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Primal Bonds

Primal Bonds (Shifters Unbound #2)(30)
Author: Jennifer Ashley

They were at least honest and took her back to Lamar. They signaled her to follow them north on it, and she pulled in behind them. A couple of turns later, and she found a small square building with a sign above its door that read “Bronco’s.”

Bronco’s was low-key, no beer signs in the windows, no advertising that this was a good place to get fine drinks. According to Andrea’s map, the bar was about a mile from the small Shiftertown that lay on the north edge of Austin. Like the bar where Liam worked, this one was probably human-owned but didn’t turn away Shifter clientele.

Andrea pulled into the tiny parking lot and the guys stopped their car behind her. Two got out with her.

“You really don’t want to go in there,” the one from the front seat said. He was tall and lanky with brown eyes that looked as though they could be intelligent and kind. “Shifters can be weird.”

No kidding. Two Shifters were talking to each other just outside the front door, Ursine from the look of them. They’d be able to scent that she was Shifter and that the young men weren’t. They’d also be aware of Andrea’s Fae scent. The Ursines’ Shifter hearing had picked up on the word weird, and they stopped talking.

“I need to look for someone in there,” Andrea told the young human man, aware of the Ursines’ gazes hard on her. “That’s all.”

“But this bar is really bad,” he said. “So I hear. Really. We’ll take you somewhere else. Somewhere nice.”

He seemed very distressed she wanted to go inside, which made Andrea all the more curious and determined. She smiled at him and approached the Ursines.

The two bear-men closed together, staring down at her from their nearly seven-foot height. Andrea had gotten used to Ronan, who was one of the nicest guys imaginable, but these two made her feel like a lost hiker approaching a pair of grizzlies.

Show no fear. They’d smell it on her, but she bravely removed her sunglasses and met their gazes. “I’m looking for Glory,” she said.

The two bears relaxed. One rolled his eyes, and the other grinned. “Yeah, she’s in there.”

Andrea gave them a warm smile. “Thank you.” She shoved her sunglasses back on and approached the door. The brown-eyed student caught the door handle.

“Really. Let’s go someplace else.” He looked anxious, terrified even.

“My friend is in there,” Andrea said. “I need to get her. Then we’ll go.” She’d drag Glory out by the hair and back home if she had to.

“I’m coming with you,” the young man said.

He was human; he could go wherever he wanted to. Andrea shrugged and let him open the door. Humanlike, he gestured for her to go first. Such a weird custom. Who knew what danger waited on the other side?

The noise and smell of the place hit her hard. Smoke, beer, and body odor, mostly Shifter body odor. Music and lots of voices. It was dark inside, incongruous with the white glare of the afternoon. Andrea tucked her sunglasses into her pocket and scanned the interior.

The bar where Liam worked was more like a family place. Cubs couldn’t enter until they reached the human age of twenty-one, but grown families congregated there to meet friends and other families. But no one would encourage mates and cubs to come here. These Shifters weren’t from one enclave—she could scent that. There were two Shiftertowns in Austin, Liam’s and the north Austin one. Another, smaller Shiftertown existed in back Hill Country, up toward Llano. Andrea didn’t know enough Shifters down here to place everyone, but living in communities, Shifters picked up the collective scent of that community. She smelled four or five distinct ones in here.

Glory was easy to spot, sitting on a barstool in her black leather and lacy top, chatting to the human bartender and the Shifter males around her. She saw Andrea and lifted her bottle of beer in greeting.

“Hey, Andrea. Did Dylan send you running after me?”

“No.” Andrea edged against the bar and gave Glory a hard stare. “I came running after you on my own. What are you doing here?”

“Enjoying myself. Who’s your friend?” Glory gave the human who’d followed Andrea her widest, most tooth-filled smile. “He looks edible.”

“He and his friends gave me directions.”

“Oh, he has friends, does he?”


The young man looked from Glory to Andrea, and his face changed. “Aw, f**k, you’re a Shifter.”

Andrea stifled a sigh. “I never said I wasn’t.”

“Damn it, I was trying to help you.”

“Why were you?” Andrea fixed him with a stare. “Why didn’t you want me to come in here?”

The guy clammed up. He wasn’t good at hiding things; humans often weren’t. Something about this bar scared him, though Andrea couldn’t tell whether it was simply because it was a Shifter place or something more sinister was going on.

He gave her an ugly glare worthy of Nate the tracker. “Forget it, bitch. It’s your funeral.” He spun and strode away.

“We need to go,” Andrea began, but Glory clamped her hand on Andrea’s arm.

“No,” she said in a hard voice, though she kept smiling. “You need to stay.”

Andrea stopped. “Why?”

Glory leaned close, bathing Andrea in heavy perfume. “Because there are some very interesting conversations in here.”


“Just listen.”

Andrea slid onto a barstool and signaled for the bartender to bring her a beer. Good Shifter hearing let Andrea eavesdrop while accepting the cold bottle the bartender put in front of her. If she’d been in her Lupine form, her ears would have been twisted hard behind her.

A table full of Felines had the most interesting conversation, and Glory nodded ever so slightly when Andrea focused on snatches of their talk. They were confident, Andrea thought. They must recognize Glory—she stood out, even for a Shifter—but they didn’t seem to worry about her overhearing. The Felines talked for a while, and Andrea went cold. Something was going on, and it didn’t take her long to figure out what.

When Andrea pulled Kim’s car into the driveway an hour or so later, it was to face three Morrissey males: Sean, Dylan, and Liam. They stood with arms folded, right in front of the car, frowning like a tribunal ready to pronounce sentence.

Glory parked her own little car next to her house and leisurely exited her vehicle. Andrea got out of the Mustang and closed the keys in her hand, ready to return them to Kim. Without acknowledging the three watching men, she started for the porch, but Sean stepped in her way. His blue eyes glittered under the black slash of his brows, and his face was hard with anger.
