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Predatory Game

Predatory Game (GhostWalkers #6)(41)
Author: Christine Feehan

“This is great music,” she said to no one in particular, allowing her gaze to drift over the crowd. Men and women who could handle themselves had a distinct look. She touched a few potentials, men who looked good in a fight, men who carried themselves with confidence, who moved with easy, sure steps and flowing muscles. She couldn’t discount the women as a threat either.

Mari was a soldier. There was no doubt in Saber’s mind. She’d gone through the same extensive training Saber had, and it had been thorough. She probably knew more ways to kill a man than most individuals in the room. She’d gone through psychological and emotional testing. She was trained extensively in weapons and hand-to-hand, but more importantly, she had been put through test after test on her ability to think in a crisis. On how to remain cool and calm, how to be as cold as ice in any given situation.

For the first time in her life, Saber was grateful for the years of training, for all the times she’d been punished for showing emotion. Jess had betrayed her, sold her out to the other GhostWalkers. By all rights she should terminate him.

“Have you met Jess’s sister, Patsy?” she inquired, hanging on to her smile.

Ken nodded. “I have. I had met her before this happened.” He ran his hand over the scars on his face. “She cried when she saw me. Patsy is a very caring woman.”

“I haven’t met her,” Mari said. “I’d like to though. Both Jack and Ken talk about Jess and his family quite a bit.”

“Jess always invited us for holidays,” Ken said. “He has a nice family.”

Saber continued to search the room without seeming to do so. There would be others in the crowd. They would want a full team if they planned to reacquire her. She pushed all sentiment away, all regret. Escape wouldn’t be easy. She was small and her strength wasn’t in hand-to-hand. She was good with weapons, but again, it wasn’t her specialty. She could do it-would do it-because she had to. When failure wasn’t an option, you found a way to get it done.

“I’ve only met Patsy, and I really like her.”

“She thinks Saber is too young for me,” Jess said. She was pulling away from him. He could feel her withdrawal as surely as if she were already gone. Something close to panic pressed on his chest until he could barely breathe. He had never panicked in his life. Not once. Not in training, not in combat, not when he’d been captured and tortured. But panic filled him until he could barely think straight.

“Saber.” He said her name in a low voice. “Look at me.”

She didn’t even turn her head his way. She kept that soft, dreamy look on her face, the small half smile, and she looked as if she was very interested in the dancers.

“I’m listening.”

Even her voice was perky, damn her, but he knew. He knew with every fiber of his being. Look at me now! It was a command, sharp and firm and demanding.

Startled, her eyes met his in shock.

Do you honestly believe that I would betray you? Don’t look at anyone else. Look at me. Do you think I brought you here so that bastard Whitney could take you away from me?

He was furious with her-that she could believe such a betrayal. And hurt. God, it hurt like a son of a bitch. He wanted to shake her, so much so that he didn’t dare put his hands on her. The table vibrated beneath his palms. Ken shot him a quick inquiry, but Jess ignored him, holding Saber’s gaze. Answer me, damn it, is that what you think of me? That I would hand you over to him after living with you for nearly a year?

She moistened her lips, her only nervous gesture. She didn’t even blink, but stared him right in the eye. Her gaze shifted back to the crowd. His heart slammed hard in his chest, one jolt and his stomach felt as if he’d been sucker punched.

Ken shifted slightly, better to protect Jess if need be. The gesture irritated him. The damn wheelchair again. I don’t need protection and certainly not from Saber.

The table’s shaking. Ken’s voice was mild.

She thinks I betrayed her.

That would be a natural reaction. She’s spotted the team. She knows Mari and I are part of it. She’s not stupid, Jess. If she’s running from Whitney, she has to think this is a setup. What would be the chances it’s a coincidence?

Get rid of the ego and focus. Jess winced. He heard the echo of that thought and ducked his head, even as he still held Saber’s gaze. He let out his breath and tried to see things from her point of view.

“All right, baby. Let’s see if I can clear a few things up for you. Ken and Mari are part of a Special Forces team known as the GhostWalkers. Mari escaped from a research facility run by Dr. Whitney. Ken, Mari, and a few of the others came to help because you and I have been under surveillance. I don’t know if you’re on the run and Whitney’s found you, or whether he’s watching me, but either way, I figured we needed help.”

There was a dead silence as she stared at him, shocked that he’d disclosed as much as he had. Did she dare believe him? She glanced at Mari, but her gaze jumped back to Jess. In spite of herself, her pulse quickened and hope leapt. Was there a chance he was telling the truth? If you’re lying to me, Jesse, I swear I’ll kill you before they take me. She deliberately spoke in his mind to let him know she had power too.

“Fair enough, Saber. But you tell me the truth. I laid my cards out on the table. I expect you to do the same.”

“How many of your men are here?”

“Five. And a sleeper hanging back.”

She inhaled sharply. He had called in a full team. Each GhostWalker would have a different skill and they would be lethal. “You have a lot of friends.” She couldn’t hope to take them all. She wasn’t that kind of warrior. Sending up a little prayer that he was telling the truth, she caught at his watch. “Let’s go home.” Because if we’re going to discuss this, I want it to be between you and me. I don’t trust anyone else. And I don’t feel safe surrounded by that many enhanced soldiers.

He flashed a small, encouraging smile. At least she wasn’t making a break for it. They’re supposed to make you feel safe.

“Well, it’s not working.” She slid out of the chair, avoiding getting too close to Ken. He was a big man and obviously strong.

“We’ll escort you home,” Ken said. “And leave you alone once you’re settled in and your security is on.”

Jess nodded and wordlessly followed Saber out of the club.

Glee filled him. He was ecstatic as he turned on her CD player and stripped off his clothes. He wanted to hear her voice, that sexy, husky whisper that crawled over his skin and into his body, but the music would do and at least he could smell her. He lay in her sheets and rolled around before hopping up to drag open the dresser drawers. In the top one he found treasure.
