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Primal Bonds

Primal Bonds (Shifters Unbound #2)(36)
Author: Jennifer Ashley

He’d gazed at her with Fae-dark eyes, black in his pale face. I had to leave. The time between has been long. And now, you …

You’ve been coming to me in my dreams, and now you claim to be my father. If you think I’ll fall on my knees and beg to obey you, you’re a complete fool.

To her surprise, the Fae had smiled. Ah, Andrea. You are so like your mother. He reached for her. Her death took the heart out of me, child. Perhaps you could put it back.

Don’t even think about touching me.

The Fae dropped his hand to his side. No. You must touch me. Touch my skin, and I will prove it to you. I will show you …

Curious in spite of herself, Andrea had been reaching for him when Sean had barreled into her, and the Fae had blinked out.

Andrea had been angry at Sean for stopping her, but she understood, when she’d calmed, why Sean had done it. Fae were treacherous. They weren’t as strong in the human world as they once were, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t do plenty of damage if they managed to cross over. Just because this Fae knew Andrea’s name and said heart-wrenching things about her mother didn’t mean he told the truth. He could be anybody, could have forced knowledge out of her real father, and for whatever purpose the man wanted the sword, it couldn’t be good for Shifters.

The sword continued its rapid, musical whispers as she approached. The runes glowed and quivered, and Andrea’s sleep-blurred eyes saw a glow rise from the hilt in fine threads, the same as she’d envisioned when she’d healed Ely.

Andrea reached for the hilt. A strange reluctance to touch the sword stole over her, but she let her hand hover just above the metal. The threads of light reached for her, touched her palm, tingled.

She jumped, but this touch was different from the touch of the threads in her nightmares. Those threads tried to bind and suffocate her; these caressed her skin and continued their tingling dance. The feeling was warm, comforting.

Andrea moved her hand down the sword, and the threads followed. The sparks were tiny, barely discernable, and moonlight gleamed hard down the length of the sword.

Sean’s sword. Part of him and now trying to be part of her.

Andrea had to smile. His other sword had been part of her tonight too. Sean had truly claimed her, and she’d loved every second of it.

Bring it to me.

The Fae’s remembered command echoed in her head. Andrea pictured herself taking up the sword and carrying it outside into the moonlit clearing to hand it to the tall Fae who would be waiting.

Except there shouldn’t be a moonlit clearing, because it was raining outside. Droplets of rain pattered outside the window and had been this entire time, but Andrea hadn’t noticed them. As soon as she glanced at the window, whatever had passed for moonlight died, though the threads continued to seek her hand.

When she’d healed Ely, she’d cut herself on the blade. She studied the streak across her palm and noted that it had narrowed and dried to a very thin streak.

The sword had touched her blood, and her blood was on the sword.

Did that mean something? Or nothing at all?

“What are you doing, love?”

The floorboards creaked as Sean crossed to her, and then he was behind her, six and a half feet of naked male leaning over Andrea’s equally naked body. His skimmed kisses to her neck, his breath heating her.

“I think your sword likes me,” Andrea said.

Sean’s chuckle sent ripples of warmth into her ear. “Oh, my sword certainly does, love.”

“I meant the one on the table.”

“I didn’t.”

The firm length of him rubbed her bu**ocks, making her smile. Her thoughts of the Fae, threads, healing, and the Sword of the Guardian dissolved and fled as she turned around and buried herself in Sean’s kiss.

“I’m thinking this one needs your touch, Sean,” Liam said the next morning.

Sean’s surprise that Liam wanted him to go solo got buried beneath his memories of waking up next to Andrea. They hadn’t opened their eyes long before he was making love to her again, feeling himself surrounded with all of her. The scent of her filled his thoughts and every breath he took.

Glory had come home while they’d kissed and whispered afterward, and she’d called up the stairs that if they were finished humping each other, she’d make them breakfast. Then Liam had phoned, asking for Sean’s assistance.

“Go talk to them as the Guardian,” Liam said. “Flash your sword. They’ll get the message.”

In other words Sean’s message would be: If you think I’m scary, wait until you meet my brother.

Sean thought he understood a second reason why Liam was sending him. “Kim doesn’t want you going after them, does she?”

Liam grimaced. “Kim’s not being reasonable about this.”

Sean wanted to laugh. He could imagine that argument. “She’s right, though. You need to stay nearby.” A man needed to protect his mate and his unborn cub. “I’ll take Andrea along.”

“You think that’s a good idea?”

Sean thought it was a good idea never to stray far from Andrea’s side again. “She’ll be able to point out who was saying what, help me figure out who is the ringleader so I can take him out first. Besides, I’m not leaving her alone here.” Not with Fae men popping into Shiftertown, and Andrea deciding to run off places by herself.

“She’s not alone anymore, Sean.” Liam’s eyes changed to dark blue, as they did when he was deeply contented. “She’s family now.”

“I’m still trying to convince her of that.”

Liam’s knowing look said it all. He’d known damn well when Sean had walked in here this morning that Sean and Andrea had made love most of the night and on into morning. Deep, satisfying love.

Liam pulled Sean into a tight embrace and nuzzled his cheek, one brother congratulating another. “Go explain to some Felines what we’re trying to do here, Sean. We split into factions among ourselves, we’ll never get these Collars off and ourselves out of Shiftertowns. Don’t kill anyone, though. The last thing we’ll be needing is having to explain to the humans why a few Shifters have become dust.”

Sean released Liam and gave him a caressing pat. “No deaths today. Got it.”

“Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t hold back on the threats, though.”

“I wasn’t planning to. I’ll be my intimidating best, don’t you be worrying.”

Liam’s look turned serious. “And if any of those bastards know who put Ely in the hospital, beat it out of them. The shooter’s going to pay for that.”
