Read Books Novel

Playing for Keeps

Playing for Keeps (The Game #2)(41)
Author: Emma Hart

“What is it?” I smirk at her. “I don’t think I quite got that.”

“Do I need to spell it for you? What, did you not get master hearing with your smart-ass GPA?” She raises her eyebrows. “‘Cause that’s gotta cause you some problems.”

“I’m pretty sure my hearing is going because of the amount of times I’ve had a girl screaming in my ear.”

Braden snorts, and Maddie slaps his thigh. “Don’t encourage him!”

“I was just … Never mind.” He hides his smirk.

“You know screaming is relative, right?” She runs the pad of her thumb across her bottom lip. “It doesn’t necessarily mean they were having a good time. I mean, don’t girls usually scream in horror movies?”

Lila’s shoulders shake as she laughs silently, and Maddie bites her lip. I watch Megan steadily, taking in the spark in her blue eyes and the gentle curve of her lips that only grows as I keep watching her. My own lips twitch, and I jump up.

“Watch your smart mouth, Megan,” I warn her. “My last offer is still open.”

Chapter Nineteen – Megan

My mouth drops open, not from what he said, but because he threw it out so carelessly in front of the others – especially Braden.

Aston grins and winks at me. He turns, stretching his arms over his head as he walks in the direction of the house. I watch him go, struck into silence, and ignore Lila’s gaze burning into the side of my head.

“His last offer?” Braden says tightly, his eyes resting on me.

“He offered to teach me the difference between a slapped ass and a spanked one,” I mutter. “He’s a prick.”

“Caveman. Rein it in,” Maddie orders, tapping his cheek and standing up.

“In,” he mutters in response.

“Good. Keep it that way.” She kisses his cheek, and Ryan and Lila stand.

“I’ll see you after class, Megs.” Lila looks at me pointedly, and I nod. Yep. I’m so in for tonight.

We sit in silence as the others disappear, and I stare into the distance. It’s the first time I’ve been alone with Braden since me and Aston got together, and for the first time in my life it feels like there’s a gaping hole between us.

I know I put it there.

I also know I have to tell him. I could do it now. Without Aston here. Where there are other people around.

I open my mouth to speak, explain it, but he beats me to it.

“Where have you been lately?”

“Huh?” I look at him. “I’ve been here, at college.”

“Oh, ha ha. Very f**king funny,” he says dryly, throwing a blade of grass at me. “No, I mean, like, SF. I thought you would have come with us.”

I shrug a shoulder. “I just didn’t feel like it. I had some work to catch up on too. Papers and stuff.”

He nods. “Kyle said you dropped by Sunday morning to get one of your books.”

“Yep. You had my Shakespeare book. Again.”

“I will always have your Shakespeare book. I don’t know how to complete a paper without your scribbled on books.” He grins at me, flicking his hair away from his eyes.

“You need a hair cut,” I point out. “And I know. Ever since eighth grade you’ve copied my crap. I have no idea why I let you do it.”

“It’s because I’m f**king brilliant, and you love me.”

“And you still have the worst potty mouth of everyone I know.”

He grins again. “It’s why you love me, Megs. I’m the big brother you never had.”

“I think you’re the reason I never had a big brother,” I reply dryly, smirking. “Mom saw you dragging me into the mud to make mud pies and climbing trees, and decided an adopted son was more than enough.”

“I dragged you?” He laughs. “You dragged me more times than I did you!”

Okay. So he might have a point there. “Let’s face it, we were always gonna be trouble.”

He clears his throat. “I’m not trouble.”

“The cat, Braden. The cat.”

“That wasn’t trouble. That was me attempting to be a gentleman.”

I smile, amused. “I’m not sure your mom thinks of it that way, even now.”

“No, I explained it to her,” he insists. “I told her it made me a gentleman for trying to give my favorite girl in the world what she wanted.” I kick his foot playfully.

“Does Maddie know this?” I tease.

“Meggy.” He looks at me seriously. “I love Maddie, but you’re my best friend. You always have been and the only person that means more to me than Maddie is you. I love you in different ways, and Maddie knows she’ll never be you, but she gets that. Besides, you can be my favorite in a different way.”

I laugh and kick him again, shaking my head. “Is sex really all you ever think about?”

He pauses for a second, chewing his lip. “No. I just thought about food.”

“Food and sex?”



“And that is why you’re my best friend.” He winks. “You get me.”

“Someone has to understand you, Bray.”

“Is Lila still sending you on those dates?”

I shake my head. “I told her after the last one, no more.”

“Were they jackasses?”

“No, I just wasn’t interested in any of them. I’m capable of picking my own love interests, you know.”

“Shouldn’t have any damn interests,” he grumbles.

I clear my throat. “Remember our conversation about this? Do we need to go to caveman-speak? Megan, big girl. Take care of self. Braden watch and shut up.”

Braden chuckles. “Does that mean no black eyes for anyone who sleeps with you?”

You owe your best friend a few. “No. No black eyes, no warnings, no demands of leaving me alone, and most definitely no caveman antics.”

“I think all of those qualify as caveman antics as far as Maddie is concerned.”

“I know. I was just spelling it out for you.” I shrug.

“Gee, thanks a f**kin’ lot.” He shakes his head, standing up. I put my hand in his outstretched one, and he pulls me up. He starts to walk backwards toward the house. “I have to get to class. Get some last minute caveman antics in before anyone finds out.”

“Braden Carter!” I call after his retreating body. “Don’t you freakin’ dare!”
