Read Books Novel


Author: A.L. Jackson

Of course, I knew why. What I didn’t understand was why she didn’t tel me herself. Why she left me waiting for months when I didn’t even know she’d left me for someone else. Searching her face, I prayed I’d find the answer there. I took her face in my hands and caressed her cheeks. Her head shifted in my hand, her eyes filled with confusion? The expression on her face left me with more questions than I’d started with.

She gave me no answer, and I didn’t push her.

Perhaps the reason she’d never told me herself was she couldn’t bring herself to say the words to me. It didn’t matter anyway. all that mattered was the love flowing between us right now, and I knew I only had a few moments more. I couldn’t waste them.

Her gorgeous neck was flushed; wrapped in the same gold I’d given her the first time I made love to her, tangible evidence that she still thought of me.

I slowly ran my hand from her cheek to her neck so I could touch the chain, running my fingers along it. It held an energy all its own. I reached for the pendant, needing to feel our initials intertwined together, a promise of forever resting over her heart. I couldn’t hold back the smile tugging on my lips as I rubbed it between two fingers, the inscription worn but unmistakable.

“My love.” I had to say it out loud. I’d been tel ing her all night with my body, hoping she’d understand. Now she could make no mistake.

Her whole body shook, and I was afraid she was going to break down or run from me. Instead, her hand reached for me, her movements jerky. My mouth watered when she finally touched me, her thumb running across my bottom lip. Our bodies drifted closer, every second bringing her nearer to me. I had to taste. I leaned in, her lips inviting mine.

“Melanie.” Katie’s voice cut through the air.

I jumped back.


I was jerked back to reality as I realized I’d nearly kissed a woman whose husband was sitting twenty feet away. Katie stood guard over her friend, pulling her away, defending her from me.

It stung. She was mine, not his. But only in soul and not in body. My girl would leave with that man. The weight of our circumstances crushed me as I tore myself away from her. I felt on the verge of death as I forced myself to turn and walk away.

I nearly ran the rest of the way to the table, my decision made. How could I not sign this contract? Shane knew what he was doing, though none of that was even a consideration. I would do anything it took to be near Melanie.

“Okay, Shane, let’s do this.” He nodded

agreement, his grin wide as he pushed the papers toward me, using his finger to indicate everywhere I needed to sign.

My heart rate sped up as I felt Melanie approach from behind. I reveled in the satisfaction that I knew her; nobody could take that away from me.

With the last signature in place, everyone stood to leave. Shane reached out and took his wife’s hand.

Nicholas grabbed Melanie’s hand, dragging her through the restaurant, his body nearly two feet in front of her as she struggled to keep up. I seriously wanted to beat that guy. It was torture, and all I could do was fol ow.

I quietly muttered, “Come on,” to Vanessa, gesturing for her to walk ahead of me. I would have to deal with that situation soon enough, but it would have to wait. I had to get one more glimpse of Melanie before she took my heart with her once again.

Outside the restaurant, we gathered on the sidewalk, waiting for our cars. Once again, that uncomfortable tension set in. Resentment rol ed off Nicholas. I couldn’t tel if it was directed at me or Shane or Melanie—most likely a combination of us alll.

Shane came to stand in front of me, his hand extended. “It’s going to be great working with you, Daniel. I promise you’ll not be disappointed.”

I was positive it was going to be a good

experience working with him. I reached out, taking his hand.

“I have faith in you, Shane. We’ll talk again on Monday when I bring the information from the bank to your office.” I didn’t even acknowledge Nicholas. As far as I was concerned, he had no bearing in this decision.

Katie was at Shane’s side, looking at me

curiously. I still didn’t know what this woman was up to, but somehow I believed she was on Melanie’s side. I felt confident she only wanted what was best for my girl.

I reached my hand to hers, taking it. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Katie.” Her tender glance at Melanie confirmed her love for my girl, and I relaxed at her touch, squeezing her hand lightly.

“Nice to meet you, too, Daniel.” Katie flashed a knowing smile, her blue eyes twinkling. No question. She knew exactly who I was.

I cringed when I heard Nicholas’s voice breaking the calm that had settled in the air. “Let’s go, Melanie.” I turned just in time to see him shove her into the car. His grip was rough, and I didn’t miss the grimace on Melanie’s face as she was thrown into her seat. That was it. I couldn’t stand by and watch him treat Melanie like that. If he was this aggressive in public, it scared the shit out of me to think about what he would do to her when he got her home.

With my hands in fists, I prepared to rip the guy in two. I had taken no more than a step when a firm hand tugged on my shoulder. Katie’s face was solemn and hard, expressing her disapproval with two sharp shakes of her head. I nearly ripped her hand from me, stopping only when she leaned in and whispered in my ear, “Daniel, you’re just going to make it worse.”

Resigned at her words, I shoved my hands into my pockets. It kil ed me to all ow Melanie to go with that creep, but the last thing I wanted to do was cause trouble for her.

I’d done enough of that to last her a lifetime. I couldn’t tear my eyes from her as she sat in her seat and waited as her bastard husband ran around to the other side of the car.

“Bye,” passed from her lips as the car sped away.

I could only hope she could see it when I mouthed “my love” to her. Instantly, my chest burned with the loss. Giving me a sad smile, Katie squeezed my arm. She leaned in, her mouth against my ear. “She loves you, too.” Shane watched our interaction, confused. She dropped her hand and walked to her husband, wrapping her arms around his waist and speaking to him under her breath.

Shane’s expression quickly shone in

understanding. He nodded a couple of times before a huge smile spread across his face. They bid us goodbye when their car pulled up to the curb.

“What the hel was that?” Vanessa stood behind me, irritated, her hands on her hips.
