Read Books Novel

Pretty Little Secrets

“Is that releasing the muscle?” Vince murmured, grinning down at the girl.

“Oh, yeah,” she answered dreamily. “It’s amazing.”

Hanna’s hackles rose. It was Dinah Morrissey, the feel-my-ass girl.

“Want me to do the other leg?” Vince asked.

“Sure,” Dinah purred in a gravelly voice, lifting a checkerboard Vans slip-on. Dinah couldn’t even wear Nikes or Reeboks like a normal gym-goer.

Hanna leapt across the room as fast as her legs could carry her. Maybe she couldn’t compete with Brooke from a thousand miles away, but she was right here in front of Vince, and the choice between her and Dinah was obvious.

“Um, Vince?” she simpered. “I was going to ask you to stretch me out, too. Yesterday’s workout was a killer.” She twirled a piece of hair around her finger. “Would you mind? I’m in so much pain.”

Vince stood and looked from Dinah to Hanna. “Um, sure, I guess I could,” he said, releasing Dinah’s leg. “We have a couple of minutes before everyone else is due to arrive.”

Dinah sat up and crossed her arms over her ample chest. “What about me?”

“I’ll stretch you after class,” Vince promised.

Ha, Hanna thought triumphantly.

“Lie down,” Vince instructed, and Hanna did as she was told. He told her to raise her left leg, knee bent, and cross her right leg over it. He leaned over her, his hands touching her legs lightly, and pressed. “How does this feel?”

“Really good,” Hanna whispered, staring into Vince’s eyes, which were a dazzling shade of turquoise. Once, when Hanna and Mona first joined the gym in eighth grade—back when they were just beginning their transformations into pretty, popular girls—Mona had stood behind Vince at the juice bar and dropped her change on the floor in an attempt to get his attention. When Vince turned those blue eyes on her, she’d felt hypnotized. “I couldn’t say a word,” she’d gushed. “He was just way too gorgeous.”

Hanna hoped Mona was watching her now from whatever hell she was in, eating her heart out.

“You’re really sore from yesterday, huh?” Vince murmured.

“Mmm-hmm,” Hanna murmured. “But it’s a good kind of sore, you know?”

“I’m sore, too,” Dinah piped up, sitting cross-legged next to them. She had the kind of cle**age guys could stuff dollar bills into. “And you’d be so proud of me, Vince. I had grilled chicken and veggies last night for dinner, just like on your meal plan.”

“That’s great.” Vince sounded delighted. Suck-up, Hanna thought.

“So how long have you worked at the gym?” Hanna asked loudly, diverting the attention back to her.

Vince cupped his hands around Hanna’s knee. “A while, I guess. Long enough to notice you. I’ve watched you run on the treadmill. You have great form.” He laughed sheepishly. “Sorry. I hope that doesn’t sound weird.”

“Of course not,” Hanna said quickly. “So have you always wanted to be a trainer?”

“Well, yes and no,” Vince said. “I’d actually like to start my own spa. It would have personal training, but also a lot of body services as well.”

“That sounds amazing,” Hanna gushed. “I love spas.”

Dinah giggled in that good-natured way that sounded friendly but Hanna knew was sarcastic. “Everyone loves spas,” she said.

Hanna wished she could poke her out of the room with the ten-pound Body Bar propped up in the corner. Didn’t she know it was rude to eavesdrop?

Vince was about to say something else, but then the door to the fitness room opened and the rest of the class trundled in, each of them wearing their GET YOUR BUTT IN GEAR! T-shirts again. Hanna hoped they’d laundered them since yesterday.

“Okay,” Vince said, releasing Hanna’s leg and strutting to the front of the room. Everyone gathered around him. Hanna glanced over her shoulder, making sure no one was lurking in the hallway. She thought about Kate’s suspicions yesterday after dinner. Kate hadn’t followed her here, had she? The last thing Hanna needed was pictures of herself sweating and squatting with a bunch of losers getting on the Internet.

“So I wanted to talk to you guys today about nutrition and full-body wellness,” Vince was saying, settling into a lotus position on the floor. “Being fit isn’t just about exercising—it’s about eating right, too. Making healthy choices. Feeling good in your skin. And I want everyone to make a pledge to be healthy and feel good in their skin during this retreat.”

He passed out sheets of paper that said Boot Camp Pledge at the top. It was a long list, each item starting with I vow to. I vow to eat only clean foods—no processed sugar, no high-fructose corn syrup, no artificial flavoring. I vow not to drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes. At the bottom was a space for a signature.

“By the time this class is over, my goal is for all of you to feel good in your skin—no matter what your body shape is or how many pounds you’ve lost,” Vince said. “And one thing that can help you feel good is this.”

He held up a water bottle. Printed on the side was a label that said AMINOSPA in minimalist letters. “This is the most amazing vitamin water I’ve ever tried. It gives you energy, it flushes toxins out—I even think it helps me concentrate better. I’m a licensed seller, but I’ll give you guys a sample for free.”

He pulled more bottles of AminoSpa from his gym bag and tossed one to everyone. “I think you’ll like it,” he urged. “If you want more, I can get you guys a case at a great rate.”
