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Predatory Game

Predatory Game (GhostWalkers #6)(81)
Author: Christine Feehan

“Stop staring at me.” She didn’t open her eyes.

“I want to swim.”

“Go swim and leave me alone.”

“I’m not supposed to swim by myself. My doctor said so.”

She made a rude noise, but still kept her eyes stubbornly shut. “You swim by yourself all the time. Since when do you listen to your doctor?”

“Think how bad you’d feel if I drowned.”

Her lashes fluttered. “I’m thinking I might help you drown. If you go away, I can sleep for…” She lifted her lashes a bare centimeter and peered at the clock before settling against the pillow again. “A couple more hours.”

He rested his chin on his palm, elbow on the side of the bed, leaning in to put his face inches from hers. “Did you know that you’re grumpy when you first wake up?”

“Just because your friends left doesn’t mean you get to bother me.”

He should have known she would be aware of others in the house. The knowledge just made him proud of her. He tugged on the sheet. “Swimming. Exercise. We can skinny-dip.”

“You really aren’t going to go away, are you?” She opened her eyes and glared, then her gaze widened and she flushed when she saw he was na**d and more than alert.

He laughed at her. “Nope.”

“You aren’t exactly the dream man I thought you were. You’re relentless when you want something.”

“I’m your dream man.” He dragged the covers off of her and slid his hand over her stomach, up to her breast. “I want something now.” He bent his head to the invitation, enjoying the way her stomach muscles bunched and her breath caught in her throat when his mouth settled around the offering.

Saber closed her eyes, circling his head with her arms, holding him to her breast while his mouth pulled strongly, sending flashes of fire arcing through her bloodstream. She was all too aware of his other hand drifting down her body, sliding over smooth skin, moving lower and lower. Her h*ps jerked in anticipation of his touch. He moved his palm to her leg, gliding up and around to her inner thigh.

Her pulse pounded in her blood. Waiting. Needing. Wanting. He had to touch her. In that moment, with his mouth pulling strongly at her breast, his tongue sending waves of heat crashing through her body and his hand moving over her skin, she saw her future, time stretched out before her clearly. She would never be free of her need of him. She would crave his touch with this same intensity-for all time.

Saber ran her fingers through his hair, keeping her eyes closed to better absorb the sensations. Heat and fire. A coiling. It was amazing how he could bring her body to such life. “This is such a perfect way to wake up,” she murmured, still drowsy, arching her back like a cat.

“I agree.” He kissed his way down her ribs to her intriguing little belly button. “Do you know how soft your skin is?” His voice was low and rough, that husky tone that excited her, that told her he was focused wholly on her.

She lifted her lashes to see the raw desire etched deeply into his face, the stark need in his eyes-for her. His hands were hard on her hips, turning her body so she lay across the bed, dragging her closer to him, his gaze greedy, centered between her thighs. Her breath caught in her lungs as he opened her legs. His hands stroked caresses along her inner thighs, moving slowly toward her heated center. She ached for him, her body pulsing with awareness and need.

His lips feathered down her abdomen, tongue teasing nerve endings into tiny explosive sparks. He said something low and rough, his voice sensual, eyes darkening, adding to the need building inside of her. The warm, drowsy feeling had been replaced by sheer need. She was shocked how fast desire built inside of her, reaching a fever pitch, and he was only kissing her skin, touching her. There was something sinfully sexy about the harsh stamp of lust on his sensual features as he tugged on her legs, widening her thighs apart, using the width of his shoulders to keep her body open for him.

He lowered his head again and his breath was warm. Her body jerked in reaction but he held her firmly. His tongue stroked a long deep caress and she cried out in a broken tone. His mouth settled over her, his tongue flicking as he suckled at her. He suddenly speared his tongue deep. She moaned and nearly came off the bed. He was strong, stronger than she’d remembered, and he held her hips, pinning her in place while he feasted.

His tongue thrust deep and hard, over and over, circled her clit, and he suckled again, sending fireworks exploding all around her. Her fingers bunched the comforter as she whipped her head back and forth, writhing beneath the sensations ripping through her body as his flicking tongue threw her into orgasm.

“Jesse.” Her breath came in ragged gasps. “Slow down. You have to slow down.” Because the pleasure was skittering too close to pain, the buildup too fast, the orgasm too furious. She felt out of control and unable to catch her breath or think straight. Already another orgasm was building rapidly, winding her tighter and tighter, taking her higher and higher.

He growled low in his throat, the vibration sending a spasm through her womb as her muscles clenched in need. He shifted again, his tongue sliding over her one last time, tasting her heat. He pulled his body onto the bed and rose above her on his knees, catching her h*ps in his hands and lifting her.

Their gazes locked. He looked wild, his eyes almost black with desire, his face glistening. The head of his heavy erection pressed tight against her entrance. She swore her heart stuttered. The air caught in her lungs. And then he plunged into her, driving deep through soft folds and tight muscles, lodging so deep she felt him against her womb. He stretched her, invading, forcing her body to accommodate the intrusion of his thick shaft. Pleasure washed over her at the intensity of the friction, through her, rocking her until she wanted to scream.

Jess began a fast tempo that had her rising to meet him, desperate for release. The powerful strokes took her higher, forcing her body into a tighter and tighter coil. The temperature rose, until she felt as if she was burning, melting around him, until the tension in her just kept building beyond anything she could ever have imagined.

“Stay with me, baby,” he ordered. “Hold on, Saber. Let me have you. God. Baby. Give yourself over to me.”

She hadn’t realized until that moment that she was thrashing beneath him, her head tossing, her nails digging into him, h*ps bucking. She was fighting herself, not him. The gathering storm inside of her was too much, too big, too frightening. It was more than her body, it was all of her, and if she gave herself up, sacrificed everything, trusted him that much…
