathered in the restaurant. Lifting my hands to her face, I cup her jaw and lean into her body, feeling her hands wrap around my back and pull me close until there is no space between us.

“You ready, gorgeous?”

“I was born ready, Superman.” I smirk and press my forehead against hers, breathing her in and taking a moment to sort myself out. This beautiful woman in my arms, the mother of my children and love of my life, may not have been the strong one between us in the beginning, but as every day passes, she continues to astound me with her inner strength.
