Read Books Novel

Playing for Keeps

Playing for Keeps (The Game #2)(36)
Author: Emma Hart

She finishes the ice cream and throws the cone toward the trash as we come to edge of the beach. “You win.”

“You didn’t eat the cone?” I ask.

“I don’t like the cones.” She hops up onto the hood of the car, her legs hanging over the front.

“So why do you order ice cream cones?” I stand between her legs, and she hooks them round my waist, sliding into me.

“Because I like the ice cream,” she says with a furrow in her brow. “Why else?”

I grin, and a fat raindrop falls on the car. Another follows it, and another, and another, and she squeals as one falls on her cheek.

Her hands push at my shoulders and she releases my waist as she tries to get away. I laugh as it rains harder, the cold drops soaking us in seconds. My tee shirt clings to my skin and my eyes flick to the drops of water sliding their way down Megan’s chest, disappearing below the neck of her shirt. I take her hands from my waist and slide my fingers between hers, still laughing.

“Aston, no! Let me up! It’s raining!”

“And?” I ask. “You’re already soaking wet.” She wriggles against me, her center rubbing against my jeans and causing the blood in my body to rush downwards. She wriggles once more and pauses, looking up at me when she realizes my dick is rock hard.

“Did I, er, do that?” She batters her eyelashes.

“Mhmm,” I hum out, leaning into her.

“But the rai–”

My lips capture her mouth in a crushing kiss. My body is taut against hers as I lean forward, pushing her against the hood of the car. Our wet shirts rub together and hers rides up slightly. Our hands hit the car above her head and she gasps, my tongue meeting hers as I hold her hands still, my hips pinning hers. She moves her legs up, hooking them over my hips and clutching them around my waist. Her back arches into me so every inch of us really is touching.

Rain continues to beat down, covering us both as our tongues battle each other, sweeping and caressing. I release her hands, grip her wrists with one hand, and slide my free one down her wet body. Her shirt is slightly drier where it’s against the car, and I run my hand along the part of her back not touching the hood. My fingers tickle and tease her, my thumb running just inside the back of her jeans, feeling the strap of her thong. My hips press into hers, and in this second, all good thoughts are gone.

A wet Megan – in more ways than one – is sending my dick into overdrive, and it’s the only part of me thinking right now.

She gasps as I run my nose down her neck, breathing heavily against her slick skin.


“Do you need me, or do you need what I can give you?” she asks bluntly, making my head snap back.

I get it.

“You,” I reply honestly, looking into her eyes. “I f**king need you.”

“And if someone catches us?”

“Do you see anyone around?” I let her up, holding her against me and cupping her ass in my hands. “You’re gonna have to open the car door, ‘cause my hands are full.”

I carry her round, my dick straining against my jeans, and she opens the door. I all but drop her in, and she sprawls on the back seat. I climb in after her, shutting the door, and lean over her. Her breathing is heavy as she gazes up at me through heavy eyelids.

I drop my head and kiss the spot beneath her ear, letting my mouth go down and down until it reaches the swell of her boobs. My tongue flicks out and runs inside her low-cut shirt and bra, reaching until it flicks against her nipple. She whimpers, clutching at my back, and I reach in and undo the buttons down the front of her body.

Her shirt falls away, revealing her body, and I keep kissing her, even as my hands fall to her jeans and begin to peel the wet material away down her thighs. I sit up, tugging it off the rest of the way, and she kicks the ceiling.

“Shit,” she hisses, dropping her head back slightly. I laugh slightly, running my hands up her legs. She grabs fistfuls of my shirt and yanks me forward. “You shut up and kiss me.”

“Fuck yes,” I answer, taking her mouth with mine. Her fingers flick down my stomach, slipping under my shirt and caressing my stomach until they finally unclip the button on my jeans. She pushes my jeans down with her feet and pushes her body against mine.

My dick jumps at the contact, and I mutter a garbled curse into her mouth, ripping my boxers down and sliding her thong to the side. My fingers slip along and inside her tightness easily, and in seconds I replace my fingers with my c**k and push into her. Her legs tighten around my waist and she grabs at my lower back, taking me in one easy swoop.

Judging by the constant clench of her muscles and the wetness surrounding me, sex outside turns Megan on.

My fingers dip into her wet hair, my tongue dips into her mouth, and our hips grind together rhythmically.

In this deserted place where no-one knows her, where no-one knows me, we are as one.

And I realize it really is her I need.


Mommy was mad. I’d heard her shouting at him for a long time. I didn’t know what many of the words meant, but they were words Mommy said were naughty and only for grown-ups. Words I mustn’t say.

“They’re coming tomorrow!” Mommy shouted. “What am I supposed to tell them this f**king time?”

“I don’t f**kin’ know! He’s five years old – he fell out of a damn tree for all I care!”

“And got a black eye? From what? A freakin’ tree root?!”

“Think of something!” he yelled at her, his feet stomping against the floor. Mommy always said not to stomp. Stomping is naughty. “They always believe you anyway!”

“Where are you going?”

“I’m leaving this f**king shithole before you get a black eye to match your little bastard of a son’s!”

The door slammed. I jumped, rubbing Bunny’s ear against my cheek. Soft.

I didn’t like this man. I didn’t like any of the men, but he was the most horrible. He was really big and had lots of funny pictures all over his arms. I asked him what they were once and he shouted at me. I just wanted to see the pictures.

“Fuck! Fucking useless jackass!” Mommy yelled the naughty words and the door slammed after her.

I didn’t mind her going. She was going to get money for food, she said. She said she had to work, but usually a nasty man stayed with me, drinking horrible beer.

I got up and pushed my door open slightly, looking around. I was really alone and it was dark. I didn’t like the dark. The horrible men said big scary monsters were in the dark ready to eat little boys like me.
