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Playing For Keeps

Playing For Keeps (The Alpha Brotherhood #3)(42)
Author: Catherine Mann

reunited angle. It was easy enough to pull off, then make sure Salvatore heard.” He shrugged. “It’s actually sort of funny when you think about it, pulling off a prank on the old colonel again.”

Malcolm wasn’t laughing. This bastard had terrified Celia for absolutely no good reason. Already brimming with frustration from his fight with Celia, Malcolm couldn’t stem the anger for a second longer. He hauled back his fist and punched Logan square in the jaw.

His manager crumpled back onto the rug, out cold. A formality, actually, since Celia had clearly handled things on her own. She stood strong and magnificent, in control of the situation.

His thoughts synched up in that moment as the truth truly sank in. Celia could take care of herself. As his mother had said, Celia had built the life that she wanted. He was the one still chasing the past, trying to change the outcome or hide from the tougher parts. Like how he’d stayed away from Azalea and Celia rather than face up to his feelings. Rather than risk putting his heart on the line again.

She had every reason to be angry with him. He’d failed to acknowledge the strong and incredible woman she’d become, the completion of the dazzling young girl he first fell for. The woman he still loved.

If he didn’t figure out how to get his priorities in order, he didn’t stand a chance of winning her back. And losing wasn’t an option. He loved this woman with every fiber of his being. Every note he played, every breath he took was for her. Always for Celia.

Whatever it took, he would be the man worthy of spending his life with her.

* * *

As Celia stood in the back of the concert hall that night, her mind was still reeling from the shock of finding Malcolm’s manager in her room. Of learning he’d been behind those threats all along. Adam Logan had orchestrated everything as a way to get Malcolm some extra publicity. Her life had been horribly manipulated.

But the frustration and anger she experienced had to be nothing compared to the disillusionment Malcolm felt over his friend’s betrayal. There hadn’t been time to talk after the attack. Malcolm had been so focused on dealing with the crisis at hand that she’d been shut out as the mess in front of her was “handled.” He’d made the decision to contact Salvatore and let him wade through the legal ramifications. The press from this, however, would be rough on Malcolm—betrayed by his own manager.

For that reason, she’d been unable to leave right away. In honor of all she and Malcolm had shared, in the past and in the present, she would stay for tonight’s concert. If Adam Logan had been correct, that she’d been good press for Malcolm, she would at least give him this night to help smooth over the rough patch he was bound to face with the media. And after he sang that last encore?

She honestly didn’t know. She just wished she had some kind of sign as to what she should do next. Marry Malcolm and change her life? Or return to what she’d had?

From the back of the auditorium, she watched him perform, her eyes riveted by his mesmerizing charisma. The audience hung on his every note, his every word. His performance was as smooth as ever, even though he couldn’t play the piano or guitar tonight. He’d broken two fingers punching out his manager. Sometime during the chaotic day, a doctor had been called to splint Malcolm’s fingers just before he left for the sound check.

In fact, his concert was beyond phenomenal tonight. She couldn’t put her finger on the difference. Her eyes scanned the sold-out historic theater. The space resembled the Amsterdam venue. The acoustics of the old building were formidable, but not the best she’d heard. Nothing had changed with the lighting. Yet, still…tonight was different. Exponentially better in some undefinable way.

Perhaps the fact that this was a charity benefit added something to his performance? She smoothed her hands down her floor-length red satin gown, feeling a bit like Cinderella at the ball with midnight only seconds away. Certainly, Malcolm looked heart-stoppingly handsome in his tuxedo. As the concert rolled to a close, she realized he didn’t intend to sing “Playing for Keeps.” Although, how could she blame him after the grief she’d given him the last time he’d performed it? She’d chewed him out for selling fans a fake bill of goods, crooning to them with lyrics he didn’t believe in.

And then, as he finished the final ballad of the night, sitting on a bar stool and singing directly to the audience, she grasped the difference in tonight’s show. The difference in Malcolm.

He wasn’t performing.

Tonight when he sang about love won and lost, love’s pain and joy, she would swear he really believed the words. That had to be it. He felt the emotion, believed in love and happily ever after. The feelings were so real they shone from his eyes. His proposal earlier hadn’t sprung from some gut reaction or need to protect her. Somehow Malcolm’s faith in happily ever after had been restored. He’d come to believe in it again. This was the sign she’d been waiting for. She’d thought his proposal was for old times’ sake or to make up for the past.

And she’d thrown his proposal back in his face.

Her heart squeezed tight with emotion as she realized how very badly she’d messed up, and how every second that passed was filled with pain neither of them should have to endure. They’d both been through enough. They’d sacrificed and lost too much because of their mistakes. They’d made amends.

They deserved to be happy.

Hitching up the hem of her floor-length gown, she sprinted back out into the lobby, searching for the backstage entrance and regretting like hell that she’d refused the backstage pass earlier out of fear. Out of some contrary need to put up walls between them.

She ran toward the guards at the doors, and thank God, one of them remembered her and waved her through with a wink and a smile. He even pointed the way. High heels clicking along the concrete floors, she dashed past crates and music stands, endless equipment crowding her path. Finally, she made it to the wings, stopping beside the stage manager, who held up a finger to his lips. Although with the loud applause as Malcolm bowed, it wasn’t as if anyone could hear her.

Celia nodded anyway, breathless from her mad dash. Her heart pounded in her ears with anticipation and hope. Malcolm had already started to exit the stage, walking toward her. Although he hadn’t seen her yet since he still waved to the audience, already on their feet clapping.

Malcolm stepped out of the lights and into the darkened wings, his hand already out for the customary bottled water the backstage assistants would pass him before he returned for an encore.
