Read Books Novel


Author: A.L. Jackson

I tried to concentrate on the sound of my breathing as I finished the last form and faxed it over to the lender.

Quarter to twelve—judgment time.

I took a steeling breath before I grabbed my coat and briefcase.

“Hey, Lisa, I’m leaving for my lunch meeting. I’ll be back in a couple of hours. You can cal my cel if you need me.”

“Sure, Dr. Montgomery.”

The drive to Tavalindo’s was short, and I had a couple of minutes to sit in my car and gather my wits. This was going to be unpleasant no matter what, so I just needed to get it over with.

I got out of the car, walked across the parking lot, and entered the restaurant foyer. I’d eaten here a couple of times, and it was good food, but there was no way I would be able to eat with my stomach twisted in knots.

“Such a pu**y, Daniel,” I muttered under my breath. This was ridiculous. She was just a girl. If I didn’t like what she proposed, I would just tel her no. Simple as that. I didn’t have to all ow her to control me. Just because I was in unfamiliar territory didn’t mean I had to come out the loser.

Those thoughts gave me some courage as I

scanned the restaurant. I spotted Vanessa sitting near a back window.

She really was a beautiful woman. Her strawberry blonde hair and smattering of freckles across her face gave her a look that hinted at innocence, but the fire roaring behind her icy blue eyes and the way she held her impeccable body told you she was anything but. Yet she did nothing for me. Nobody ever did.

She gave me a nod from across the room, letting me know she’d seen me, and I strode across the floor to her.

“Vanessa.” I dipped a curt nod, deciding to go all business.

“Hel o, Daniel.” She leaned up from her chair, as if she expected some sort of embrace. I extended her my hand. She narrowed her eyes before returning the formal shake and then sat back down. She sipped her water and studied me.

I didn’t want to be a complete dick to her. I still had to sit with her through dinner, but I didn’t want her to have the upper hand in this conversation.

“So, how’s everything going with the new

practice?” she asked casually.

Nice way to start the conversation, Vanessa. She might as wel have asked me to whip out my checkbook.

I struggled to sound normal. “Everything is going pretty well. That’s actually what the dinner is about tonight.

It’s a meeting with the contractors I want to hire for the project.”

The server appeared and took our order, and I was thankful for the few minutes of distraction. The moment she walked away, an uncomfortable silence settled over us, both of us glancing around the restaurant and then back at the table; anything to keep from making eye contact. I began playing with my tie before deciding I’d had enough of the whole situation.

“Al right, Vanessa. Why are we here?”

Taken off guard, she jerked her head up. She pursed her lips together and then sucked the bottom one in nervously before looking me straight in the eye. “I’m pregnant.” My brow furrowed as I tried to understand why the hel she thought that information would be important to me.

“Wel , congratulations, I guess. But what does this have to do with me?” The whole conversation was uncomfortable. It took everything I had not to bolt from my chair.

“Daniel, I’m almost five months pregnant. Why do you think I’ve been trying to get in touch with you for the last three months?” she spat the words at me.

Al the air left my lungs as her words clicked—

Vanessa was pregnant, and she was tel ing me the baby was mine.


I shook my head. This could not be happening.

Blood drained from my face, and I felt

lightheaded, the skin prickling on the back of my neck as sweat drenched my forehead. I felt nauseous, my hands trembled, and I grasped the table to keep myself from fal ing from my chair.

“Daniel. Daniel.” Vanessa snapped her fingers in front of my face. “Have you heard anything I said? I was tel ing you I have an ultrasound next week—” I put my hand up to stop her; I couldn’t register a word she was saying right now over the roaring in my ears. I stood, still holding onto the table for support. “I have to go.”

“What? You can’t just leave. We need to talk about this, and our lunch isn’t even here yet.” She sounded desperate, begging me to sit back down, but I couldn’t deal with her right now. It was as if every unhealed wound I’d harbored inside me ripped open anew.

I could only shake my head and repeat, “I have to go.”

I started to walk away but realized I didn’t even know where she lived.

“Um…uh, we’ll talk tonight, okay? I just have to go right now. Text me your address.” She nodded, appearing frustrated and confused.

Somehow, I was able to walk out of the restaurant and to my car. Thoughts came fast, and I was having a hard time keeping them at bay. Melanie was the only person in this world I ever wanted to have a child with. The thought of my flesh growing inside of another woman’s body made me sick. My head spun, and I grabbed it trying to orient myself enough to be able to get home. Flashes of Melanie infiltrated my mind, but I pushed them back.

I had to get home.

I started the car and raced from the parking lot.

There was no way I would ever make it back to the office this afternoon. I pulled myself together enough to dial the office number.

“Montgomery Oncology,” Lisa answered on the second ring. “How can I help you?”

“Lisa, it’s…it’s Daniel,” I tried to keep my voice even, but it shook. “Something’s come up. I’m not going to make it back to the office this afternoon.”

“Daniel, what’s wrong?” Lisa sounded panicked, so I could only imagine what I must have sounded like to her.

“Just something came up. Just tel my father I’ll see him tomorrow.” I hung up as soon as I got it out.

Flying through the streets, I arrived at my condo only minutes later.

I ignored my phone as it rang, only for it to beep with a message and then start right up again. Looking at the screen, I saw it was Dad.

“Shit!” I raked my hands through my hair, trying to control the emotions that were ready to explode.

He’d just keep cal ing and probably send Mom to come and check on me if I didn’t answer.

“Hey, Dad.” I choked, trying to hide the pain that was ready to crush me.

“Daniel, what the hel happened? Lisa said you left for a lunch meeting and then called very upset, saying you weren’t coming back in today.” Dad was a very calm, control ed man, but I could hear the dread in his voice. He knew after everything I’d been through, it would take something drastic to keep me from work. “Where are you?
