Read Books Novel


Author: A.L. Jackson

He pulled the pendant from the box and flipped it over revealing the cursive “D & M” engraved on the back.

“I love it.” I pulled him to me, trying to show him in my kiss just how much it meant to me that he knew me so well. I had never received a better gift. “And I love you,” I whispered against his mouth.

“Baby, I wish I could telllyou how much I love you, how much you mean to me.” He nuzzled my cheek and continued down my neck, setting a fire across my skin, churning coals that burst into flames deep within my soul.

“Show me.”

Tears wel ed up and spil ed over, running down my face unchecked. My chest constricted as an intense mixture of love and pain broke through the wal s I had so carefully put into place. I heard a strangled sob and realized it was coming from me.

I felt a soft hand on my arm.

“Mel, what’s wrong?” Katie’s voice was filled with concern as she took in the look on my face.

I couldn’t speak, my breathing rapid and strained, but I managed to get out, “Daniel.”

She looked down at my clenched hand. Reaching out, she pried my fingers loose, searching for what was within.

She studied the pendant for a moment and then ran her finger over the faded D & M. A smal , knowing smile formed on her lips, and she walked it straight to the register.

I stood under the hot stream of water feeling dazed. I still couldn’t believe it had come back to me. My hand went to the chain around my neck. I could almost feel the energy radiating from it

I breathed deeply, all owing that energy to comfort me.

When I’d come back from Colorado that last time, I’d tried to rid myself of every memory of the life I could no longer have. I’d packed everything he’d ever given me in a box and dumped it at Goodwil , leaving it there as if it would somehow make me forget.

The next morning I’d panicked, knowing I never wanted to forget. Those were the only memories that would ever mean anything to me. I needed them to survive. I’d gone to get it all back, but it was too late. The one thing I wanted most was gone.

Yet, fate had brought it back to me, confirming what my heart had told me all along. Daniel loved me. That knowledge alone gave me the first true joy I had felt in years.

I finished my shower, surprised to feel refreshed. I always felt tired and worn, but there was something that I didn’t quite understand bubbling under the surface of my consciousness.

The door slammed downstairs, and all the comfort I’d felt evaporated, leaving me with anxiety building in the pit of my stomach. I replaced the towel I was using with a robe, having no desire for Nicholas to see me so exposed.

His feet pounded against the stairs.

“I’m late.” He sounded frustrated as he kicked off his shoes, stripped, and stepped into the shower. I was surprised he hadn’t been home earlier, but it was a pleasant surprise. At least I’d had the time in the shower to be alone in my thoughts. Now it was time to put on my mask and play my part. Nights like these were the whole reason I was here.

“I picked up your suit from the cleaners earlier. It’s hanging in the closet.”

He nodded as he shut the shower door behind him.

I went to my dressing table to apply a little bit of makeup for the evening.

Nicholas was in and out of the shower, grabbing a towel from under the counter.

“This night has to be perfect, Melanie.” He looked at me with a warning in his eyes.

I didn’t know why he thought he had to instruct me about how to act. I’d never let him down before. I was there to make him look good, and that’s what I did.

“Of course, Nicholas,” I simply agreed with him, saying as little as possible.

After finishing my hair, I stepped into the huge walk-in closet attached to the bathroom to get my dress.

Nicholas was already there, putting on his suit.

I rushed as I dropped the robe from my body, hoping to get dressed before he noticed. Of course, I failed.

Nicholas groaned from behind me. I hurried to pul my underwear on, trying to ignore him.

“Turn around, let me see you,” he demanded.

Shit. I hated this.

Slowly, I turned, my underwear my only source of cover. I kept my head down, refusing to make eye contact with him.

“You’re almost perfect, Melanie,” he sneered at me, hate dripping from his words. I wondered if he despised me as much as I did him. He looked me up and down, reaching out to run his fingers from my neck, down my chest, and to my bellybutton, where he jerked his hand away. “You need to see a plastic surgeon. I’m tired of looking at those scars.” He turned away from me to finish dressing, his use for me over for the moment.

I began to shake, heat flaring in my veins. I ran my fingers along the scarred flesh, remembering how I’d felt that day.

I’d never let Nicholas steal that from me.

“Never.” The word was low, but clear and


He wasn’t facing me, but I could see the muscles tense in his back as he paused for the briefest moment.

It was the first time I’d ever told him no. Something was shifting within me. I was tired, tired of living a lie.

I wasn’t quite sure what this meant, but I knew I was finished letting Nicholas run my life. I’d known all this time that it was a mistake to come here with him, but I always just accepted it as my fate. Somewhere deep within me, something was beginning to fight that.

I didn’t know how, and I didn’t know why, but what I did know was a change was coming.

Chapter 06

Finally, it was Thursday.

I couldn’t wait to get this building project finalized.

It had been wearing on me for so many months, and the thought of not having to think about it on a daily basis sounded like heaven.

The downside of it being Thursday would be dealing with Vanessa. That girl had control of my whole day, and the thought of sitting next to that bitch through two meals made my skin crawl.

“Wel , that’s what you get.” I was punishing myself.

I broke the rules, and now I had to pay.

Maybe if this caused me enough grief, it would embed itself in my mind, ensuring I would never make that mistake again. Just the thought of talking to her made me ready to swear off women for the next century. It was just not worth it.

“Good morning, Lisa,” I said as I entered the lobby.

“Good morning, Dr. Montgomery.” She looked up from her computer with a warm smile.

I spent the morning finishing the last of the paperwork that had to be turned into the bank while I tried desperately not to think of the meeting with Vanessa. I could only imagine the ways she would try to manipulate me, and all kinds of scenarios started to play out in my head as the clock neared noon.
