Read Books Novel


Author: A.L. Jackson

She got out giggling. “You didn’t.”

I descended the three steps to stand in front of her. “Do you like it?”

“Daniel, seriously, you bought a new car?”

“Did you think I was going to let my baby girl ride in that old thing?” I laughed as I pulled Melanie into my arms, feeling the peace that her touch brought.

Melanie’s car was so old. It broke down constantly, so I bought a new car for our family. The four-door sedan was white and nothing fancy, but it was reliable and safe.

She hugged me. “Thank you for taking care of us.”

I stood with her in my arms, swaying as I cherished her in our embrace. I grinned as I felt her stomach press against me, our baby now prominent between us. I never wanted to let her go. She was my home.

“Do you have any idea how much I love you?” She grasped my hand from her side and brought it to her face, making me cup her cheek in my hand, hers covering mine. My whole arm burned with the fire that she set in me. “Yes, because I feel it, Daniel, every time you touch me.” She pressed her cheek further into my hand to demonstrate the power that held the two of us together, the energy flowing soundly between us.

A low ahem from behind caused me to pull away.

“We wanted to say hi to Melanie before you guys took off for the weekend.” Dad brought Melanie into a hug and kissed her on the temple. “How are my girls?” Melanie grinned. “We’re great, Patrick.” She rubbed her belly. “Growing every day.” We loaded her bag into the trunk, and said our goodbyes to Mom and Dad, promising we’d be back early enough on Sunday to spend some time with them.

The ride back to Boulder went quickly. We talked the whole way about our little girl, the plans we’d made, and how anxious we were for them to all come to pass.

We’d decided a couple of months ago to get married as soon as Melanie turned eighteen, which was next month. Mom and Erin had planned a small wedding in our backyard, just family and a few friends. Melanie had never dreamed of the big wedding and neither had I.

Her parents still didn’t know. I’d been pushing her for months to tell them. She was just over six-months pregnant, and there would be no hiding this much longer.

Rumors had already started, and Steve was either going to have to find out from us soon, or he was going to hear it from someone else. As it was, the man was blind if he hadn’t noticed that Melanie was showing.

I didn’t bring it up on the ride home; I just wanted us to be at peace.

Once the conversation died down, we enjoyed each other in silence as we traveled down the road.

Melanie rested her head against the seat, her hand loosely entwined with mine.

Every time I glanced at her, my chest burned with the love I felt for her.

Trees became sparse as we neared town, the forest soon behind us. Buildings began to line the freeway, and before we knew it, we were in the city.

“Daniel, you just missed your turn.” We passed the University of Colorado next right sign.

“We’re not going to the dorm. I have a surprise for you.” I made little circles on the back of her hand with my thumb as I took the second exit, making a left and heading north.

I pulled up in front of the little white house, the one I knew Melanie would love.

“Welcome home.” I pecked her on the mouth before hopping out and running around to the passenger door. I helped her out, trying to gauge her reaction as she took everything in. We’d have to be here in Boulder for at least the next four or five years, and I wanted to be sure we had a home to raise our daughter.

“Daniel.” She breathed out. Her eyes scanned the front yard, coming to rest on the front porch. Walking forward, she ran her hand along the railing as she ascended the steps, going directly to the swing suspended from the roof. She had tears in her eyes and a smile on her face, and I knew it was right.

“Home,” she said the word and reached for my hand. “Thank you.” She’d always said I felt like home to her, and I couldn’t be happier than to give her one.

“Do you want to see inside?” I reached for her hand and unlocked the front door.

She stepped inside, and I heard a little gasp as both of her hands went to her face while she shook her head.

“Daniel, it’s perfect. How?” She looked around our house, absorbing everything around her.

“Mom,” we both said it at the same time. It was so clear Mom had a hand in this. Melanie loved old things, and I knew the house for her would be warm and comfortable, a place where we could be at ease while we watched our little girl play on the floor.

She walked around the family room, her fingers trailing over the photos mom had so carefully picked out.

Melanie picked up the picture of us right after my graduation. “I love this one.” She turned it toward me so I could see it.

“It’s my favorite, too.”

“I can’t believe your mom knows me this well, Daniel.” She ran her hand over the fabric of the large suede couch, still shaking her head.

I led her to the kitchen, the room I was most excited for her to see. She was an amazing cook, and I wanted her to have her dream kitchen.

“Oh, my gosh,” she gushed as she danced into the kitchen, running her fingertips along the butcher-block island that sat directly in the middle. It had new stainless steel appliances but decorated a little country so it would still have a warm feel. “I want to make us dinner tonight!” Her eyes were wide with excitement, opening drawers and slamming cabinets as she took time to check everything.

“Of course, if that’s what you want to do, but I don’t want you to get too tired.” I worried she put too much stress on herself, but the thought of Melanie cooking dinner in our kitchen made my mouth water.

She shook her head. “No, I really want to.” She walked up to me and slid her arms around my sides, pulling me close to rest her head on my chest. “You are the most perfect man ever created. Do you understand how much this house means to me, Daniel? It’s wonderful, but it would never be home without you. Do you understand? You’re everything.” She squeezed me tighter as she said the last words.

Her words left me awestruck. I knew with every part of my being, she’d been made specifically for me and I for her. My arms tightened around her, and I buried my nose in her hair.

Reluctantly I stepped back, took her hand, and led her down the hallway. I could feel my heart racing as I approached the next room. I prayed Melanie would like it.
