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Predatory Game

Predatory Game (GhostWalkers #6)(61)
Author: Christine Feehan

Beneath her bottom, his thigh muscles bunched into hard ridges, and then he was changing the pace, taking her over, plunging deep and hard with exquisite purpose, building the heat until it was out of control. Her breath came in ragged gasps as the piercing pleasure built and built until she thought she might not live through it. She felt as if she were burning alive from the inside out, and if he didn’t keep filling her, stretching her, if he didn’t do something to quench the fire soon, she wouldn’t survive.

“Please, Jesse.” The soft cry was wrenched from her before she could stop it. There didn’t seem to be inhibition or self-respect. She knew she was pleading-begging for release, but the pleasure was too much, it had to end soon or she was going to go insane. Her mind seemed to be shutting down altogether, and her craving for Jess Calhoun knew no bounds.

“It’s all right, Saber, love. Go with it. Let yourself fly. Come with me. Just come with me.” He gripped her h*ps and plunged deeper, lodging himself against her womb, swelling thicker and larger than he’d ever been in his life, and his balls grew tight and hard, his thighs shaking.

He moved again, setting a harsh pace, deep long strokes that invaded and receded, each harder and stronger than the last as he pumped into her hot, moist flesh. Around him, her tight, silken channel gripped him hard, milking until the erotic torture nearly strangled him with pleasure. He couldn’t stop the bone-wrenching, muscle-tightening explosion as he cl**axed, her body melting and rippling around his.

She screamed, the sound vibrating through his groin as he flooded her tight sheath with hot jets of his release, as he surged one last time into her, his hoarse shout joining hers. She collapsed against him, falling onto his chest as he fought to drag air into his bursting lungs. She lay with her head pillowed on his shoulder, exhausted, a limp rag doll, her heart pounding so hard she couldn’t bring it under control.

“Are you all right?” he asked gently.

“No. I’m never going to be all right again,” she said, meaning it. “Jesse, I was looking for normal. I don’t think that’s what this is. This is obsession, addiction, something crazy. We could kill each other.”

He rubbed his mouth over her neck. “There’s so much more. I could spend days, weeks, showing you more.”

“I wouldn’t survive more,” she said, knowing she had to have him again and again. And she wanted-even needed-the more. “What have you done to me?”

“Nothing that you haven’t done to me.” He stroked caresses over her hair and waited until she stopped trembling, until the little aftershocks lessened to small ripples. “Whatever you’re feeling, multiply that by a thousand, angel face, and that’s what I’m feeling.” He turned off the jets. “The water’s getting cold and we’re going to turn into prunes.”

“Well,” she said, wrapping her arms around his neck. “We didn’t solve the world’s problems, but right at this moment, I’m not caring so much.” Because, could he really believe she would betray him if he made love to her so thoroughly? She kissed his throat and nibbled on his chin.

Jess kept his arms around her, holding her to him. “You solved my most immediate problems, baby. I’m thinking we need to get to bed. It’s almost morning and we’ve had a full night.”

She lifted her head from where she was tracing the line of his heavy chest muscle with her tongue. “I don’t have a bed right now. I’m not sleeping in that room.”

“Of course not. I was thinking you’d be sharing my bed.”

There was a small silence and she pulled back to look at him. Very slowly she slipped off his lap to move to the side of the Jacuzzi. “I’ve never done that before. Sleep with someone. Doesn’t it make you feel vulnerable?”

“I wouldn’t know. I had sex with people, I didn’t sleep with them.”

“You thought you were going to marry Chaleen, didn’t you?”

He shrugged. “We were together, but I don’t know that I thought about the future all that much. Maybe at first I thought we’d be together, but after a while, I didn’t push it. And no, we didn’t sleep in the same bed. I always made some excuse and she was always happy to accept it. That should have told me something.”

She raised her eyebrow at him. “You think?”

He slapped water at her. “You can look smug when you want to.”

“I know.” She really hated the idea of turning her back on him to get out of the Jacuzzi. She didn’t mind being naked, but she detested him looking at her back. For some reason, she couldn’t overcome the shame, as if somehow she’d allowed the torture. They’d made certain she couldn’t touch them, but maybe she could have scared them into believing she would have hunted them down. Now that she was older, that was exactly what she’d do, but back then, she’d been so frightened, and what they wanted from her had been repulsive. She’d loathed herself and her capabilities.

She waited until Jess shifted to first the stair and then the platform before she climbed out and made certain his chair was locked so he could swing into it. She caught up Jess’s shirt and pulled it on.

“Chaleen was here tonight.”

He straightened up in his chair, frowning at her. “I know that, Ken told me, but how did you know?”

She tried not to look or sound smug, since he’d just accused her of it. “I went out reconning tonight and saw her.” She studied her fingernails. “Blew right past both of your enhanced supersoldier GhostWalker guards.”

“You got past Ken and Mari? Both of them?”

“It was a walk in the park.”

Jess studied her face. It was obvious she was telling the truth. “Ken sent Chaleen packing.”

“If the CIA sent her here, Jess, it means they have suspicions that you’re more than a SEAL, and if they think that, who knows who else does?”

“You think a foreign government has sent someone to spy on me?” He thrust with his hands, powering the chair through the house toward the bedroom.

Saber followed at a more leisurely pace, holding the edges of his shirt together around her. “Don’t you think that’s a possibility?”

“I suppose. But I think my radar would have gone off sooner.”

Saber put on a burst of speed and caught up to him, catching at his chair to stop him. She waited until he’d turned to look at her. “So, Jess, what if something else is going on here, something not all about Whitney? Yes, I think he orchestrated our being together, but for what purpose? Just to grab me? Why go to all the trouble of the two of us living together for a year? If he provided the opening for the job and knew I’d take it-and who else could have known?-then why not grab me immediately before you called in the other GhostWalkers. Whitney had to have anticipated that move, right?”
