Read Books Novel


Author: A.L. Jackson

Instead, he whispered, “Bitch,” low enough that only I could hear.

Daniel’s hands resting on the table tightened into fists, his face burned, and his eyes, dead only moments ago, now filled with pure hate.

Rarely had I seen that expression on his face, but I knew it—Daniel was absolutely dripping with rage. He looked as if he was going to rip Nicholas’s arm off. I could see he was restraining himself in his seat, holding himself back, his fury threatening to explode.

I just didn’t understand it. He didn’t want me! How could he sit there and be angry that I was with somebody else when he had let me go? I wanted to scream at him, to beg him for an answer. Why? Why did he do this to me?

Love and hate warred within me, tearing my soul apart.

Daniel’s date sat silent, fidgeting with her napkin, leaning in further and further toward him. He ignored her.

She sighed every few seconds, seeking his attention, but it seemed as if he didn’t even know she was there.

Nicholas had grown frustrated with the situation, his voice commanding attention as he tried to force his presentation on Daniel. There was an edge to his voice that no smart businessman would ever direct toward a potential client, but I knew Nicholas. He was jealous that I was receiving what he thought he deserved. I was supposed to be there to win him more attention, not to take it from him.

Poor Shane seemed to have no clue what was going on, only that things were spiraling out of control. He jumped in trying to salvage the evening. I felt awful that my presence had ruined this for him. I looked at him, offering a weak smile of encouragement as he cut in and started speaking for Nicholas.

Katie stared at Daniel as he stared at me. She was trying to sort everything out. I could see it in the squint of her eyes and the furrow of her brow.

Shane seemed to have drawn Daniel in, asking him questions about how he felt about certain details. I could still feel the tension radiating off him, but he was at least having a serious conversation with Shane. He still had never even glanced at Vanessa, who sipped her water, appearing bored or maybe annoyed. Shane made quick progress, and it seemed all of Daniel’s concerns were put to rest, Shane having a solution for everything. Nicholas seethed at Shane, jealous, once again, that his younger partner had the charisma he lacked.

Relief washed over the table when dinner arrived.

They put talk of business on hold for the moment as our server placed our food in front of us.

Katie gave me a curious glance as she started to speak. “So, Daniel, you just recently moved here to Chicago? Where did you come from?” Her head tilted to the side, waiting for his answer, her eyes sliding to mine for the briefest moment before they went back to Daniel’s.

He cleared his throat, frowning. “Uh, I’m from Colorado.” He turned his attention back to his plate, obviously trying to avoid Katie’s questions. I tried to warn her by clenching her thigh to stop but knew she’d continue until she got her answers. I was sure she’d already figured out who Daniel was.

“Mm.” She took a smal bite of her baked potato as she nodded before turning her attention to Vanessa.

“Vanessa, how do you know Daniel?” She played it off as smal talk, but it was anything but.

Vanessa’s face brightened, and she reached for Daniel’s hand and squeezed it. “Daniel and I are having a baby!”

I choked on my steak, tears fil ing my eyes as another part of my heart ripped from me. I knew that was the reason he didn’t want me, but it hurt to have it paraded in front of me. I covered the sob in my throat with a cough.

Nicholas glared at me, warning me to get myself under control.

Daniel’s eyes flew to me, pain etched deep in the lines of his face, jerking his hand from Vanessa. I didn’t understand what was happening between the two of them.

He should be thril ed. all he’d ever wanted was to be a father, and now he was going to get it. I wanted to be angry that he had that without me, but I knew how much he deserved it. He had the best heart of any person I’d ever met. Deep inside all I wanted was for him to be happy even if it kil ed me to watch it happen.

Katie was relentless. “Oh, I guess congratulations are in order then?” It was almost a question as she looked at Daniel. He turned his head to the opposite wal , raking his hands through his hair the way he always did when he was worried or upset.

“So, is this your first child?” It was clear she wanted Daniel to answer, but Vanessa spoke first. “Yes, it’s a boy. We’re so excited.”

I felt as if a knife had been jabbed directly into my stomach, the air leaving me as I clutched my torso and squeezed my eyes shut.

I couldn’t listen.

Chapter 09

I still couldn’t believe melanie was here.

It was all I could do to keep myself from jumping over the table to get to her, to fal to my knees, to plead for forgiveness, to beg her to take me back.

I’d barely heard the proposal for the new building.

Everything around me was a haze except for her; she was the light and all else was dark.

In her brief touch I’d found everything I’d missed for the last nine years, and I knew then what my heart had known the whole time—she was mine. I could feel it, her love burning in her skin, scorching me, devouring me, searching all of me to claim me as her own.

Even with her husband sitting between us, I knew she was mine. The fact that she’d married someone else had nearly kil ed me, but in all of that, I had just wanted her to be happy. But after meeting Nicholas, I couldn’t understand why she’d picked him. I’d never hated anyone more in my life, repel ed by his arrogance and conceit.

Worst was the way he spoke and looked down at her. It was as if he held an aura of authority over her, no compassion just control. Nobody treated my Melanie that way. How could she let him?

Did she love him?


I didn’t believe that. I could see how miserable she was just by looking at her. Her face had the same expression that mine held every day. She was as broken as I was. Then why? Did she hate me so much she would rather lie next to this repulsive man than be with me?

I’d struggled to pay attention to Shane as he went over their proposal, thankful when dinner was finally served.

That relief only lasted a minute before his wife started asking questions.

I’d felt Melanie’s heartbreak the moment Vanessa uttered those words.

Daniel and I are having a baby.

Melanie had tried unsuccessfully to stifle her cries.

My eyes darted to her, dreading to see the pain I knew I would find.
