Read Books Novel

Permanent Bliss

Permanent Bliss (Bliss #3.5)(8)
Author: B.J. Harvey

Deciding to give her a taste of her own medicine, I type a reply.

Daniel: I look forward to testing them out on you. I think there will be a very thorough and exhaustive evaluation of these goodies.

Mac: Promises, promises, Superman.

Daniel: You should know by now that I never make a promise I don’t keep.

Mac: And I’m so drunk I’ll let you have your wicked way with me any way … anywhere. … anyhow …


Daniel: Freaky acrobatic sexing will just be the start. We have all night and all day tomorrow kid-free. Prepare to be worn out and walking funny.

Mac: Will shower head Daniel be involved? We wouldn’t want him to be left out …

Daniel: Grr, you won’t need anything other than me and my c**k pounding into you.

Mac: Fuck, I’m wet. I’m gonna hop in a cab and come home now. I want you.

Daniel: I’m hard and waiting …

Mac: Dammit. You win.

Daniel: I never strive for gold, gorgeous. I always want silver, that way you’ll always come first ?

Mac: Holy mother of God. Kill me now.

That’s it. Time for the guys to go. I need them gone by the time she gets home. Drunken Mac-robatic sexing takes priority each and every time.

Chapter 4: “Wild Wild Love”


As soon as the cab pulls into our driveway, I look to the front porch and see Daniel leaning against the front door looking as delicious as ever. As he walks toward me, I see he’s wearing a pair of loose-fitting gray sweats and a long-sleeved black Henley. Damn, the things that man does to me without even touching should be illegal.

I’m riveted and distracted as he walks around to the driver’s window and hands him the money to pay my fare before he walks back around and opens my door. Clutching my bag of dirty fun in one hand and my purse in the other, I look up at him in awe as he stands there with his hand out and a perceptive grin.

“C’mon, gorgeous. Time to come inside.”

“Thought that was your job,” I say, forgetting that I’m sitting inside the cab and within earshot of the driver.

Daniel laughs before grabbing my hand and helping me to my very shaky feet, causing me to reach out and grab his biceps. “Shit,” I mutter under my breath as I’m gently moved sideways so that he can shut the car door behind me.

With a double tap on the roof of the cab, he bends slightly before scooping me up into his arms, one wrapped around my shoulders and the other underneath my knees. “Whoa, Superman. Pulling out all the stops?” I lean forward so that my mouth is right by his ear. “You do know I’m a sure thing tonight, right?”

He lets out a husky laugh and my nether regions quiver at the sound. Hell, our neighbors won’t mind if I jump my fiancé right here in the front yard will they? Old Mrs. Brayden across the street probably needs a thrill. Her girl parts will have been out of order for years now.

“Mac, you just shuddered. Where did your mind just go?”

I shake my head, trying to rid the thought of barren deserts and cobwebs from my brain. “Ah, nowhere. Now, hurry up and get me inside. I have naked things to do to you.”

He effortlessly carries me up the three front steps and through the front door, slamming it shut behind us with a short, sharp kick before continuing up the staircase toward our bedroom.

“Shit, the munchkins. Where are they?”

Tilting his head down toward me, his eyes dance with amusement, obviously at my expense but I can’t work out why. “Exactly how drunk are you, Mac? Legless, ‘looming threat of being vomited on’ drunk or ‘thrill-seeking, sexy uninhibited’ drunk? Because I’m worried at the fact you’ve forgotten our children are at my parents’ for the night.”

I cover my mouth and start giggling, whacking him in the face with the sack of sexy stuff in the process. “Fuck,” he mutters as he walks into our bedroom and stops as he reaches the bed, slowly lowering me before standing up.

Looking down at me, he grins as he takes in my now indecent dress and my hands holding on tight to my purse and dirty bag of tricks. “I don’t know where to start,” he notes.

“How about with your penis in my mouth?” I whisper as I take in his beautiful, slightly hazy face. Give me a break, Kate was plying me with drinks all night.

He chuckles, before leaning down and easing my purse out of my hand gently then putting it on the nightstand. He moves to the treasure trove of deviance but stops when I growl up at him. He freezes and turns his head to look me dead straight in the eye. “Was that a growl?” he asks incredulously.

“Mine,” I say childishly before lying back, giggling when I try to hold it out of his reach.

Without warning he’s lying on top of me, pushing me into the mattress with his full weight and ripping the gifts of delight out of my hands. With a lifting of my hips against his growing hardness, I moan loudly and without a care in the world as he throws the bag off the bed and places his elbows on either side of my head, resting his head in his hands as he looks down at me hungrily.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful,” he murmurs before lowering his mouth and softly kissing my lips, his tongue tracing the outline of my mouth before making its way inside to seek mine. If this is his form of torture, then I will willingly give myself up to him. This man owns me body, heart and soul and with kisses like this, when he slowly and surely claims every part of my mouth, he’s proving just how much he knows it.

I moan into his mouth which just seems to spur him on, and soon we’re all hands and thrusts as I tangle my fingers into his hair, marveling at how soft the strands feel against my skin. He suddenly pushes himself off me, standing in front of me with his arms out. Unable to resist, I look down and grin at his tented sweats. I prop myself up on my elbows and slowly peruse his body until my eyes meet his.

“You sure you want to stop, Superman? Because it seems that one of your super parts has other ideas.”

He snorts and smiles before snaking his hands around my chest and pulling me up against him, pushing said hard super part against me. “I can wait. What I really want is you, naked, and on your knees. Isn’t that what you promised this afternoon?” His voice is low and gravelly, giving away just how turned on he is. It’s one thing that I’ve marveled at the longer we’ve been together. The little nuances you learn about your significant other as more time passes. Like how Daniel loves, and I mean loves, morning head, how his voice drops an octave when something really affects him, and how a thorough and spine-tingling kiss from me can make any annoyance he might have melt away. Right now, he’s horny as f**k and a rabid Daniel is hot as hell.
