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Predatory Game

Predatory Game (GhostWalkers #6)(93)
Author: Christine Feehan

“Brian said Les was reporting to Whitney, but he was a very sick man. Do you think Whitney knew he was sick and that’s why he sent Brian as well?” Saber asked. She yawned and pressed two fingers to her throbbing temples, trying to stop the incessant pounding. “It’s all too complicated for me to figure out.”

“They found recordings of Les’s ramblings. Most of the recordings were missing, so I’m assuming the ones referring to Whitney were taken, but there were enough left to show his descent into madness. It seemed to happen over time.”

There was something in his tone that had Saber going on alert. She reached across the table and caught his hand, waited until his eyes met hers. “It had something to do specifically with me? Did Whitney set him up?”

“We don’t know, baby, but it’s a possibility.”

She jumped up and turned away from him to pace across the floor. Even her legs felt rubbery, her body trembling with weakness.

“Whitney had another man like this working for him, a very sick doctor. Logan thinks it’s part of a larger research project Whitney’s conducting.” As Saber went by him, Jess caught her arm to stop her. “We all believe that Whitney has psychic ability. That he reads people. How else would he find infants with psychic ability? He isn’t the kind of man to have a couple of deviants working for him unless he wanted to study them.”

She frowned and pulled her arm away, not wanting him to notice she couldn’t control the trembling. “Whitney sent him on purpose? How could he know that he’d come after me like that?”

“He didn’t. He wanted to see. At least that’s what we think.”

“And he sent Brian along just in case.”

“He probably didn’t want to take a chance that anything would happen to you before you had a baby. If Brian is a shielder, then at this time, I know of only four of us. Kadan, you, Brian, and me. He needs more children to be born because it’s so rare and obviously he thinks we’re his best bet.”

“Great. I can never have a baby.”

“We’ll have babies,” he said softly, reaching for her again and drawing her close to him. “I’ve already talked to Ken and Jack about purchasing land close to them. We can build a fortress up in the mountains. A few of the others may join us and we can protect the children.”

“What about Patsy? It bothered me that Brian was so insistent about seeing her.”

Jess was silent for a moment, turning things over in his mind. Brian risked being caught to see his sister. Granted, the guards weren’t GhostWalkers, but they were well-trained men from Brady’s security force. When he’d spoken with Patsy she had admitted Brian had come to say good-bye.

“Patsy’s never met Whitney, has she?” Saber asked.

Everything inside of Jess went still. His thoughts were already heading in the direction of Saber’s and it scared him. If Whitney had managed to observe his operation at a major hospital with GhostWalkers around, he certainly could waltz into the hospital where Patsy was.

“Oh God. Hand me the phone. I want her protected at all times. We’ve got to get her out of that hospital and into some place we can better guard her.”

Saber shoved the phone into his hand. “Maybe I should get over there.” She didn’t want to. She wanted someone else to handle all the problems so she could just crawl in bed.

Ken, you and Mari get over to the hospital fast and guard Patsy. I’m afraid Whitney may make a try for her.

Then you wouldn’t have any protection. Neil is meeting with Kadan today and the others were called to work.

Jess glared at Saber, frustrated that Ken would argue with him. “You’re not going without me. I’m sending Ken and Mari there as well.” Get to Patsy. We’ll be right behind you.

You’re vulnerable here, Jess.

Damn it. Don’t you think I know that? Go!

“We’ve got to get over there, Saber. If Brian was interested in Patsy, Whitney must have somehow paired them using his pheromone enhancers. He won’t let her go.”

Saber had reached for the van keys, but she dropped them back on the table and stopped, turning to look at him. “What does that mean, Jesse? You don’t think Brian could have genuine feelings for Patsy?”

“What difference does it make?” he snapped impatiently, reaching past her for the keys. “Let’s go.”

“You go.”

Jess whipped his chair around. “Don’t do this, Saber, not now. Patsy could be in danger.”

“Brian isn’t going to hurt Patsy. And in any case, he’s long gone. She said he left, remember? And Ken and Mari won’t let anything happen to her. I think you should go and see for yourself, but I’m tired. I’ve been up nearly twenty-four hours, been in a shoot-out, and used up all my energy trying to heal your legs. I’m going to bed.”

“Damn it, Saber. This isn’t the time to get pissed off. I wasn’t talking about us.”

“Yes, you were. You think I’m going to just let that go, Jesse? Brian is after Patsy for no other reason than because Whitney paired them? Patsy is beautiful, far more so than I am. She’s sophisticated and educated and most men would kill to have her. She isn’t anything at all like me. If you don’t think Brian could be attracted to her for herself, then no way in hell did you fall in love with me on your own.”

He raked a hand through his hair, wanting to shake her. She was exhausted. He could see it on her face. And hurt. He could see that in her eyes. But the truth was, she was looking for a way out because she was afraid-of him, of Whitney, of being involved in a family, of being part of the community of GhostWalkers.

“You’ve always got one foot out the door, Saber. No matter how much I tell you I love you or that I want you, no matter how many times I tell you that you’re my world and I’d give up everything for you, it isn’t going to matter if you don’t feel it too. I can’t make you want to stay. And I’m not holding you against your will, as much as I’d like to.”

He threw the keys back on the table. “Do you think I’m proud of the fact that we didn’t use birth control? Do you think a man like me ever-ever-forgets something that important? I wanted you pregnant. I wanted you to have my child growing inside of you because you wouldn’t leave me. You’d need me to take care of you and the baby. I hate that I did that. That I even thought that. That’s as much of a trap as Whitney had you in. If you stay with me, it has to be because you love me and want to be with me.”
