Read Books Novel

Play It Safe

“I guess that’s right,” I replied.

“Know it is,” Sonny returned but he wasn’t done. “When I thought history repeated, ticked me off. But it didn’t. So what you learn from this, girl, all ‘a this shit, and where you find it in you to lead Gray, is that this shit is life. You got it worse than others but everyone has their crosses to bear. You bear ‘em then you keep on keepin’ on and you do it together. ‘Cause shit always passes and you got enough sweet, it always sweeps away the bitter. You and Gray, this’ll be done and you’ll taste your sweet.”

“Sonny,” I smiled, “I’ve had enough bitter to last a lifetime. Now I’m baking cakes in a kitchen that, when I first walked into it, I knew I wanted to walk into it dozens of times every day for the rest of my life and it’s the kitchen of the man who I looked at once and I knew. I knew. And, honey, you know exactly what I knew. There’s nothing that can take away that kind of sweet.”

Sonny stared at me. Then he smiled.

Then he bitched, “I’m dyin’ out here in this heat. I’m gettin’ back to hittin’ it and you’re bringing me a glass of lemonade. Lotsa ice.”

Then he disappeared behind the closed door.

And before I started on the frosting, I took out a glass of lemonade with lots of ice to Sonny.

* * * * *

Five hours later…

“Should I not have told you?” I asked quietly.

I was lounging mostly on Gray but partly on the couch and I’d just told him all about his mother’s visit. The TV was on but I’d hit mute. I had Gray’s undivided attention and he had mine.

I just couldn’t catch hold of any of the expressions warring for prominence on his face.

Then he settled on one and that was mild annoyance.

“Why would you not tell me?” Gray asked back.

“Just that…” I paused, “you’re dealing with a lot. You don’t need more.”

“Firstly, dollface, don’t ever keep anything from me and especially not something important. Secondly, this is a small town, learn that, shit gets around. You keep something from me it’s likely I’ll find out about it. And lastly, yeah, we’re dealing with a lot. But I’m not about to have a nervous breakdown.”

“Right,” I whispered.

He rolled us, switching positions so I was on my back and he was pressed the length of me. I could internally debate the merits of both positions, probably for years, but suddenly being in this one, I liked it better.

Gray took my mind off his long, hard body pressed into mine when he spoke.

“We figured it out about Prisc, suspected Cecily and we knew about Buddy. Don’t care about that shit and I’ll say, right now, better late than never doesn’t wash with that shit Prisc let herself get sucked into. She wants to make amends, she can do it. But she’ll feel no forgiveness from me. Twenty years from now, we’ll see. Right now and for the future, I don’t give a shit about what stupid reasons led to stupid actions. Yeah?”

I nodded. His call and it just so happened that, even though I didn’t know her, it was the same one as mine.

Gray went on, “As for my mother, it was the right thing to do, it was a good thing to do and she has my gratitude. Whether I share that with her personally or not, I gotta chew on that awhile. You with me?”

I felt hope because I knew Gray and he might chew on it awhile but he’d do the right thing. And the right thing was sharing his gratitude personally then keeping that door open so she could walk through.

“Dollface,” Gray called and I left those thoughts and focused on him. “I see what you’re thinkin’ and I know you’re fired up to collect all the family you can get. But her stupid decision meant I didn’t have a mother for twelve years. She left my Dad but she also left me. One thing, as a wife, to have f**ked up but understandable reasons to leave your husband. Another, as a mother, to have f**ked up and not understandable reasons to leave behind your child. Maybe I got it in me to work with her to move past that, maybe I don’t. But don’t get your hopes up.”

“Okay,” I agreed because he was very right.

But I still had my hopes and Gray knew it because he grinned, giving me the dimple.

Then his eyes changed, my body responded to the change and they dropped to my mouth a second before they came back to mine and he pressed deeper into me as his face got closer.

“Now, you got a choice seein’ as this is a rerun, I don’t like this show anyway, you do. Still, I’m not watchin’ it and that means neither are you. Instead, you got the choice of takin’ my c**k in your mouth then in you right here or doin’ it in the bedroom. We move, when we get up there, I want you on your knees in front of me. Either way, you got a second to decide.”

I didn’t need a second.

I’d been on my knees in front of Gray once before and I’d liked it. It was hot.

“Upstairs,” I whispered breathily.

He gave me the dimple again and I knew he knew what my answer would be. This was likely because, when he f**ked my mouth when I was on my knees in front of him, it turned me on so much he barely got me to my back on the bed and thrust into me before I came. And when I came, I did it hard and I did it long.

Then I lost the dimple when he kissed me. And when he did, he did it hard and he did it long.

Then we went up to our room, lost our clothes and I gained my knees.

And I was pleased to find do-overs were no less hot.

Chapter Thirty-Five

I Still Want You to Take Mine

Four months later…

“Honey! We’re going to miss our reservation!” I called up the stairs to Gray who was changing into his suit.

Or at least I hoped he was. I heard the shower go off ten minutes ago and my man was not a man who primped.

“Be down in a minute, darlin’!” Gray shouted back, I sighed and walked on my high heels into the kitchen.

It was October and it was my birthday and we should have left the house in order to make our reservation at Jenkins five minutes ago.

Gray had gone into town and came back late. Now we were running late.

And I was hungry.

* * * * *

The last four months, things had settled on the land and in Mustang.

The barn was up, painted red with white trim and it was old-fashioned like the last one was. That one was old-fashioned because it was old; this one was because that was what Gray wanted it to be.

It was also enormous.

Seeing as horse breeding was the family business, the other one was too and had twenty-six stalls.
