Read Books Novel

Playing for Keeps

Playing for Keeps (The Game #2)(14)
Author: Emma Hart

“I’m not blind, Aston. There’s more than just kissing on your mind.”

“I’m not denying that.”

She pauses and closes her eyes for a second. “You … Argh!” She opens her eyes. “You need to go. I can’t …”

“Can’t what?”

“I can’t stand here with you looking at me like that and not do something I’m going to regret.”

I cup the side of her head and stroke my thumb down her cheek. “You already have though, haven’t you? You regret walking away last weekend. I can see it.”


“If you didn’t regret it you would have kicked me out by now. You wouldn’t have even let me in here.” I tilt her face up. “You know why I’m here and you did before you opened that door.”

Her blue eyes are fixed on mine, and whatever it is she’s doing to me wrecks me a little more. Whatever f**ked up hold I’ve allowed this girl to have on my f**ked up self has just strengthened a little more.

“Why are you here?” She demands.

“You know.”

“Tell me. God dammit, Aston. Don’t hint with me. Don’t stand there, pull your usual tricks and think I’ll fall into your lap with my knickers down. If you’re here for a reason then you tell me now. Are we clear now?”

“Fine,” I whisper, dipping my head so my face is so close to hers you couldn’t get a breath between us. I can still see her eyes, though, and they’re raging. “Because it obviously isn’t f**king obvious enough – I’m here because I want to finish what we started last weekend. I want to push you into this wall, kiss the crap out of you, then I wanna throw you on your bed and kiss the crap out of the rest of your body. And then, Megan, then I’m gonna sink so deep inside you you’ll forget where you end and I begin.”

She swallows, her eyes widening. Her tongue darts out and licks a trail across her lips, sending all the blood in my body down to my cock.

I lean my body into her. “Are we f**king clear now?”

Megan crashes her lips into me, hot and hard. Her fingers dig into my shoulders and her body presses against me, molding to the shape of me. I kiss her harder, making her lean into the wall even more, and I’m straining through my jeans with the force of my need for her.

I move my hands across her body like I’m starved, which I am. I touch and hold, smooth and grip, probe and tickle. I sweep my tongue into her mouth, deeply, desperately, needing and wanting to taste every inch of her mouth. Her back slams into the door, and she whimpers.

Her bottom lip is soft and swollen between my teeth as I tug on it slightly, and groan breathlessly as I release it. She opens her eyes, the heaviness of her lids adding to the fire raging in them. My gaze is steady, my grip on her anything but. I hook my fingers under her shirt, shaking slightly, resisting the urge to rip it away from her beautiful skin. Her heavy breathing races between her lips, and we’re so close I can almost taste it.

“Megan,” I whisper, my heart pounding. I know how bad this is. I know nothing good can come from this. Three days ago she was cursing me, hating me, and now she’s pinned against her door by me. I embody everything she hates.

But I don’t give a shit right now. I need her. I need her so f**king badly it scares me.

Her hands slide across my shoulders and up my neck to the back of my head where she sinks her fingers into my hair, winding it round them. “Don’t,” she breathes out. “This is wrong. So wrong. But I can’t stop myself. I can’t stop this time.”

Air rushes from my lungs at her words, and I take her mouth with mine harshly. Her tongue slides across my lips, wriggling slightly at the seam of them. I slide mine out, caressing hers, and I stroke my hands up her back, pulling her from the door slightly. Her kiss is demanding, asking and telling me what she wants at the same time.

I’m powerless to deny her it.

I’m powerless to deny her anything.


Megan picks herself up on shaky arms and legs, and I don’t want to let my arms drop away from her the way they do. She grins at me, grabs her clothes, and heads for the small bathroom to the side of her room.

I push myself up onto my elbows, letting my head drop forward for a second, accepting the reality of the situation. The reality being that I am well and truly f**ked – and not just in a physical sense. I’m f**ked in every way possible.

I shove myself upwards, roll off the condom, and dump it in the trashcan. I wipe myself off with some tissue and get dressed. I’m just about to pull my shirt over my head when I hear the door open and Megan speak in a small voice.

“We have to go and pretend, don’t we?” She looks at me, her face earnest. “We have to go pretend this never happened. Just like last time. But worse.” She drops her eyes to the floor.

I pull my shirt over my head as I cross the room. I stop just in front of her, taking a deep breath.

“Yeah. That’s the general idea.”

She sighs heavily, dropping her hand from the doorknob. “I figured as much.”

“But it doesn’t mean we don’t have to pretend we don’t exist.” I touch her waist before she can move, and she turns her face up to me, her brow furrowed.


“I don’t feel like getting my ass kicked by Braden, but for some crazy reason me walking out of here without me knowing you’ll still be here drives me f**king insane,” I admit, holding her gaze. “I won’t leave here without you promising me you’ll still be here, Megan.”

“Here for what? Sex? ‘Cause I can get that anywhere, Aston. It’s not exclusive to you,” she snaps, pushing me away. “I’m not gonna do that.”

I grab her back to me, holding her against me. I lower my mouth to her ear and feel the slight tremble in the way she’s holding herself.

“I said I needed you tonight. I never said it was just sex. Assuming, Megan. We all know what happens then.”

“Yeah, but you’re already an ass, so I didn’t think it would make much of a difference.”

My jaw tightens. “Face it, baby, you need me as much as I need you. Maybe I need you more. I haven’t figured that out yet, but believe me, Megan Harper, if I have to walk out of this room without you promising me you’re mine, I will come back and chase you down. I will chase you down and if I have to, I will pin you and your naked, trembling body to that damn bed until you say it.”
