Read Books Novel

Playing for Keeps

Playing for Keeps (The Game #2)(2)
Author: Emma Hart

“But it nearly didn’t. Maddie ran back to Brooklyn, or did you forget that?”

“No,” I reply slowly. “I didn’t forget that. She came back and they kicked each other’s asses.”

She purses her lips. “You weren’t worried at all were you?”

I shake my head. “Not really. I know that makes me sound horrible, like I don’t care, but I knew they’d sort it out. You can’t tell me you believed her when she said she wasn’t in love with him?”

“Well no …”

“Precisely. She fell for him as hard as he fell for her, Lila.”

“Then why Brooklyn? I just don’t get it. We all know they were doing the same thing.”

“You weren’t here when Braden found out.” I chew on my bottom lip. That was the worst moment – none of us ever thought he’d turn up at her dorm room, least of all me. It was a bad call on my part, and despite my best efforts to get rid of the poster there was no way to do it quietly. “He was mad. So, so damn mad. I sat there and watched his heart break, Li, and I felt so shit. Hell, I watched both their hearts break. What did it for Maddie was Braden went crazy over what she was doing, then she found out he was doing the exact same thing. She was embarrassed over the whole thing and angry over how he’d acted. But most of all she was heartbroken over it – that moment shattered every belief she had that he’d fallen in love with her. The only thing she could do was run.”

“Huh. And she told you that?”

“No, but you don’t have to be cupid to figure it out.”

“How did you figure it out?”

I shrug a shoulder. “It happens when your favorite aunt is qualified in three areas of psychology.”

Her mouth drops open. “Three?”

“I know, I know. I come from a family of overachievers. I think I’m somewhat of a disappointment with my little English major and book writing ambition.”

“At least you’re doing what you love. And, for the record, you’d be a terrible cupid.” She giggles.

“Well, thanks.” I throw my pillow at her, smiling. “But like I said, it’s all okay now, isn’t it?”

“I have to admit, I never thought I’d see the day Braden Carter took a girl home.” Lila hugs my pillow to her chest.

“You and I both.” I smirk.

I never truly thought I’d see the day he’d be as in love as he is. Braden and Maddie have the magical kind of love every little girl dreams of – at least I did. I spent hours upon hours dreaming of the guy that would give me butterflies and sweep me so high off my feet I’d never go back down. My dreams were only fueled by Mom’s extensive library in her home office. I can’t count the times I used to sneak books out to read about the kind of love my best friends are experiencing now.

“Whatcha readin’?” Nanna peered over my shoulder.

I jumped, snapping the book shut. “Nothing.”

“Why you readin’ it then?”


She leaned over the back of the sofa and snatched the book out of my hands. My eyes widened as she took in the book. “Huckleberry Finn? You’re hiding for this?”

“Um, yeah.” I swallowed.

Nanna opened the book. Her eyes flicked across a page before she closed it again and pulled off the dust jacket. “Megan Harper. You sneaky devil.”

I smiled warily.

“Does your mother know you’ve stolen her copy of Pride and Prejudice when you should be reading Huck Finn?”

“No. Please don’t tell her, Nanna! Huck Finn isn’t terrible, but I don’t want to read it. I’d much rather read about Lizzy and Darcy.”

She didn’t respond.

“Please, Nanna.”

“I won’t say a word, girl. Between you and me, Huck Finn isn’t nearly as exciting as Mr. Darcy. Just don’t tell your mother I approve of your stealing her romance novels.”

“I won’t.”

Nanna gestured to the book. “Has he kissed her yet?”

I nodded happily. “It’s my favorite part.”

“Mine too.” She winked.

Our dorm door opens, snapping me out of my inner musings, and Maddie comes bursting in in an explosion of fiery hair.

“You have to make me ill or something. Or pretend I am. Or – oh! Cover me in face paint,” she babbles, slamming the door and pressing her back against it.

“Eh? Face paint?” I frown.

“Yep. I’m allergic.” She gestures to her face. “Makes my face go all puffy and spotty and stuff.”

“Aside from the fact face paint isn’t something I keep under my bed,” Lila comments. “Why on Earth do you want to be ill?”

Maddie slumps down the door, hugging her knees to her chest. “I’ve never … You know. Done the meeting the parents thing before.”

“Ohhh,” Lila and I say in unison.

“His parents aren’t bad at all.” I look at her. “Honestly, they’re some of the nicest people I’ve ever met.”

“He’s your best friend. You have to say that,” she groans.

“Well, he is, but I don’t. Really, Mads. You don’t have to be worried about anything.”

“What if they ask me a hundred questions?”

“His dad won’t. His mom will, though – but not about you. About Braden.”

“And what do I say?”

“The truth.” I grin. “Aha! I win!”

Maddie and Lila both look toward me, their eyebrows raised.

“I told Braden I’d tell Maddie what to say to his mom, and I’m saying to tell the truth.”

“Smart move,” Lila acknowledges.

“I guess he didn’t tell you to convince me to lie?” Maddie sits up and smiles.

“Of course he didn’t. He naturally assumes I will do that, and more fool him.” I grin. “When are you going?”

“After English. We have it last tomorrow, don’t we?”

I nod, and Lila frowns. “I thought you were going Saturday morning. Something about Braden not wanting to leave Megs for two nights to party in a house full of horny frat boys.”

I drop my head back. “For f**k sake,” I mutter to the ceiling.

“Oh, that was the first plan,” Maddie explains. “I told him he was being damn ridiculous, and Megan was more than capable of looking after herself in a house full of animals.”
