Read Books Novel

Pretty Little Secrets

Melissa shrugged. “Everyone knows that if you really want a guy to notice you, just pretend he doesn’t exist.”

Spencer’s gut churned so violently, she was afraid she might puke up the Hawaiian feast.

“But I thought you and I were friends!” Spencer whimpered, tears rushing to her eyes.

“We were never friends,” Melissa snapped, dropping her gloss onto her dresser, where it rolled around and then off onto the lush carpet. She glared at Spencer. “I never forgave you for anything you’ve done to me. And I never will.”

She shot Spencer a cruel smile, then stalked out of the bedroom, down the stairs, and out into the night with Colin, leaving Spencer far behind.

Chapter 10

New Year, New Girl

The next morning, Spencer opened her eyes to lovely golden sunshine streaming through the window. Birds chirped in the trees. A bicycle bell jingled on the street. The surf pounded loudly, and there was a soothing smell of freshly brewed coffee and French toast in the air. It was another glorious morning in Longboat Key.

And then she remembered. Melissa.

She shot up in bed, the details of the night rushing back to her like black sludge spewing out of a spigot. How Colin had arrived, dashing and gorgeous, to profess his love for Melissa. The twist of her sister’s lips as she told Spencer she’d never forgiven her. Spencer had heard them talking on the back patio long into the night, finally turning her sound machine up to level ten to drown out their laughter.

It felt like a punch to the chest. Melissa had never wanted to be friends. She hated Spencer, just like always. The worst thing about all of it was that Spencer had begun to hope that things really could change between them—no, that they had changed.

She pushed her feet into her slippers and padded down the stairs, praying that Melissa wasn’t in the kitchen. Thankfully, only her mother was sitting at the table, thumbing through the newspaper.

“Morning, sweetie.” Spencer’s mother broke the silence. “Did you have fun last night?”

Spencer glanced at her. She was still wearing her robe and pajamas. There was something so vulnerable about seeing her without makeup on. She felt her chin wobble. “Not really,” she blurted out before she could stop herself.

“What happened?”

Spencer tried to keep her lips closed, but the need to purge was too great. She spilled the whole story about Colin, explaining that she’d met an amazing boy on vacation, and it looked like he really liked her, but then someone had stolen him away at the last minute. The only detail she left out was that someone was Melissa.

When she got to the end of the story, recounting how she’d seen Colin go off with the other girl, her mother folded her hands on top of the table. “So what are you going to do about it?”

Spencer blinked. “What can I do about it?” The decision had been made: Melissa won, yet again. “I lost,” she went on. “I should just lick my wounds and move on.”

Her mother’s brows knitted together. “Since when do you look at the world that way? Where’s the girl who does anything and everything to win?”

Spencer shrugged. “That hasn’t gotten me far in the past.”

Her mother clucked her tongue. “If you think this boy is right for you, you have to fight for him.”

There was a defiant, stern look on her mother’s face, and her left hand was curled into a tight fist like she was getting ready to punch someone. “You think so?” Spencer asked. Her voice cracked.

“Absolutely.” Her mother’s chin-length blond hair bobbed as she nodded. “You need to do everything in your power to throw that other girl out of the picture. You have to fight for what you want.”

Something about her tone made Spencer wonder if she was talking from experience. “Does this have anything to do with you and Dad?” she asked in a tiny voice.

Spencer’s mother turned away, becoming transfixed with the bird feeder on the patio. After a moment she breathed in, looking like she was going to say something, but then seemed to change her mind and shut her mouth.

“Are you guys having . . . problems?” Spencer tried again.

“It’s nothing to worry about, honey.” Her mother stood and gave Spencer a tight smile. “Now, do you want a croissant? Maybe I can make you some French toast? Dad picked up that delicious challah bread from Tommy’s . . .”

Spencer murmured that she wasn’t hungry, then watched as her mother drifted distractedly out of the room. It was hard to know whether her parents were really on the rocks or if this was just backlash from everything that had happened this fall.

She stared at her mother’s cup of coffee, which she’d left on the table, and then at a cardigan sweater draped over the back of one of the chairs. It was Melissa’s; she’d worn it to Culpeper’s steak house the other night. She balled it in her hands, the soft cashmere bending to her will.

Her mother’s words swirled through her mind. You have to fight for what you want. Maybe there was some truth to that. Before Melissa had come onto the scene, Colin had been into Spencer—she was sure of it.

She stood up, feeling the effects of her mom’s pep talk zooming through her veins. Forget Melissa’s stupid advice—Spencer was going to get Colin back her way. Dirty. Ruthlessly. By whatever means necessary.

She sauntered out of the kitchen and up the stairs to her room, suddenly rejuvenated. Little did Melissa know it, but the new year was going to bring forth a new Spencer. And she was playing to win.

Chapter 11

Battle on the Beach
